View Full Version : Chapter Names pre Primachs?

11-20-2010, 04:58 PM
:) G'day All!
Just finished "The First Heretic" & what a great read. More Fluff & info comes with each new HH novel.
In the book we learn that the Word Bearers were known as "the Imperial Heralds" prior to being reunited with Lorgar.
We know that the Sons of Horus were previously the Lunar Wolves but do we know of any other Chapters that had a Name Change after their Primarch was reunited with them. :confused:

11-20-2010, 05:15 PM
:) G'day All!
Just finished "The First Heretic" & what a great read. More Fluff & info comes with each new HH novel.
In the book we learn that the Word Bearers were known as "the Imperial Heralds" prior to being reunited with Lorgar.
We know that the Sons of Horus were previously the Lunar Wolves but do we know of any other Chapters that had a Name Change after their Primarch was reunited with them. :confused:

I think most of them were just referred to as Legion I, II, II, ect. Obviously the Wordbearers/Imperial Heralds were an exception.

I've always wondered why the primarchs weren't more creative. I mean out of 18 named Legions you have two with Angels, Wolves, and Iron in their names. You'd think the Emperor would have told them "No, someone else is using that. Pick something different like Cats or Dogs or some other nonferous metal." But I digress....

11-20-2010, 06:43 PM
All hail the creative spirit of Vulkan and his hoarde of green superhumans :)

11-20-2010, 09:04 PM
The World Eaters were the "War Hounds" prior to meeting Angron, and the Death Guard were the "Dusk Raiders" prior to meeting Mortarion.

And technically, the Lunar Wolves didn't change their name when they were reunited with Horus, it was long afterwards in the aftermath of the Ullanor campaign (although I know I'm splitting hairs here..);)

11-20-2010, 10:03 PM
I think that the Dark Angels were called "Dark Angels," before meeting Lion. IIRC


Vaddok Sek
11-20-2010, 11:17 PM
I think that the Dark Angels were called "Dark Angels," before meeting Lion. IIRC


Nah, they were just the 1st (I) Legion, Johnson rechristens it when the Order is incorperated into it after the Emperor comes to Caliban in "Descent of Angels".

11-21-2010, 07:14 AM
Makes you wonder how Roboute Guilliman got the name for his Legion:

Guilliman: "I want that color of blue for my armor. What's it called?"
Armorer: It is known as ultramarine, sire."
Guilliman: "Ultramarine? Say, I like that...."

11-21-2010, 09:27 AM
nah guilliman got it from being a stuck up posh git, thinking his marines are superior to others. Its why he had the nerve to ask the imperial fists to split up, despite never being in the defense of terra lazy git.

11-21-2010, 10:01 AM
Nah, they were just the 1st (I) Legion, Johnson rechristens it when the Order is incorperated into it after the Emperor comes to Caliban in "Descent of Angels".

Probably right, I just remember reading somewhere when they said they were his first legion and were his dark angels in bringing the galaxy together again.

Perhaps they were just referencing the view they held themselves in, and not their official name,


11-21-2010, 04:15 PM
The World Eaters were the "War Hounds" prior to meeting Angron, and the Death Guard were the "Dusk Raiders" prior to meeting Mortarion.

And technically, the Lunar Wolves didn't change their name when they were reunited with Horus, it was long afterwards in the aftermath of the Ullanor campaign (although I know I'm splitting hairs here..);)

:) Yes I now remember reading of the Death Guard being the Dusk Raiders but not of the War Hounds. Thanks for that!
Do you remember the source for the World Eaters pre name?

11-21-2010, 04:40 PM
:) Yes I now remember reading of the Death Guard being the Dusk Raiders but not of the War Hounds. Thanks for that!
Do you remember the source for the World Eaters pre name?

The World Eaters info is in "Tales of the Heresy", in (I believe) the last short story in that book.

11-21-2010, 04:54 PM
nah guilliman got it from being a stuck up posh git, thinking his marines are superior to others. Its why he had the nerve to ask the imperial fists to split up, despite never being in the defense of terra lazy git.

OOOOOOOOOR it could have been because they were from Ultramar? JUST A GUESS GUYS

11-21-2010, 07:30 PM
OOOOOOOOOR it could have been because they were from Ultramar? JUST A GUESS GUYS

Whoa now! Don't you go now an' start bringin' any of dat logic stuff 'round 'ere. We was just fine without it, ya hear?!


Baron Spikey
11-21-2010, 08:31 PM
So obviously the Ultramarines would have had a name that changed once they were reunited with their Primarch, I wonder if we'll ever find out what it was?

11-21-2010, 09:19 PM
They were the Aquila Marines ("Aquamarines" for short.) :D

11-22-2010, 10:21 PM
Whoa now! Don't you go now an' start bringin' any of dat logic stuff 'round 'ere. We was just fine without it, ya hear?!


[posh accent]

Logic, my good sir, is precisely the sort of thing that made "Ultramarines" such a logical choice for the nomenclature of my beloved legion. We are, in all things, ultra.

[/posh accent]

Prior to the discovery of Ultramar, however, how would they have known to call themselves the "ULTRAMARines?" It seems more likely that it really was just a clever portmanteau of Guilliman after they discovered him, and that they were the XIII legion prior to this. Props for being creative!

Oh man... All this logic is hurting my head.

Vaddok Sek
11-22-2010, 10:42 PM
:) Yes I now remember reading of the Death Guard being the Dusk Raiders but not of the War Hounds. Thanks for that!
Do you remember the source for the World Eaters pre name?

"After Desh'ea" by Matt Farrer from Tales of Heresy

11-23-2010, 04:51 AM
the thousand sons didn't change their name, thanks to some foresight-based shenanigans on the emperor's part (and possibly also magnus)

11-26-2010, 03:48 PM
The emperor was already chatting away with magnus before his discovery though :P

12-03-2010, 04:04 AM
It is possible that Ultramarines were Ultramarines even before reuniting with Guilliman and finding Ultramar.

12-07-2010, 09:27 AM
Pretty sure that the "Dusk Raiders" were the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus...something leads me to believe that Iacton "The Half Heard" Qruze was talking about it near the begining of Flight of the Eisenstein. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong...but something tells me he was proud of being a Dusk Raider since he was a Unifacation War Vet or something.

12-07-2010, 12:00 PM
Master_of_the_Ordnance, Dusk Raiders became the Death Guard. You're thinking of Nathaniel Garro from Flight of the Eisenstein.
