View Full Version : Ultramarines Movie - My review

11-14-2010, 05:29 AM
Hi everybody,

Well I was lucky enough to be invited to the UK premier of the new Ultramarines Movie and wanted to let everybody know what I thought of it.

I have to say I had a great day, and full credit to Codex pictures for organising it as I hope that the feedback from all of us there will put a few people's minds at rest regarding the movie.

We were all asked to come to a "secret" location in London's Soho to see the movie and chat to some of the producers.

I have to admit that there was a lot of free beer at the event which is why I didn't get around to posting my review last night, and if you check out the Beasts of War video coverage you might see me giving a pretty bleary eyed interview!

Anyway I digress.

Before we got to see the movie one of the producers of Codex pictures gave a short introduction which was very informative.

To set matters straight with a lot of people this is NOT a Games Workshop product. GW are approached on a daily basis with offers to make a 40k movie, including offers from Hollywood, and they up until now have always turned them down.

This is mainly because GW aren't really a company that is interested in entering the film business, and more importantly want to protect their intellectual property fiercely which is often an issue when converting it to film.

The Hollywood producers always ask how they can get a love interest in there and of course that isn't something we necessarily want to see (well not most if us anyway!).

However Codex pictures approached them and they were the first film company who appeared to want to stay true to the look and feel of the Universe, but more importantly wanted to make a film for the 40K core fanbase. They weren't interested in watering down the content to make the film accessible to a wider audience and this was one of the deciding factors that led to the film being approved.

GW approved the film, but that is pretty much where their involvement ends. Codex pictures are a small independent UK film company. They had to raise all of the funds for this movie themselves. GW have not given them a penny and I think this needs to be cleared up as a lot of people are expecting a Hollywood style blockbuster which just wasn't ever going to happpen.

Animation is very expensive to produce. The cut scenes in Dawn of War for example cost around £3 million but only have a running time of a few minutes. This is a 75 minute movie which is self funded and so was never going to be of that quality.

However Codex Pictures also said that they wanted to go in a different direction to the Dawn of War animations, and make something stylistically different which captured the atmosphere of the 40K Universe, and I definitely think they have achieved this.

The movie is being released as a limited edition DVD on 29th November and this includes a graphic novel and a second disk of extras which apparently have lots of cool material on, like a history of the Space marines, interviews with the cast, cut scenes etc.

A lot of people have said the DVD is expensive, but this again is because Codex pictures have had to fund the release for this themselves as well, and wanted to produce a proper 40K style product. There will be a Worldwide DVD release which will be cheaper, but won't have all the extras. This is expected at around March next year.

There are also plans to produce other merchandise, like a making of book, soundtrack (which is cool) and art prints etc from the movie.

Ok so enough of my babbling here's what I thought of the movie.

I have been asked to not give away too much of the plot, so please don't ask me how it ends or who the baddies are etc. You'll have to wait for the movie.

The movie itself centers around Ultima Squad - 5th Tactical Squad Second Company Ultramarines.

The squad is made up of new initiates, Space marines who have made it through Scout training and are now fully fledged Marines. The squad has yet to taste full combat. There is a mention of a mission they are returning from, but little information is given about this, however the graphic novel in the limited edition release explains this. They however don't feel it was a real mission and are hungering for some proper action.

They are being led by Captain Severus and an Apothocary named Python and are on their way back to Macragge when they receive a distress call from a nearby system.

They decide to investigate as the distress call comes from an Imperial Fists Shrine World, and although they are only one squad they need to see if there are any survivors and report back to Macragge.

The Shrine World was defended by a full company of Imperial Fists. The fifth Company. But there has been no response from them, and Captain Severus needs to find out if the distress beacon is on auto cycle or if there are survivors.

I won't give any more than that away, anyone who has watched the trailer will know who the enemy are, but I don't want to give away any more details in case I spoil it for anybody.

I just want to say that the trailer does not do this film any justice.

I think whenever you see a few seconds of CGI on a small computer monitor it is never going to be that great.

However the film is paced beautifully and the script is very good. Okay there are some cheesey one liners and the story is classic 40K which can sometimes be predictable but that didn't bother me.

What I liked about the movie was the tension. Ultima Sqaud are constantly being watched, and only Brother Proteus seems aware of this, and you really get the sense of tension that he is feeling.

The movie also builds up to the action. I was worried that at only 75 minutes the build up would be slow and we wouldn't see any action until the last few minutes, but that wasn't the case, there is a lot of action, or as my mate said "Space Marines blowing amphetamine parrot up!".

The animation is by no means perfect. The walk cycles are a little off and I wasn't keen on some of the facial animation, but it really doesn't matter because when you combine the script, the fantastic voice acting and the graet sound effects you won't really notice.

