View Full Version : Dark Eldar Competitive 2500 and 2250 edit

11-18-2010, 05:05 PM
HQ Sqaud

2nd HQ
Phantasm Grenade Launcher
Razor Flails
Shardnet & Impaler
Haywire Grenades

Kabalite Warriors x10
Dark Lance

2nd Troops
Wytchs x10
Phantasm Grenade Launcher
Shardnet & Impaler
Haywire Grenades


Incubi x10

Fast Attack

Reavers x6
Heat Lance
grav talonx2
Arena Champion

Hellions x10

Heavy Support

Ravager with dark lances

Ravager with disintegrator cannons

Talos Pain Engine
TW Heat Lance
Extra Close Combat Weapon

Please let me know what you think and critque it. Im normally a Space Wolves player so i need some tactics and other stuff as well. I Also need a tournament list for 2250 pts so please suggest what i should drop and what not for that.

11-18-2010, 05:13 PM
unless you have a huge attraction to those HQ's i would suggest that theyre not entirely competitive. well, lelith maybe, but i really dont think drahzar is. a well tooled up archon and/or one of the more utility oriented hq's (malys, the baron, sliscus, vect) would cost similar or less points and do more on the table.

im not gonna comment on the units as a whole due to general inexperience with the army on my part and a stubborn refusal to use anything but kabalite units, but there seems to be a glaring lack of anti tank in the army, moar lances! and also, only two small scoring units at 2250+ seems like the best your gonna achieve is draws.

edit: theres 3 scoring units on second glance, still doesnt seem solid enough.

11-18-2010, 05:28 PM
i can see where your coming from. I agree with you on the not enough lances but the wytchs with the Haywire grenades make up for that. Considering i dont think ill be playing guard ( noone in my town plays them ) i wont face many tanks besides a landraider or 2 and dreadnaughts. Ill look at doing more with the troops for securing objects,

and Drazhar has a cool trick to pull things into the open for my firing line and with a squad on incubi he tore through logan grimnar and his terminators. Im still testing things but i think im gonna stick with the 2 characters.

11-18-2010, 07:55 PM
Your army is short on scoring units, so if you drop one of the HQs and substitute it with Haemonculi, you would probably be in better shape. When you take Haemonculi, wracks can become a troop choice, which are pretty good because they are T 4 and start out with FNP. Without an accompanying Haemonculus, your units can be shop up pretty easy.

The following look like wasted points to me - phantasm grenade launcher for wyches (they already have plasma grenades and most likely they won't get charged but shot to hell if they aren't in CC or in a raider), agoniser for the sybarite (if your warriors are in CC with MEQ, it will help, but probably not enough), Talos (it will be ignored or shot up while it makes its way across the table). Talos can be fine for WWP armies, but you don't have any, so it can't get stuck in quick enough IMHO. Hellions also should be a min of 15 - it makes it easier for them to get a pain token and keep them in the game.

I've only played a few games with the new DE codex and at 1500 pts, so I am no 'expert', but the lack of scoring units, inclusion of the Talos and superfluous wargear and HQ choice look like areas of improvement to me. Good luck!

11-18-2010, 10:27 PM
For the Talos, dump the extra CC and just get Chain Flails. It is better to have 2d6 pick the highest than 1d6+1. I have played a few games with the Chain Flail Talos, and I am in love with it.

11-19-2010, 12:03 PM
Ok so after really thinking about it i have a solution that could benefit my army in terms of scoring units and i can probably afford a few more hellions.

If i drop Drazhar in exchange for an Archon with WWP i can get my talos in close and also another squad on foot to draw fire away from my raiders with the real heavy hitters in it.

11-19-2010, 04:25 PM
2nd HQ
Phantasm Grenade Launcher
Razor Flails
Shardnet & Impaler
Haywire Grenades

I assume this is a troop squad and not a Hekatrix squad (since you have three other elites). If so, then this is illegal since you have two special weapons but only 9 wyches. The Razorflails won't get you a lot in this squad, stick with the S&I (giving you two total thanks to Lelith). As others have said, the PGL is not necessary, and I honestly don't think you should give them Haywire Grenades, unless this is for Dreadnoughts. Assaulting a non-walker vehicle is a bad idea for Wyches, they lose all of their protection to shooting.

11-23-2010, 10:54 PM
ALright well looking at your comments i think itd be best if i rewrote the list with some changes made so ill post it as a response in this thread later on tonight.

11-29-2010, 06:01 PM
My feeling with this army is that you are relying too much on your 4 combat squads and don't have enough to hold objectives.

Consider that you have only 4 Raiders and they will be up against 2500pts of army. Those 4 Raiders will die fast, so you will have lots of low toughness models exposed to enemy shooting very quickly. Sure, if you can get them all in CC they will be hard to beat, but that in itself is a difficult task.

Second thing I would consider is the Talos, and trading it in for a Cronos instead. The stat line makes it look like the Talos' little brother, but it has the same Toughness etc. so can absorb just as much enemy fire. The difference is that the Cronos has a coolio large blast weapon to clock up Pain Tokens with, wheras the Talos does feck all until it gets into CC. (6" at a time....)

I also agree that Drazhar isn't worth the points sink... At 100pts he was a cool addition to any army, but at 230pts, the amount of buff he got just isn't worth it.
Remember, you don't have to have a special character in your army. My personal feeling is that you can have an Archon for about 40pts less than Lelith Hesperax that will be more effective. That said, I have tried both Archon+Incubi and Lelith+Bloodbrides (similar points total) - both worked well, but I loved the expression I got when I told my opponent that Lelith was getting 8 additional attacks! (WS9vsWS3 +CC +Charge)

A lot of people will tell you that Disintegrator Cannons on the Ravager is a waste.... I on the other hand think you'll love the way it carves through Marines from 36" away. You could even have BOTH Rav's armed with the D'Cannons provided you have thought about how you are going to take out enemy armour.

Another thing to think about if you want a CC army is Hawire Grenades. It is great fun when you charge into a pair of Basilisks that havn't moved all game and have 10 insta-hit insta-glance attacks!

11-29-2010, 07:11 PM
That looks like a fun list, and props on the lack of spam as well. Keep Drazhar with those incubi that squad will rip apart anything that suggests an archon could replicate Drazhar.

You wont be beating any cut/paste mech guard lists but who cares, you are the one with the sexy dark eldar army with no spam that wrecks face with Drazhar.

Against space wolfs let Draz and Lelith do their work and it will be good game before long. Buffo is right about the chain flails they work much better and are 5pt cheaper than an extra ccw for the talos.