View Full Version : When did chaplains become the norm?

11-23-2010, 04:24 PM
Loyalist chapters now use, in one form or another, chaplains.

but reading through the Horus Heresy its clear that the first legion to use chaplains, and the only legion to do so for a long time were the Word Bearers. In fact the chaplains were how the traitors were corrupted and the Imperium was meant to be secular.

When did chaplains - with the crosius, skull mask and black armour become the norm for the Loyalists?

* I know there was a dark angel chaplain in descent of angels, let us not speak of him for it would demean us all to consider that book a true horus heresy novel. Its a terrible dark angels novel that happens to have a primarch

Vaddok Sek
11-23-2010, 05:54 PM
* I know there was a dark angel chaplain in descent of angels, let us not speak of him for it would demean us all to consider that book a true horus heresy novel. Its a terrible dark angels novel that happens to have a primarch

That same chaplain appears in Fallen Angels as well, the Wolf Priests in the Space Wolves take up the same role as an apothcary in collecting the gene seed and chirurgery as well as chaplain duties, i haven't read Prospero Burns yet so I really don't know if this office predated the heresy.

11-23-2010, 06:04 PM
There are several mentioned in the first heretic, and I was pretty sure in the earlier- luna wolves centric books there Word bearer representive s one, try and find one who isn't a worde bearer though is a harder job.

The Imperium at this stage is Very anti-theist. so when did the chaplains appear? (theres no reason given as to why the dark angels have a chaplian, I thought there would be as it was out of keeping with the rest of the series but as there wasn't I'm assuming this was an oversight by the author- this is why I don't count those novels in this regard)

So can anyone else find a Chaplain other than in these legions pre heresy?

Vaddok Sek
11-23-2010, 06:12 PM
Could have just been a motivational speaker/guidance counselor for the legion, the astartes still don't revere the Emperor as an actual god and the chaplains still function in the afformentioned capacities.

11-23-2010, 06:37 PM
thats more or less what they are, they have black armour, skull helms and crosius arcanums- but no mention of a rosarius- probably because these are awarded by the eccliesasticy which didn't exist. Did the dark angel chaplain have a rosarius- i wouldn't be sruprised if he did.

Just wondering when the other Legions/chapters started using Chaplains?

11-23-2010, 07:35 PM
I think the Legions had them all the time but their role before the Heresy was probably much like the function the commissars now serve in the Imperial Guard. They were inspirational figures that instilled loyalty, punished disobedience, and identifying thoses who had become unstable (a common occurrance during the rapid transformation of a man into a space marine used at the time) or may deviate from the Imperial cause. This role expanded further after the Council of Nikea where they were also given the task of rooting out any battle brothers that may have psychic powers.

Over time this morphed into preaching about the divinity of their primarch and the Emperor, although not to extend of the Imperial Ecclesiarchy. It was then they assumed more of a role as a priest.

11-23-2010, 08:05 PM
Over time this morphed into preaching about the divinity of their primarch and the Emperor, although not to extend of the Imperial Ecclesiarchy. It was then they assumed more of a role as a priest.

They don't preach about their Primarch or the Emperor as Divine.

11-23-2010, 08:57 PM
They don't preach about their Primarch or the Emperor as Divine.

You're right, bad choice of word. Revered would be better.

Lucian Kain
11-24-2010, 02:37 AM
I would sajest they started useing chaplains widely after finding out that the astartes are infact fallible,the chaplain's job is to be the moral compass and spiritual leader of soldiers

11-24-2010, 09:03 AM
Used to be they came about after the Council of Nikea, to watch for deviation due to psychic abilities, following the laws, spiritual purity etc. Don't know if that's changed as we haven't seen much of that timeframe.