View Full Version : Necron Hintings?

11-24-2010, 10:12 AM
Ok I know this is an optimistic guess but if your a necron fan like me you will have noticed this.
Last month, forge-world, tomb stalker released. This month necrons were in the bat rep.
Who else thinks that these are signs that the necron update is just around the corner?

11-24-2010, 10:16 AM
Well other rumors I've seen have them slated for an update in spring or early summer, like Q2 or Q3. I was under the impression they will be the post-Grey Knight xenos.

11-24-2010, 11:00 AM
Right, we've actually been hearing about them for a while. They should be one of the next codices in line for an update, though it's hard to say exactly when that will happen. Probably Q2 next year at the earliest.

11-24-2010, 11:44 AM
I agree with what has been said. Grey Knights are next and they will come out in March at earliest since BA are getting a 2nd wave in Feb and Skaven are getting a 2nd wave in Jan. I suspect that 5e necrons will come out Q3 or Q4 2011. Tyranids and DE can get 2nd waves and fantasy releases like TK, OK, and O&G are rumoured to be on the way.

11-24-2010, 12:36 PM
... I suspect that 5e necrons will come out Q3 or Q4 2011...

I have been hearing Q2/Q3 next year for 3 years now.

I am worried Necrons may go the way of squats. They nerf'ed them in the 5th Edition. They are supposed to be the unkillable machines. The final solution, and instead, any army can finish them off in a game.

Give me back the Necrons of old, let them rise from the dead like the zombie machines they are, and keep coming back. Let them kill tanks at impossible ranges with strange and wondrous machines. Let them wade across the battlefield spreading terror and ignoring fire from the enemy.

I don't care if each model costs more than a space marine (though GW will, since they make money on volume).

My thinking is (Based on GW's need to sell product).

Warriors - simple cheap Necrons - make them nasty at short range, but killable in hand to hand fighting. Drop the point cost from 18 to say 8 or 9, that way a Necron army could have 4 or 5 units of warriors. Give them an energy weapon that is not a gauss gun, and cut their specs as required to make them cheap (therefore you need a lot).

Immortals - big brother to the Warriors, keep them the way they were before 5th edition.

Wraiths - new models that can be put together and will stay together. Then make them the nasty hand to hand come out of the ground troops, in fact GW could make extra money by giving us a set that has just hands, then part of the body, then the most of the wraith out of the ground.

Tomb Stalker is a nice edition, now give me a longer one that troops can ride on.

Lords - Give me Uber Lords and you can keep the C'Tan for bigger games.

Destroyers - let me target different targets with a squadron if i have a Destroyer Lord attached.

Heavy Destroyers - either give me the Gauss rule back or make them strength 10, up the WS at the same time, if you don't give back the Gauss rule or make them twin linked.

Necrons need a troop choice that can go hand to hand. Call them "spawn" for lack of a better name, machinery that has been corrupted to the Necron cause, mindless, moves forward, can be directed by a lord or herded by a Tomb Spider, slow, clanky, full of sharp edges - they have no ability to hurt another unit at range, but if they engage you in close combat, the are nasty. Old computers, toasters and other machinery melt into spawn. Let them be called based on the battlefield - the more urban - the more spawn the lord can call.

I have more crazy ideas, but you get my thinking on what Necrons should be.

11-24-2010, 05:46 PM
I think the necrons should have a big tank or walker thats made up of necrons and when it gets destroyed it folds out into a bunch of necrons. That would be cool.

11-25-2010, 02:09 AM
I have been hearing Q2/Q3 next year for 3 years now.

I am worried Necrons may go the way of squats.

Exact same thing people said about Dark Eldar. And the exact same thing people have said about Grey Knights. And look where we are now:p.

Thing is, while there is always some speculation about new codices, we haven't heard any actual reliable sources until now. Now, we have people who have a proven, accurate track record, that have physically seen stuff being done for the new armies. We have good reason to expect that Necrons will be updated eventually, short of an official announcement from GW.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-25-2010, 07:22 AM
They should make them even more techno-ovecraftian.

The ability to take a pure wraith army would be good, even if a special character is needed. More messed up weird mechanical horrors would be most welcome. Obelisk would be welcome, but not the stupid flat thing that's been described before - a weird floating pillar with heieroglyphs and arcane weaponry. I'd also like to see a lovecraftian style necron whose living-metal has failed and its AI reduced to little more than bestial, a kind of metal shoggoth (think the thing meets the messed up T-1000 at the end of T2). A giant wraith-construct the size of a Trygon would be aweosme too, with lot's of metal tentacles ect.

11-25-2010, 09:22 AM
Tomb Stalker is a nice edition, now give me a longer one that troops can ride on.


11-25-2010, 01:08 PM
I do of course believe that GK will be the next army release. What Im thinking is that these hintings are suggesting that the necrons are going to spring back up on their feet very shortly after the GK
On a sidenote: Can necrons jump?

11-29-2010, 02:38 PM
There was a picture of a painting station full of fresh Necrons on the What's New Today blog not to long ago. So yes, I think it's all a sign of things to come.

Night System
11-30-2010, 06:03 AM
The higher profiling of release definetely is a sign that there not being squated. More like raising the profile of the army for an upcoming future (very future...) release.

I for one cant wait, i have wanted a decent necron army for... well... since 5th came out, awkward that isnt it.