What I liked were the little nods to the table top game. The Imperial Fists Bastion looks like it is made up Shrine of the Aquilla and bastion / Aegis Defence Line kits in places. And there is even a Giant Space Marine statue that the marines have to use as a makeshift bridge! And the Stained Glass window in the Strike Cruiser's chapel is the art from the boxed game.

The Land Speeder also looks really cool, exactly how I imagined it to look. I just wish we got to see it fire it's Multi Melta!

Anyway, I came out with a big grin on my face and talked about the movie for hours after so I think that's a good sign. I really enjoyed it and would encourage anybody who hasn't done so yet to order their copy, as they won't be disappointed.

It isn't perfect, but I honestly think it is close as we will ever get to a 40K movie that adheres to the look, feel and history of the hobby. If there had been more money then yes the animation may heve been better, but they couldn't have improved the voice acting, direction and style of the movie.

Codex pictures are looking at doing a limited Cinema release of the movie next year, and the standard DVD and Blu Ray editions will be out next spring.

I would also ask people to get behind this movie, as they really want to make more but won't be able to if this one is not a commercial success.

I applaud Codex Pictures for doing this, they really have done it all on their own and I would love them to be successful. Not just because I want to see more, but because I really appreciate what they have done for 40K fans.

11-14-2010, 08:08 AM
Good review...


Hope to receive mine at the end of this month at home

11-14-2010, 10:03 AM
Im awaiting mine eagerly. I would be very interested to know how many pre orders have been recieved.

11-14-2010, 10:41 AM
Very cool review! The part I liked most about it is showing how they did the best the could with what they have...it seems everyone is so wick to dismiss this movie because the graphics aren't the best, but if I have to deal with sub-par graphics to avoid brad Pitt playing captain sicarius and falling in love with scarlet johansen as a sister of battle then so be it.

I would encourage everyone to support this film, as they get more profitable they can invest in better tech and make better movies. Don't be the guy who talks about who cool a movie would be and then give the death blow to future movies because you want it to be transformers quality.


11-14-2010, 11:37 AM
Hurray for Low Budget Films!

A lot of people don't realize how complicated it can be to make a film. It sounds like Codex Pictures pictures produced the best they could with the funding they had. Acquiring more funding would have resulted in compromising the goals of the movie, ie. producers would have had intellectual control of the movie, rather than the director and artists.

Check out the recent movie 'Alice in Wonderland': The scene that looks outta place with the 'dancing' was Burton's way of saying 'here ya go, producers, your dance scene!'. Look at movies by David Lynch-- they often headbutt with producers. Check out 300, The Spirit, and Sin City, and do some research about Frank Miller. You'll often see conflict where the budget reaches a certain 'threshold'.

11-14-2010, 11:48 AM
Captain Severus of 2nd Company, eh? Must be before Captain Sicarius takes command of 2nd Company.

11-14-2010, 01:42 PM
I think we should have a competition to come up with stats and rules for the squad and ICs involved. We have one of the few hobbies that allows us to replay movies on the tabletop.

11-14-2010, 02:50 PM
Did the beer color your review?

Do I need to be drunk to enjoy this?

Crotch Lictor
11-15-2010, 03:18 PM
Hell, beer colors just about everything I do with this Hobby. Why should the movie be any different.

11-15-2010, 04:45 PM
Because I'm a teetotaler.

11-15-2010, 05:54 PM
Did the beer color your review?

Do I need to be drunk to enjoy this?

I doubt you will *need* beer. However, what I said was an oxymoron--- you always need beer for whatever you do in life.

Didn't you hear about that race horse that won every race and then retired? It's secret ingredient was to get up, go for a run in the morning, then drink Guinness. Yes. Guinness with Breakfast. And you become a Winner!

11-15-2010, 07:23 PM
Just have to say Marines and flags are serious business!

11-15-2010, 07:54 PM
Hey Melissia,

A beer or two will certainly make it better, but its not required. One of the cool things is this is a movie made for us, the players and fans. It has a lot of little details here and there that only us vets will appreciate, and I think it was very cool for Codex to put them in.

I agree that if this is a success, I would expect them to be able to tell even better stories with larger budgets next time.

Also, agree with Darkwynn - don't mess with Marine standards!

Finally, bone up on your General Zod references... you'll see :)

11-16-2010, 04:54 PM
your review really lowered my view of the upcoming film.

in your description it seams the filmmakers dont have a clue about what they are makeing the film.

The fact I'm refering to is that you do NOT become a tactical marine after scout training, especially not as an ultramarine.

