View Full Version : Important Rules Question

11-16-2010, 06:43 PM
The Blood Angels Have 3 Thunderhawk Transporters.

The chapter has 43 Land Raiders, 20 Predators, 18 Baals, 5 Vindicators, 7 Whirlwinds, 7 Strike Cruisers and 2 Battle Barges.

How do the Blood Angels move their tanks around?

Drew da Destroya
11-16-2010, 07:41 PM
Very carefully.

11-16-2010, 07:41 PM
I fail to see how this is a rules question.

I call troll.

11-16-2010, 08:43 PM
Well, obviously they chain all the rabid Death Company to the front of their tanks and dangle some poor guardsman with a chaos star painted on his armor in front of them, to save on gas.

11-16-2010, 09:16 PM
Ah come on they all have wings!!!

11-16-2010, 09:47 PM
Where does it say the armor strength of the BA?

I would imagine that there are as yet unnamed methods of moving armor intra-system besides T-hawk transporters, then. Or else we were lied to about their numbers.

11-16-2010, 09:59 PM
It becomes really important when you are using thinks like, oh, the Tycho Lucifer Armored Task force: The Tanks enter through Deep Strike by Thunderhawk. But, the list, on land raiders alone, can require more Thunderhawks than exist.


11-16-2010, 10:25 PM
I think Madness summed it up best here...

JOhn M>

11-17-2010, 05:25 AM
Maybe they have other forms of vehicular transports to get teh vehicles down, just not directly into the combat zone in the same way the Thunderhawk transporters can.

That and I'm pretty certain a Land Raider would survive being dropped from orbit... How the crew/passengers would feel about it might be a different matter!

11-30-2010, 05:26 AM
Strike cruser lands, conductor says end of the line everyone off we will pick you up here again in a few hours, remember the thunderhawk transporters are for delivery into a combat zone or onto a planet too unstable for the SC to land safely. Theres all too few examples of them doing this tho...

11-30-2010, 12:11 PM
Strike Cruiser cannot land on planets. They have slightly less mass then Imerial Navy's Dauntless class light cruisers. Means of delivering troops are a mixture of teleporters, drop pods or launch bays equipped with Thunderhawks.

Taken from "Battlefleet Gothic- Armada"

11-30-2010, 04:42 PM
battle fleet gothic rule book sucks for background info for planetry battles it dosnt even mention this bad boy


but there are refference to battleship size never mind friggate sometimes making plannet fall i know theres some in the HH books so in the 31st millenium but im sure ive seen some 40k mention of it before

11-30-2010, 04:53 PM
battle fleet gothic rule book sucks for background info for planetry battles it dosnt even mention this bad boy


but there are refference to battleship size never mind friggate sometimes making plannet fall i know theres some in the HH books so in the 31st millenium but im sure ive seen some 40k mention of it before

It doesn't matter if there's mention of it. If there's mention of anything other than a bulk transport/troop hauler touching ground, it doesn't make sense. Something the size of a Battle Barge of Emperor/Armageddon-class Battleshipp touching ground, or even upper atmosphere, is impossible if you want to bring that ship back out of a planet's gravity well unless the planet is a low-gravity one. Physics just don't allow for a multi-million ton ship pulling itself out of something as strong as the gravitational pull of a decent-sized planet.

11-30-2010, 05:07 PM
BL books mention it all the time

11-30-2010, 08:14 PM
I regard the majority of BL scrawlings as less than toilet paper.

I place more credence in the actual GAME publications EVEN going back to RT days than I do in BL.

11-30-2010, 08:19 PM
It doesn't matter if there's mention of it. If there's mention of anything other than a bulk transport/troop hauler touching ground, it doesn't make sense. Something the size of a Battle Barge of Emperor/Armageddon-class Battleshipp touching ground, or even upper atmosphere, is impossible if you want to bring that ship back out of a planet's gravity well unless the planet is a low-gravity one. Physics just don't allow for a multi-million ton ship pulling itself out of something as strong as the gravitational pull of a decent-sized planet.

One of my favorite things to do in BFG is to have the Cruiser/Battle Barge play fire support in planetary invasion. It is risky, because you are trying to prevent from being blown up and falling to the ground, but that extra punch can mean your frigates can land.

Granted, this still doesn't solve the Thunderhawk Transporter Problem, where there are only 3 in the BA Codex, but many many times more tanks that need to move around. In fact, there's not enough TH Transporters for all of the Strike Cruisers!

12-01-2010, 01:35 AM
You are right to do so. I've been trying to explain to people for years that regardless of what BL says, they can overruled by codices and rulebooks, ergo BL (and FW) are both secondary canon.

I place more credence in the actual GAME publications EVEN going back to RT days than I do in BL.

12-01-2010, 03:18 PM
I regard the majority of BL scrawlings as less than toilet paper.

I place more credence in the actual GAME publications EVEN going back to RT days than I do in BL.

id like you to tell the writers that lol,

game publications are fine but there not about the fluff or the real background of the 40k universe its all sanctiond to be released by games workshop so anything that is released by BL or FW is the background now,

the obviouse answer to how they move equipment is the Space Marine Landing Craft 4 landraiders at a time plus troops dreadnoughts ext but no mention of them in the40k codexs yet theres a model and rules in epic :confused: so they must exist

but biggest thing to remember is its not real there will be irregularities like no way to get the ammount of equipment down or just random crap like that

12-02-2010, 12:51 AM
If we somehow pretend that this is a rules-question (which it most certainly isn't, which begs the question of why it is in this forum), then the answer is that fluff is a tool to make good stories, not good rules.

If we treat it as a waste-of-time fluff question.....then just ignore me as I don't care.

12-02-2010, 04:17 AM
As a thunderhawk transporter can carry 1 landraider or 2 rhino-chassis at a time this obviously is hardcore fail on terms of the writers (or just a digit missing). that or you have a hardcap of a maximum of 3 deepstriking landraiders per game :D

The thunderhawk numbers are kinda odd as well as they have 36 for 7 strike cruisers and 2 battle barges.
this means even whene each stirke cruiser only has two that there are only 6 left for each battle barge (2*7=14, 36-14=12, 12/2=6).

then with beeing a codex chapter the fleet seams a bit oversized as apparently the BA also only have 1000 marines in 10 companies and each strike cruiser is supposed to carry up to one full sized company of 100 marines.

but finally haveing too many ships/transports isnt bad, ahveing too few thunderhawks certainly IS!

12-02-2010, 07:58 AM
their fleet size is about right. The other codexes are similar.

6 Thunder Hawks for a Battle Barge is a lot, actually. You can deploy 180 marines in an instant. Don't forget they have 50+ stormravens! Simple math wise, that's 4 per strike cruiser and 11 for the Battle Barges.

12-06-2010, 03:59 PM
It works in the same way that hydras are 75 points.

12-06-2010, 04:28 PM
It works in the same way that hydras are 75 points.

I do not follow... What does this have to do with Thunderhawk Transporters, and that there are only 3 listed in the BA Codex?