View Full Version : plastic thunderhawk

uber aemos
11-27-2010, 11:36 AM
Don't know if any one else has spotted it, but in the uk white dwarf this month on page 7 under forgeworld releases there is a picture of an ultramarine thunderhawk, now i have been comparing it to the forge world one for the last 5 mins and the gun barrels are different as is the crew compartment, just sayin i think its a plastic T bird. what do you guys reckon?

11-27-2010, 12:36 PM
About the only substantiation we have on the plastic thawk is the fact that its been widely rumored that this coming summer will be the "summer of fliers" and that the previously thought flagship model of this release was to be the storm raven and its been pushed up to Feb by many accounts.

Still, creating a logistical link between two unconfirmed and unsubstantiated rumors is not reliable.

11-27-2010, 01:14 PM
Well, there was that Dark Angels Thunderhawk up on the GW website a few weeks ago that looked like it was balanced differently than the forgeworld one. Considering we haven't had a plastic super heavy in a year or two, now seems like the time

11-27-2010, 01:41 PM
About the only substantiation we have on the plastic thawk is the fact that its been widely rumored that this coming summer will be the "summer of fliers" and that the previously thought flagship model of this release was to be the storm raven and its been pushed up to Feb by many accounts.

Still, creating a logistical link between two unconfirmed and unsubstantiated rumors is not reliable.

The only person who has said anything about a Flyer release is Stickmonkey, who's about as reliable as your average GW employee for rumors.

11-27-2010, 02:28 PM
I like it how it says 'forgeworld' release. And then you say, plastic thunderhawk.

Well, technically, you are correct-- forgeworld has/is releasing a plastic thunderhawk made from the same resin that forgeworld makes for all of their models.

Herald of Nurgle
11-27-2010, 02:36 PM
I will eat my buboes if there is a plastic Thunderhawk next year.

11-27-2010, 03:12 PM
Eww... Herald, I was eating... :(

That said the rumors regarding a plastic T-Hawk (and these are ancient Apocalypse era rumors) are that:

-GW can do it, the technology is there.
-Prototypes were done in the same era as the early work on the Valkyrie and other rumored Forgeworld pieces were moved over (such as the Thunderbolt).
-Big issues were things such number of sprues, box size, demand, and pricing.
-In general the Plastic t-hawk was shelved for future date when the market for large kits was more mature and primed for such a "top shelf" release.
-Thus we have seen the bigger kits come out slowly but surely to test the waters with the Baneblade/variants and the Stompa.

Basically, GW has it, and its a business decision as to when it will reach the market. Its anyone's guess as to what its price in plastic would be.

11-27-2010, 03:34 PM
The only person who has said anything about a Flyer release is Stickmonkey, who's about as reliable as your average GW employee for rumors.

No, he's significantly more reliable. The problem is, he doesn't usually see the end result. He sees the early concepts and ideas that GW starts with. Some of those ideas get dropped, some change, but they are what GW starts with. And remember, Stickmonkey sometimes sees stuff long before GW themselves have decided on which direction to take, so you can't blame Stickmonkey if stuff doesn't match up.

I'll also point out that Stickmonkey will occasionally hear stuff from a source he's not sure he can really rely on, so he reports it with some salt.

Your average GW employee, however, knows exactly as much as we do. Meaning nothing but what they hear from people like Stickmonkey.

11-27-2010, 04:07 PM
I thinkvmost people agree that a thunder hawk would sell like hot cakes... Though vie heard nothing official, I can say that the summer of fliers would be a perfect time to release the hawk.


11-27-2010, 10:09 PM
I know several people who claim they would buy one or three if they came out in plastic.

11-27-2010, 10:47 PM
I know several people who claim they would buy one or three if they came out in plastic.

I was talking today about a plastic thunderhawk and we both agree on buying a couple if they come out.

11-28-2010, 02:10 AM
I am in for 2 to go with my Forgeworld one.



Drew da Destroya
11-28-2010, 04:51 AM
This rumor circulates every 6 months or so. I guess it'd be cool if it came out, but overall I don't really see it selling well enough to work... are there that many Apoc games going down?

Admittedly, I'm a bit jaded as an Ork and DE player... I don't see any use in the Hawk! Too expensive to use as scrap conversion parts, too not-my-army for me to buy one otherwise! At least I can convert a Baneblade into a Battlefortress.

11-28-2010, 09:53 AM
This rumor circulates every 6 months or so. I guess it'd be cool if it came out, but overall I don't really see it selling well enough to work... are there that many Apoc games going down?

Actually, a LOT. All I play is Apocalypse and I play in two other Apoc groups here in Southern California besides running the Apocalypse group out of the GW L.A. Battle Bunker. I see a lot of people playing nothing but Apoc these days.



