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View Full Version : Should I have won a prize at this tournament?

08-25-2009, 05:39 AM
Well me and my friend hve just gone to a double's tournament in warhammer world, Nottingham. I was using my chaos and he was using his marines, 500 points per army etc... Anyway, we had a really good time and loved every moment of it, we had great games and met some great people. We were not in it for the winning and the prizes that were there (as no-one should be when playing this hobby it's all about fun). To our delight though we did manage to win all of our games (the last one was only by a hair), we had won the tournament! This wsa our first tournament win so we were incredibly pleased with ourselves, when the announcments came, there was a certificate for a guy who killed off half the enemy army with his commander and a prize for the closest game, and after that the manager said ok guys hope you had a wonderful day and we hope to see you again soon. Me and my mate were like okay.......... I mean we didnt mind if there was a prize or not but surely a mention would have been nice, we went and asked the manager if we had won or not and he checked and said yes, well done and walked off. Does this seem fair to you guys? I dont know maybe I'm being a bit of an arse or something? Just like to know your opinion

08-25-2009, 06:18 AM
it does seem odd to run a "tournament" without mentioning the winner, thats what "tournaments" are about.

now if it was just a gaming event, then i'd understand there not being any emphasis on the winners, but for a tournament... odd

just a side note, i'm planning on heading over to nottingham soon for a few games with some friends, how much does it cost? and how is the cost worked out, is it entry fee, or table hire...

would love to know. cheers

08-25-2009, 09:27 AM
No entry is completley free, to play there is completley free. Unless you're going to an event it's all free to go and play, but I would suggest taking some money though for the nice bonuses they have such as bugmans bar models and a few forge world and specialist game products in stock too, amazing place really well worth the visit :)

08-25-2009, 09:31 AM
That is odd to say the least. I don't think I have ever heard of a tourney where they winner not only did not win a prize but they were not even acknowledged. :confused: In the end it is no big deal but really they should not bother calling it a tournament at that point.

08-25-2009, 09:50 AM
maybe they didn't like your hat

08-25-2009, 10:27 AM
No entry is completley free, to play there is completley free. Unless you're going to an event it's all free to go and play, but I would suggest taking some money though for the nice bonuses they have such as bugmans bar models and a few forge world and specialist game products in stock too, amazing place really well worth the visit :)

brilliant, thats exactly what i thought, a day of drinking and gaming, excellent. thanks for that.

08-25-2009, 10:48 AM
I'd have chucked a mental! If I won a tournament and got no lovin I would have had to say something. Yes I know it's about having fun and taking part, sure. But you won a proper tournament at Warhammer World. There should be prizes and respect. If I was there I'd have bought you a prize from the shop on principle.

08-25-2009, 12:12 PM
when the announcments came, there was a certificate for a guy who killed off half the enemy army with his commander and a prize for the closest game, and after that the manager said ok guys hope you had a wonderful day and we hope to see you again soon.
There were prizes given out, but no prizes or acknowledgment for winning the tournament and that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The purpose of a tournament is to have fun playing games while trying to win. I think it would be a good idea to write a letter to the owner of the shop to just explain your concern. Don't give an "Angry customer" feel, just state that you had a good time at the tournament, but felt a little let down when your win wasn't acknowledged. It would also be a good idea to request that the tournament organizers specifically state what the prizes and acknowledgments will be before the game so people can know what to expect and not be disappointed at the end if winners aren't announced.

08-25-2009, 01:43 PM
TI think it would be a good idea to write a letter to the owner of the shop to just explain your concern.

Given it was at Warhammer World that'd be Jervis I guess - lucky he puts how to contact him in White Dwarf ;)