View Full Version : Looking for miniatures for Adeptus Mechanicus Army

11-26-2010, 07:44 PM
My new local gaming store - Hall of Heroes had a range of miniatures from "micro art studios" called iron brotherhood. A few of us playing 40K had heard of minidexes for Adeptus Mechanicus floating around, so I downloaded 2 of them and will choose one to work with. I know it will not be a legal army, so I intend to use it for friendly games and just to collect a nice looking display army.

My question is this, other than the Micro Art Studios, what other companies out there that make miniatures suitable for an Adeptus Mechanicus Army?

I want to avoid a lot of conversion work to get the army looking Mechanicus looking, and I even thought of having them as Dark Mechanicus, as I have either corrupted the Imperial armies I collect (Sisters and Guard), or collect Chaos based Armies Daemons and Chaos Marines).

I would be looking for tanks and walkers as well as more foot troops and heavier Ogryn (Praetorian Aulxilia), Robots (cybernetica maniples), Electro priests, etc. The iron brotherhood range can provide models for the following units: - Myrmidion Velites, Myrmidion assault engines, Pretorians, Hypastis, Skitarii, and even a Tech Magos Character, and do not need any convwersion at all. Unless I want to make some look a little daemonically possessed.

If anyone has already started an Adeptus Mechanicus Army, I would like to see what you have collected.

11-26-2010, 08:23 PM
Quite a few Warmachine models, with a few simple conversions, make great Adeptus Mechanicus models - I'll take a picture of the one my fianceé uses in our Dark Heresy games as her Tech Priest, but suffice to say, it's great.

11-27-2010, 02:32 AM
Quite a few Warmachine models, with a few simple conversions, make great Adeptus Mechanicus models - I'll take a picture of the one my fianceé uses in our Dark Heresy games as her Tech Priest, but suffice to say, it's great.
Thanks Connjurus.

Just checked out a website for warmachine. I especially like the look of some of the Cryx range. Some of them are just what I am looking for.

11-27-2010, 04:19 AM
I've been trying to build a satisfactory AdMech army for the last three years. There's not a whole lot of useful stuff, sad to say.

Especially the Kolony rebel heads in gas masks; good for converting tech-guard. Minor conversions to the kolony Ferals vield some nice skitarri.

Quantum Gothic:
Some very nice artillery pieces; good for basilisk / manticore conversions.

West Wind Games:
Have a few things that might or might not be useful to you as Cataphractoi.

Ironclad Miniatures:
Their steam tanks convert up nicely, and the Sanwar are pretty good as minor tech adepts.

Antenocitis Workshop:
Has an excellent supply of scratchbuilding conversion parts.

Ramshackle Games:
Is the best source of cheap vehicles and conversion parts. Be warned: their stuff does require a huge amount of prep time to clean off resin releaser, as well as work dealing with vast amounts of flash; it can be a pain. However, the models look great when assembled.

Wargames Factory:
produces the Shocktroops line, and they're pretty damn spiffy. Feet are a little small, but otherwise, they're almost perfect.

AT-43's "Oni" line used to be perfect in many ways... but they've just gone out of production this last month; you might get lucky on eBay...

These are the ones off the top of my head.

I would also suggest that Lord of the Rings Army of the Dead models are great as basic skitarri (if you're prepared to do a lotof conversion work (and no-one starts an AdMech army without being prepared to do a metric frakton of conversion work). Basically, take the Army of the Dead figure, use a craft knife to "shave" and resculpt their armour into flat, laminated plates, replace their arms with Cadian IG ones, replace the head with a gasmask or feral head from Pig-Iron, then sculpt them a cowl from GS, and you're good to go! :) Plus there's twenty in a box.

11-27-2010, 06:54 AM
MaltonNecromancer thanks as well. I liked quite a few of the sites and have bookmarked them for when I start the project.

Hopefully I will not build the army too big. My Adeptus Arbites Army built using the BOLS minidex is already over 3000 Pts.

I always seem to collect unpopular or hard to build / collect armies.

11-29-2010, 06:37 AM
I did a load of converting AdMech earlier this year. Sadly house buying has eaten the second part of this year, but I'm looking forward to doing more!

My blog has my models and also links to some cool inspirational Ad Mech armies I've found elsewhere: http://admech.blogspot.com/