With ultramarines the tactical marines are the most senior brothers before the veterans.

After scout training (first on foot, later on bikes) you become a devastor to train your aim with long range weapons and get a feeling for the battle while usually beeing out of harms way thanks to your big range.
After beeing a devastor you become an assoult marine to hone your skills in close combat.
Only then when you have mastered both aspects of beeing a marine you are made a tactical marine where you have to "switch" between both roles within the blink of an eye if the situation requires so.

I hope this is the only mistake they have done...

11-16-2010, 06:58 PM
When I first heard that there was going to be a 40k movie I was thinking "About darn time!" But after reading that GW had been pestered by Hollywood for awhile and that Hollywood wanted to change it up I applaud GW for holding out. Sure a big budget film of 40k could look jaw dropping, but if they are going to have a space marine falling in love then I'm out, and I'm sure a lot of you would be with me. In the grim dark future there is only WAR! Not love. I'm also glad that codex pictures had to raise the money to do it. That shows commitment and in today’s world commitment is hard to come by. I was going to buy this movie even if the graphics down right sucked, but even watching the trailer it looks good enough for me. I will gladly support the movie and the company in hopes that they get to make even more 40k movies. I would love to see some space marines going up against the Tyranids, or maybe they might do an Eldar movie where they fight against Slannesh Daemons. Heck, I don't even play fantasy but wouldn't mind seeing a warhammer fantasy flick.

11-16-2010, 07:33 PM
your review really lowered my view of the upcoming film.

in your description it seams the filmmakers dont have a clue about what they are makeing the film.

The fact I'm refering to is that you do NOT become a tactical marine after scout training, especially not as an ultramarine.

With ultramarines the tactical marines are the most senior brothers before the veterans.

After scout training (first on foot, later on bikes) you become a devastor to train your aim with long range weapons and get a feeling for the battle while usually beeing out of harms way thanks to your big range.
After beeing a devastor you become an assoult marine to hone your skills in close combat.
Only then when you have mastered both aspects of beeing a marine you are made a tactical marine where you have to "switch" between both roles within the blink of an eye if the situation requires so.

I hope this is the only mistake they have done...

Xas they follow that fluff. In the collectors edition they go into that and they call them only initiates or novices as they have not been in a great war like the captain or the veterans with them. The marines are ones that have seen plenty of combat and you can tell by that just looking at their faces. They are no new in any way shape or form from combat. I think Codex pictures got it perfect.

11-16-2010, 08:35 PM
your review really lowered my view of the upcoming film.

in your description it seams the filmmakers dont have a clue about what they are makeing the film.

The fact I'm refering to is that you do NOT become a tactical marine after scout training, especially not as an ultramarine.

I hope this is the only mistake they have done...

You really care that much about some minor detail? I mean, really, it's almost as bad as some trekkie nerd going on a rant about how Kirk never would have done X, because in season 2 episode 12 he was faced with a similar choice and made a different decision.

11-17-2010, 12:18 AM
You really care that much about some minor detail? I mean, really, it's almost as bad as some trekkie nerd going on a rant about how Kirk never would have done X, because in season 2 episode 12 he was faced with a similar choice and made a different decision.

Your right, cause everyone knows Kirk wasn't in season 2 episode 12... Lol

Seriously though, if we get hung up on a detail about a movie we haven't seen yet I think that is being overly critical. It's like calling a blind date a giant fatty cause she asked you to meet her at a restaurant... Ok it's nothing like that but you know what I mean... I think.


11-17-2010, 12:44 AM
Your right, cause everyone knows Kirk wasn't in season 2 episode 12... Lol

Seriously though, if we get hung up on a detail about a movie we haven't seen yet I think that is being overly critical. It's like calling a blind date a giant fatty cause she asked you to meet her at a restaurant... Ok it's nothing like that but you know what I mean... I think.


Any girl who likes a good feed is fine by me :D.

Anywho I think the review was an eye opener and has actually now made me more inclined to want to watch it. I still think the pictures of the marines I have seen resemble OAPs in power armour and they would look just as happy in a queue in the post office on a tuesday morning getting their pention as on a battle field. But we know were all going to watch it and more than likely enjoy it too. I wont be picking it apart for any minor mistakes or the graphics. It is what it is. I was interested to read that GW had little involvement and I wonder if this is also the case with the upcoming MMO.

11-17-2010, 04:41 AM
Xas they follow that fluff. In the collectors edition they go into that and they call them only initiates or novices as they have not been in a great war like the captain or the veterans with them. The marines are ones that have seen plenty of combat and you can tell by that just looking at their faces. They are no new in any way shape or form from combat. I think Codex pictures got it perfect.

if it was just a misscomunication I'm very pleased to hear it and can continue looking forward to the film :)

and really this isnt a MINOR detail.

haveing a purity seal too much or few would be a minor detail...

