View Full Version : Deep striking and outflanking

11-27-2010, 09:06 AM
Ever on my quest to become a great hybrid gamer I have come across another "to do or not to do" question. Lots of people like to deep strike absolutley everything they can and outflank with everything that could infiltrate. However what I'm wondering is what types of units should deep strike or outflank. In case Im too vague I speciffically mean shooty units and CC units.

11-27-2010, 11:34 AM
Ever on my quest to become a great hybrid gamer I have come across another "to do or not to do" question. Lots of people like to deep strike absolutley everything they can and outflank with everything that could infiltrate. However what I'm wondering is what types of units should deep strike or outflank. In case Im too vague I speciffically mean shooty units and CC units.

Honestly, 100% depends on what the terrain is, who the opponent is, what type of army they have and how the play it, the mission type and the deployment type, as well as how the opponent deploys.

It's very hard to say, "Always outlfank or DS this unit" or "Never do it with that one". Genestealers for instance, sometimes it's not a good idea to outflank or inflitrate. Just deploying them normally also has it's uses. Just because stormtroopers or assault marines can deepstrike doesn't mean you should.

I played against a BA player a few days ago that had some fairly large units of assault marines deepstriking with armor, librarians and the such on the field. I just castled up and force him to DS where I wanted him to. Both 10-man squads ended up suffering 70-80 percent losses before the could do much.

Against another army that might have worked, but against mine he should have hid the squads behind his armor and used them as cover or should have hopped from cover-to-cover.

The tactics are all situational.

11-27-2010, 10:11 PM
Actually, you should really never deploy Gene Stealers normally. They should always infiltrate or go into reserve. Remember that you can put them in your deployment zone--exactly where you would have put them if you'd deployed them normally-- even if the infiltrate. There will be times when using the infiltrate rule will leave them all in the exact same spot they'd have been in if you didn't, but they're extremely few and far between, and there are pretty much never times when failing to use the infiltrate rule will let you place them somewhere they couldn't be placed with the infiltrate rule.

11-27-2010, 11:52 PM
Actually, you should really never deploy Gene Stealers normally. They should always infiltrate or go into reserve. Remember that you can put them in your deployment zone--exactly where you would have put them if you'd deployed them normally-- even if the infiltrate. There will be times when using the infiltrate rule will leave them all in the exact same spot they'd have been in if you didn't, but they're extremely few and far between, and there are pretty much never times when failing to use the infiltrate rule will let you place them somewhere they couldn't be placed with the infiltrate rule.

Very fair point. Also can mess with the opponents head and force them to deploy in a way that isn't ideal for them. I like it.

11-28-2010, 12:33 AM
Ever on my quest to become a great hybrid gamer I have come across another "to do or not to do" question. Lots of people like to deep strike absolutley everything they can and outflank with everything that could infiltrate. However what I'm wondering is what types of units should deep strike or outflank. In case Im too vague I speciffically mean shooty units and CC units.

It kinda depends on what army you're playing.

I tend to field more "hybrid" lists and usually only outflank things that are tactically important: My warwalkers almost always outflank. AV10 does not survive long when squadroned up. By outflanking not only do I usually get a decent chance at all that mech side/rear armor, but against IG artillery--it's like a turkey shoot.

I do the same with Sentinels. Only thing more fragile than an av10 walker, is an open-topped av10 walker...

It's best to match infiltrating/outflanking/deepstriking with your overall battle plan. There's no need to always deepstrike everything you can, unless you have no choice, like Daemon armies.

11-28-2010, 02:50 AM
Honestly, 100% depends on what the terrain is, who the opponent is, what type of army they have and how the play it, the mission type and the deployment type, as well as how the opponent deploys.

It's very hard to say, "Always outlfank or DS this unit" or "Never do it with that one". Genestealers for instance, sometimes it's not a good idea to outflank or inflitrate. Just deploying them normally also has it's uses. Just because stormtroopers or assault marines can deepstrike doesn't mean you should.

I played against a BA player a few days ago that had some fairly large units of assault marines deepstriking with armor, librarians and the such on the field. I just castled up and force him to DS where I wanted him to. Both 10-man squads ended up suffering 70-80 percent losses before the could do much.

Against another army that might have worked, but against mine he should have hid the squads behind his armor and used them as cover or should have hopped from cover-to-cover.

The tactics are all situational.

All right then, well heres a situation that I do find myself in quite a lot. Usually my opponent knows what they're doing with the terrain and set their share up in a way that makes it difficult for me to DS into the midst without him having cover or me getting shot up. How can I make the best use of Deep striking into the heart of the enemy?

11-28-2010, 10:24 AM
All right then, well heres a situation that I do find myself in quite a lot. Usually my opponent knows what they're doing with the terrain and set their share up in a way that makes it difficult for me to DS into the midst without him having cover or me getting shot up. How can I make the best use of Deep striking into the heart of the enemy?

If that is the case, then deny him the privilege of deep striking where he wants you to. The real question, what you are deep striking. Drop pods and slam down right next to an enemy unit, Every thing else has to be only 1" away from enemy models.

I don't deep strike my Vendettas as I would rather not lose them to a simple mishap. Instead I out flank them. Yes, my opponent may have a unit tucked deep into the corner I am coming from, but he still has to worry about the unit in it, much less it shooting at him. He now has to watch not just my board edge for reserves, he has to watch the flanks. If you can do both in a game, I say do it. The more areas he has to watch for units showing up, the less he can devote to you line.

Of course, if he runs all his units across the board, the deep strike in his zone and hit him from behind.

11-28-2010, 10:55 AM
All right then, well heres a situation that I do find myself in quite a lot. Usually my opponent knows what they're doing with the terrain and set their share up in a way that makes it difficult for me to DS into the midst without him having cover or me getting shot up. How can I make the best use of Deep striking into the heart of the enemy?

Well, there's half the problem. You're not supposed to pick table sides and then set up terrain. You set up the terrain, and then roll for who deploys on which side.

I bet that makes him change his terrain layout if he knows he has even odds of not being able to deploy there.