11-28-2010, 03:11 PM
Actually, a LOT. All I play is Apocalypse and I play in two other Apoc groups here in Southern California besides running the Apocalypse group out of the GW L.A. Battle Bunker. I see a lot of people playing nothing but Apoc these days.



I'm with Loken here. All I play is Apoc. We still have regular sessions of 40K at the FLGS, but Apoc is when all the "other" players come out of the woodwork. It's more of an event, and so it draws us all out to play. Although, not as much as we'd like.

I'm up for the plastic, as I've still yet to have even looked at my metal T-hawk since I took pictures for the board a year ago.

John M>

11-28-2010, 04:03 PM
Actually, a LOT. All I play is Apocalypse and I play in two other Apoc groups here in Southern California besides running the Apocalypse group out of the GW L.A. Battle Bunker. I see a lot of people playing nothing but Apoc these days.



Don't get me wrong, I love apoc, hell I have my own Eldar airforce and titan legion - but these types of events where you get 5+ people per team and it turns into a giant cluster fsck where nobody has a clue whats going on and a single player is needed in three different parts of the board at the same time.

Apoc is great - but the complete lack of tactics due to the OTT rules makes the games boring after 7 or so hours.

Night System
11-28-2010, 05:41 PM
Id buy 3, gota have an Airforce!

Thinking about it more seriously, i play many campaign games, and with my space marines, i ALWAYS want to include a thunderhawk as for fluff, each strike force should have there thunderhawk to drop them off into battlezones. The only thing stopping me is the forgeworld price tag. Take that out, and im there.

11-28-2010, 06:13 PM
Id want 3 for my created chapter. Think that chaos marines would buy one as well and stick chaos symbols on it, as well as greyknights and inquisition, all would be able to use it so its not just a one army peice

11-28-2010, 06:41 PM
Id want 3 for my created chapter. Think that chaos marines would buy one as well and stick chaos symbols on it, as well as greyknights and inquisition, all would be able to use it so its not just a one army peice

Don't forget those Ork Looted Thunda 'Awks.

Brass Scorpion
11-28-2010, 07:23 PM
I'd love to see a GW standard release Thunderhawk kit. That would be a must-have for my collection, and maybe more than one.

11-28-2010, 07:34 PM
Thunderhawk? Are you kidding me? I'd HAVE to IG-ifiy it. Swap crew,file off SM iconography, and add in weapons like dual Punishers in the nose. Make this thing like a super-heavy A-10.

11-29-2010, 12:38 AM
I'd buy one, but I will be surprised if we see it any time soon. Must admit I would rather see a plastic Eldar superheavy first, Imperium has its baneblade already.

11-29-2010, 12:51 AM
I would buy a plastic Thunderhawk in a second. $100 to $120 would be the right price tag for me.

I don't play Apocalypse, but I would love it for display with my Blood Angels or even to dramatize a land raider deep striking.

11-29-2010, 02:48 PM
I'm interested in seeing this picture in WD. Is it the Dark Eldar issue? Pictures?

Most sightings of an assumed plastic Thunderhawk end up being dismissed. Much like the one that was oddly posed on the What's New Today blog. Some speculate that a resin model can't be posed in such a manner, it just too heavy. Sorry, to kill your dreams but that is in fact a Forge World Thunderhawk.

11-29-2010, 04:38 PM
Nobody talks about the "plastic" Orca, in the same picture? :p

12-01-2010, 04:18 PM
Why are there no scans of this picture on the internet yet? :mad:

12-01-2010, 06:30 PM
Why are there no scans of this picture on the internet yet? :mad:

my badly taken picture of the ad from the US version:


(sorry it's not the best quality)

12-01-2010, 08:17 PM
Looks like a regular Thunderhawk to me....

12-02-2010, 04:21 AM
I find it ironic that there is a picture under "new releases" that hasnt any new releases in it...

unless one of the two fliers is beeing plastacised or a new tau codex is comaing... or because they absolutely need it a new marine dex :D

12-02-2010, 06:22 AM
Isn't it a little short to be the FW kit? Can the FW T Hawk actually sit on top of the landing pad? I havn't seen one in person in about 4 years, but I thought it was much longer than that. Its stubbiness remindes me of the metal kit, which is shorter, but it is obviously not the metal one because of the details being different.

John M>

12-02-2010, 09:43 AM
Though I would love to see a plastic thunderhawk, nothing about this picture screams "this isn't the forgeworld model," though inwould love to be corrected by some kind of evidence.


12-02-2010, 09:47 AM
I can't really discern and differences between the Thunderhawk in that photo and the FW website photos.

12-02-2010, 11:32 AM
Isn't it a little short to be the FW kit? Can the FW T Hawk actually sit on top of the landing pad? I havn't seen one in person in about 4 years, but I thought it was much longer than that. Its stubbiness remindes me of the metal kit, which is shorter, but it is obviously not the metal one because of the details being different.

