View Full Version : Army Painter Primer Touch Up Colors

11-24-2010, 09:50 PM
Not sure how many of you use The Army Painter spray primers but I've found that sometimes it's hard to find the right color to use when touching up a model and there is not really a resource that provides color matching. Here are some that I have found though experimentation or e-mailing Jonas at the Army Painter.

Navy Blue - 5/1 mix of Vallejo Game Color Midnight Blue and Magic Blue. 4/1 mix of Reaper Master Series Clear Blue and Cyan Blue

Plate Mail - None of these are exact but all are pretty close: Warpaints Silver, Reaper Master Series Honed Steel, Vallejo Chain mail Silver

Pure Red - Reaper master Series Clear Read, Vallejo Game Color Blood Red, Warpaints Red

Army Green - GW Foundation Gnarloc Green

Greenskin - Warpaints Green

The Navy Blue was by far the hardest to match. Jonas at the Army Painter recommended Vallejo Flames of War Dark Blue with a little white mixed in but I couldn't get it to match. If anyone else has any that they've used, please post.