View Full Version : Halp! Close Combat -Loganwing, Death Comp, Daemons

11-15-2010, 08:00 PM
I've got my IG, Biker Salamanders, and eventually Tau and want an army whose sole purpose is to beat face in close combat...

Armies I've thrown out already:
Orks-I'm not a fan of Ork models and the 3 builds don't interest me; Mech, Biker Nobz, Boyz hordess
'Nids-If I dislike Ork models, I HATE Nid models
Daemonhunter/Witch Hunter-Just no.
Black Templars-Played them, enjoyed them, done with them.

Armies for consideration:

Blood Angels: Pure Death Company w/ Storm Ravens.
FNP for everyone!
FAST transports
Can equip weapon choices
DC Dreads

Can't hold OBJs-forces a break in purity or go for tabling.
Base weapon chainsword
Rage anyone?

Space Wolves: Loganwing
Can give entire army 2+/3++
Weapon choices very good

Small army size
Slow moving on foot

Daemons: Pure Khorne
Eternal warrior
Bloodletter power weapons make me all fuzzy inside
Monstrous creatures
No rage
Lots of bloodletters

Anti tank limited to close combat
Poor invuln saves

Dark Eldar
Don't know anything about them.

So Halp me!

11-15-2010, 08:16 PM
Pure Khrone is probably one of the weaker demon lists that you can bring to the table. Sure Khrone units will pawn if they get any unit into close combat, but you have to get there first. A complete lack of any ranged weaponry really hurts them, especially when you consider that Bloodcrushers & Bloodletters are sooo slow that you have to drop within rapid fire range to even reach the enemy. You also have to consider that they have very little capable to dealing with tanks. Sure you have Bloodthirsters & Demon Princes, but the rest of the army really has to work at it. And walkers (even War Walkers & Sentiels) really mess your line troops up good. The only way to run khrone demons (or any purely CC oriented demons list) is in a mixed god list.

Fatecrusher would be something to consider if you are stuck on this Khrone thing. Skarbrand and Slaanesh really work good too.

11-15-2010, 09:06 PM
Blood Angels is probably one of best choices. You get the versatility of a Space Marine army with the brutality of Close Combat Beat Face.

As you expand from Death Company, you can go any direction you want: Bikes, Scouts, Tacts, Assault Marines, Sanguinary Guard, Terminators, lots Dreadnoughts, Characters, annnnnd Tanks.

11-15-2010, 09:20 PM
Well, bloodcrushers may be slow, but they tend to steamroller anything other than Land Raiders and Walkers.

Bloodletters, on the other hand, do just get shot to pieces. Though a 5 man unit of bloodletters will kill a 5 man THSS terminator unit...

11-15-2010, 10:23 PM
Bloodletters, on the other hand, do just get shot to pieces. Though a 5 man unit of bloodletters will kill a 5 man THSS terminator unit...

They are the sleeper-hit unit of the book. I can't tell you how many times mine get shot to pieces and then charged only to wipe out whatever unit that thought they could finish them off

11-15-2010, 11:43 PM
Dark Eldar have some very solid close combat units, but as usual they are extraordinarily fragile. I've killed an entire unit of Sanguinary Guard with a single Archon armed with an agonizer, for example. The Wych varients can do some serious damage. Place two or three webway portals on the board and watch your opponent start freaking out as his entire board is locked in CC at the end of turn two. You can even give wych squads haywire grenades, so slow-moving vehicles will be glanced on a 2+ in assault.

A squad of 20 wyches will really show off close combat ability, even to the hardest enemy CC unit.

11-16-2010, 10:44 AM
You seem to be going for all-or-nothing lists. You don't have to do pure DC, and giving your entire Loganwing army 2/3+ saves is a bad idea (it's absurdly expensive).

One or two squads of death company can wreck nearly anything on the charge. The rest of your army can be made up of whatever, so you can get scoring units in there just fine.

For Loganwing, one or two Terminators and Storm Shields per unit is usually good enough. With Wolf Guard you have to keep in mind that the price of equipment stacks up very quickly. If you splurge, you'll end up with a 5-man unit that costs 300+ points.

11-16-2010, 12:32 PM
As far as Daemons go I've been looking at:
Herald of Khorne on Juggernaught
7 Bloodcrushers
60 Bloodletters
2 Soul Grinders w/Tongue for fire support

Blood Angels, really don't want to do anything but DC, HQ, and trans for them.

Wyches only have 6+ save correct?
How does the webway gate system work?

11-16-2010, 01:15 PM
Wyches get a 4+ invulnerable save in CC, though. That's their big value; their ability to get into combat with just about anything and survive.

Webways act as an additional board edge for reserves, essentially. You fly up, drop the portal in the middle of the table, then next turn your reserves come in right in the enemie's face.

11-16-2010, 01:20 PM
If you're looking for a close-combat oriented army that is mobile, has some anti-tank, and isn't all meched up, have you considered trying a Dante-wing? I was bored a couple days ago and put together an 1850 list with 5 squads of sanguinary guard and a bunch of IC's - everyone (except a few IC's) is in 2+ armor, most of them will have FNP, you can take infernus pistols / combi-meltas on priests, there's no rage to deal with, and your whole army is swinging power weapons. The best part is that I could build that 1850 list for about $150 retail.

I doubt it would be a super-amazing OMGWTF push-button win list, but I do think it would be fun to play, include some very nice models, and make for easy transportation/storage. That whole thing probably fits in one tray of foam...

11-16-2010, 03:29 PM
As far as Daemons go I've been looking at:
Herald of Khorne on Juggernaught
7 Bloodcrushers
60 Bloodletters
2 Soul Grinders w/Tongue for fire support

Blood Angels, really don't want to do anything but DC, HQ, and trans for them.

Wyches only have 6+ save correct?
How does the webway gate system work?

You absolutely need to have a second Bloodthirster in this list w/ Unholy Might and Blessing of the Blood God. That S8 is the greatest asset to Khrone, not only does it insta-kill characters but it also helps to destroy vehicles. Max out your heavy support too! Either 3 Soul Grinders or 3 Demon Princes. You don't necessarily have to take Tongue on your Grinders, they are good enough without them in a list like this.

11-17-2010, 07:57 PM
Granted they're BS3 but I like the whole idea of a walker mounted railgun equivalent weapon.

So you'd be suggesting a list like this then:
60X Bloodletters
3X Soul Grinders, each with tongue

That would put me right at the 2K mark

11-17-2010, 11:25 PM
Granted they're BS3 but I like the whole idea of a walker mounted railgun equivalent weapon.

So you'd be suggesting a list like this then:
60X Bloodletters
3X Soul Grinders, each with tongue

That would put me right at the 2K mark

That's about right. I would get some Bloodcrushers in there, so you have a hard unit or two to drop with you big guys and not get destroyed the turn it lands, but that looks pretty good to me for a Khrone army.