John M>

The Landing Pad is quite large. Look at the pitcher with the Valk! The Landing Pad dwarfs it.

It's one of the reasons I'd realy like to get one. Sadlythere is way to much imperal Markings molded onto it. For the effort to chaos it up, I would just build one from scratch.

12-02-2010, 11:50 AM
It was funny this got brought up as I was talking to my local GW manager and the reginal manager about the storm raven leaked photos and the reginal said atleast it wasnt a plastic thunderhawk now I took it as a joke at the time but well open to speculation now... but its not the 1st time ive heard rumers about a possible plastic thunderhawk so I wont hold my breath but im going to save up a little to make sure i could pre order 2 for my appocalypse list

12-02-2010, 12:33 PM
As I recall, the Ultramarines painted T-hawk that the studio has was one of the development models. The final product ended up slightly different.

12-13-2010, 11:53 PM
Tool master (http://www.tool-masters.com/) are produced in high speed steels in a wide variety of diameters and lengths according to the application and machine

12-30-2010, 03:03 PM
my badly taken picture of the ad from the US version:


(sorry it's not the best quality)

Dull cote your forehead it cuts down on the glare next time you take a pic.

12-31-2010, 09:43 AM
Am I the only one that ....

1) Sees the thunderhawk

2) Then sees the giant Forgeworld logo in the corner

3) proceeds to say "duhhh"

I'm bettin my jollies I acquired this past week that, that thunderchicken is 100% resin.

12-31-2010, 09:57 PM
Think that is, as you say, still the resin kit!!

01-01-2011, 11:42 PM
I just pulled up the forges t-hawk to the one everyone is talking about,Its missing alot of things that would make it a true forge T-hawk the fact that they trimmed alot of stuff off of it.makes it easy to see that they made it plastic to sell more of them maybe for GW or for themselves

01-02-2011, 06:52 AM
next year's going to have a WD "flyer" special, so it may be true. (1 in a million)
why not?
Well, GW's biggest kit is the stompa. This thing is too big.
FW have already made one. (ignoring the trygon, ect.)
the highlight of the "flyer" WD is the stormraven- if they did a plastic TH i'm pretty sure that'd be the highlight instead.

As much as I would like one, it just wouldn't happen. I would buy one, but...1 in a million.

01-02-2011, 11:32 AM
I just pulled up the forges t-hawk to the one everyone is talking about,Its missing alot of things that would make it a true forge T-hawk the fact that they trimmed alot of stuff off of it.makes it easy to see that they made it plastic to sell more of them maybe for GW or for themselves

Ummm..... I don't see any detail missing.

I see a fuzzy pitcher of a thunderhawk were it's hard to make out that detail.

01-02-2011, 03:44 PM

This is my thunderhawk. I don't see the diffrence. (the blur in the pic before hides some of the detail, but it is the same)
I say no plastic.

01-03-2011, 01:13 AM
Sorry I forgot to say that I have the WD magazine with said pic to look at, there are a few things missing that should be there to make it the Forges resin T-hawk to this new plastic T-hawk they show in WD

01-03-2011, 11:02 AM
Well, letīs wait until they make it official, little fanboys!!!

01-03-2011, 11:20 AM
It's not gonna happen. I'm 96% sure.

01-04-2011, 05:30 PM
Same, but one can hope

01-05-2011, 04:01 AM
I dont believe in plastic T-Hawks.

but everyone and their dog "beeing shure" that it wouldnt happen didnt stop gw from putting the trygon into the nid dex (everyone I know thought it would be an apoc-release like the baneblade).

everything is possible :)

01-05-2011, 08:26 AM
did anyone that says that that one is the plasic one do a search for similar threads?

I did theres the same thunderhawk in a different pic in a different WD that got ppl excited back then and it turned out it was a pre production resin one that is stored down at nottingham

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 09:18 AM
I think the plastic GW Thunderhawk is like alien life forms, they exist, but no one has ever really seen one. Except for the people who may have been involved in the prototype that supposedly exists, I don't think such a model has ever been seen by anyone else. Just keep hoping that eventually GW sees a way to make money on it and it will materialize at that point.

01-05-2011, 03:59 PM
oh they will make money on it its just they make more from the resin kits

01-06-2011, 09:25 AM
oh they will make money on it its just they make more from the resin kits

They migth make more from the resin kits, but they will sell more plastic ones. I personally love the T-hawk despite not being much of a marine player. I'd buy at last 2 I'm sure if it was around a hundred dollars US as opposed to 618 dollars US. Thats money made as opposed to no money made. That price tag is daunting to even serious collectors as its gets harder to justify such an expense not to mention the extra care it takes to build such a large resin model.