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View Full Version : Dreadstone Blight tower: A Review

Lunar Camel
11-24-2010, 12:24 AM
So I just picked up the new Dreadstone Blight tower for Warhammer and Mordheim. I have to admit, I was surprised by the kit.

When I opened the box, I was expecting sprues of terrain goodness. But, to my surprise, no sprues! The pieces were enclosed in two large ziplock bags (roughly 8X11 in). Upon closer examination, each piece was already clipped from the sprue before being packaged. And not sloppily either. The cut was either real close to the piece or had just a bit extruding which was easy to clean up with a file.

The pieces were also very easy to clean of mold lines. The base had no mold lines to clean. Each wall and floor piece had the mold lines runnning around the perimeter of each piece. GW must be using a new type of plastic as each piece is very strong, you can feel it being denser than the earlier kits. But the flash was real easy to take off with a file. I used a round file for the entire piece and did not encounter any hard spots. Even the areas where the sprues were clipped were easy to file down.

The entire tower is easy to put together. You can either build it like the instructions show, or you can build it how you want. Walls can be configured in many different ways. The floor piece is piece of genius. It comes in three pieces. When used seperately, each piece makes a very good ruined wooden floor with little odds and ends. But when you combine each three like a puzzle, it makes a complete circular floor.

The size of the tower is impressive as well. The complete floor can hold a small movement tray (around 20 troops). The ruined floors are big enough to place missile troops around the windows and ruined walls (perfect for Mordheim).

A couple of tips when building the tower:

a) Put the wall sections as you see fit. The instructions show how to build it but you can also use your imagination. Just pay attention to the positioning of the doors and windows to get the most out of the tower for your troops. No sense of placing a window over the hole in the floor for the stairs where no one can see out of it.

b) Don't put the walls on the base and top of each other until after you have primed and painted the pieces. There is a lot of detail on the inside of the tower (including the special Tzeentch door). If you put all the floors together, there is no way to paint any of it, even if its just to drybrush it.

All in all, I was very surprised by the kit and its versatility. It makes a great addition to my warhammer games as an objective and great vantage point for my Mordheim troops.