View Full Version : Multiple wargear

11-16-2010, 05:28 PM
In the Grey Hunters entry of the Space Wolves codex their wargear is as such:

-Power Armor
-Bolt Pistol
-Frag and crack grenades

If I have a bolter, bolt pistol, and CCW all modeled on my Grey Hunter, can I use My bolter in one turn, and my bolt pistol in the next?

My friends and I came to a compromise as we couldn't come to a conclusion: If I used a Bolter in my shooting turn, I couldn't switch until my next shooting. We felt this was an acceptable penalty if he assaulted in his turn, as I wouldn't get to use 2 CCW's.

11-16-2010, 05:43 PM
In the Grey Hunters entry of the Space Wolves codex their wargear is as such:

-Power Armor
-Bolt Pistol
-Frag and crack grenades

If I have a bolter, bolt pistol, and CCW all modeled on my Grey Hunter, can I use My bolter in one turn, and my bolt pistol in the next?

My friends and I came to a compromise as we couldn't come to a conclusion: If I used a Bolter in my shooting turn, I couldn't switch until my next shooting. We felt this was an acceptable penalty if he assaulted in his turn, as I wouldn't get to use 2 CCW's.

There is no rule forcing you to use the same weapon from phase to phase.
For example if the GH had replaced his bolter with a Flamer (I'm assuming this is a legal swap)
He could fire the flamer in the shooting phase, and then assault with pistol and CCW.

11-16-2010, 05:49 PM
In the Grey Hunters entry of the Space Wolves codex their wargear is as such:

-Power Armor
-Bolt Pistol
-Frag and crack grenades

If I have a bolter, bolt pistol, and CCW all modeled on my Grey Hunter, can I use My bolter in one turn, and my bolt pistol in the next?

My friends and I came to a compromise as we couldn't come to a conclusion: If I used a Bolter in my shooting turn, I couldn't switch until my next shooting. We felt this was an acceptable penalty if he assaulted in his turn, as I wouldn't get to use 2 CCW's.

Well, technically, if you used a bolter in your shooting phase, you would not be able to assault, because only models with Relentless or terminator armor are allowed to assault the same turn they fire rapid-fire weapons.

In regards to your actual question, the rules for 40k are not too dependent on what you've used previously. The simple fact is that this Grey Hunter has Pistol/CCW and Bolter. This means that it is always treated as having an additional CCW, and during the shooting phase it has two options for weapons. If you use a bolter, you still have a pistol/CCW.

The only time multiple wargear matters is with special close combat weapons. If you have a power fist and a lightning claw, for instance, you must choose which one you wish to use that turn.

Also, for WYSIWYG purposes, it is generally accepted that the default wargear for a model is included regardless of the actually appearance of the model. If I have my models with Pistol/CCW, they are still treated as having the bolters as well (and the grenades).

NOTE: However, if your play group has more strict regulations for modeling, or if the decision you came up with is truly what you want to do, then by all means, do that. Just keep in mind that those decisions are not supported by the main rules.

11-16-2010, 09:19 PM
I appreciate the quick response guys. I think I've got an idea on how to handle multiple wargear situation. As far as modeling the gear I went ahead and glued the bolters to the power packs in a ruck sack style. It kinda makes them look like they're going into a fight for the long haul. :)