11-17-2010, 08:04 AM
@ Xas: Sorry that's probably my fault. I had always assumed that when Marines were initiated into Full battle Brothers after Scout Training that they were assigned to Tactical Squads. Those Marines who had shown an affinity with heavy weapons were given the Tactical Heavy weapon and then later selected for Devastator Squads.

The film centres around Ultima Squad, 5th tactical, Second Company. Many of them do bear some pretty impressive scars, in particular Brother Proteus (Sean Pertwee's character).

The squad bemoan the fact throughout the movie that they have yet to see real combat, their first combat mission as Tactical Marines is explained in the Graphic Novel which I flicked through but didn't read.

The Marines also come across as quite young and inexperienced by the way they goad each other and their apothecary, which led me to the assumption that they had recently finished Scout training, but that was my assumption and isn't cleared up in the movie itself.

I would have also assumed that as Scouts they still would have seen plenty of action, but again they may not feel it counts as they weren't fully fledged Marines at that time.

As far as fluff inconstistencies the only thing that most people who saw the movie commented on were the service studs.

The Apothecary has more than the Captain, which I suppose isn't impossible as the Apothecary looks very old but I would have expected a Marine Captain to have more than one stud.

When asked about this the producer said that GW had told them that it is up to each Marine where he wears his service stud, implying that this particular Marine Captain has his studs somewhere under his armour.....

Don't even want to think where he might have pierced.... :)

And if we're being picky the inclusion of the Land Speeder is also slightly off. AFAIK Land Speeders are normally assigned to Assault Squads and aren't available as a squad upgrade for Tactical Units.

In the movie the Land Speeder is part of the 10 man Tactical Squad. The Sergeant and another Brother Marine Scout ahead in it whils the rest of the squad advance on foot.

Howeverthe Marines do get a free run of a whole Strike Cruiser so they probably just "borrowed" it for the mission.

Not sure from a tactical point of view I would want the squad leader bombing off on his own, but I suppose there is a Captain and Apothecary with them so the squad remains at 10 men.

There are also some other tactical issues I had. When entering a fortress that you know is held by the enemy I'm not sure running up the main stairs with only a flashlight to see by as fast as you can constitutes tactical brilliance, but I guess they are like miniature tanks in all that Power Armour!

And the only other niggle was the Imperial Fists shrine. Not sure how sensible it is to have a rickety wooden bridge the only way into the main gate, when it would have had upwards of 100 Marines in Power Armour walking across it on a regular basis! :)

But these are only minor niggles, and didn't detract from the film itself.

Again I will say it isn't perfect, but then what movie ever was. I did really enjoy it though.

11-17-2010, 08:58 AM
So the movie deviates from rigid adherence to the 'truth' of the 'real' Ultramarines Chapter? Well, I'll be happy to extend a little suspension-of-disbelief when I enjoy this movie.

That said, I can relate to guys like Xas who find this hard to do in this circumstance. I've served two tours as an Infantryman in Baghdad, and after that it's hard for me to enjoy almost all "war movies." Try as I may, I just can't stop criticising the constant parade of uniform deficiencies, tactical blunders, unrealistic personal interactions ("F**k you, general!") and violations of the laws of physics. Even the movie Hurt Locker, of which all my civilian friends couldnt shut up about how "realistic" it was (one actually tried to convince me to see it by saying, with a straight face, "you can really feel what it's like to walk down a street in Iraq." :rolleyes: ) I finally went to see it, and struggled to enjoy it as I kept saying "that's wrong" or "that would never happen."

I also find it easier to suspend my disbelief and enjoy a movie like "Predator" than to enjoy a movie that trumpets its realism like "Hurt Locker," which in all fairness got alot of things right, but for just that reason when it got things wrong they really jumped out at me. So in a way, fluff puritans might have an easier time enjoying Captain Brad Pitt of the trash-talking Freedom Marines shooting down spaceships with one-handed shots from his lascannon while defending his love interest Battle Sister Johansen and the freedom-loving, rugged individualists of the democratically-elected Imperium.

11-17-2010, 10:09 AM
@ Xas: Sorry that's probably my fault. I had always assumed that when Marines were initiated into Full battle Brothers after Scout Training that they were assigned to Tactical Squads. Those Marines who had shown an affinity with heavy weapons were given the Tactical Heavy weapon and then later selected for Devastator Squads.

That's how it's been up until the last Codex when they changed it to the much stupider progression Xas is talking about.