View Full Version : A compeditive foot IG list

11-13-2010, 05:18 PM
I have been looking at a Al rahem list as an alternative, and a contender to, mech IG. The idea being to pind the enemy between two or more big platoons, with a mixture of support.

I can see this doing DE, but I am not sure about others. Anyone used him, and if so how did they find his rules and what kind of tactics did they use.

11-13-2010, 06:10 PM
Jwolf did a pretty good tactica article on Him
Hope that helps.

I don't agree with all his advice; but that's just me.
I wouldn't bother with many (if any) heavy weapons in any of his platoon squads. They won't get to fire on the turn he shows up (and likely won't get to fire the next turn either as the enemy will try to throw them selves into melee with you).
Basic squads and special weapon squads are key, and load up with as many as you can (if you're going to outflank with squishy humans, you better just flood the opponents backfield.

Take a Company command squad with a Astropath so you can get your guys in quicker (Al'rahem can easily start to eatup a good chunk of your points).
You might also want to get some scout sentinals to outflank too; that way you'll have extra units to support him, and some heavy weapons too.

11-13-2010, 06:29 PM
I wouldn't bother with many (if any) heavy weapons in any of his platoon squads. They won't get to fire on the turn he shows up Now I know this could be slammed down, and I haved checked the FAQ, But like the wind says that the unit must make a shooting attack there and then.

*Ducks incoming rants and flame*

11-13-2010, 06:49 PM
Now I know this could be slammed down, and I haved checked the FAQ, But like the wind says that the unit must make a shooting attack there and then.

The unit has to shoot, but the heavy weapon couldn't. Nowhere does it state that it actually over-rides the heavy weapon limitations (you cannot shoot if you've moved, or plan to move later).

11-13-2010, 07:29 PM
The unit has to shoot, but the heavy weapon couldn't. Nowhere does it state that it actually over-rides the heavy weapon limitations Nor does it make any exceptions, and it is part and parcel of his other rules. Anyway... it was just a thought. Will have to see what my group says and we'll play it as we 'think' it should be interepted. Any serious discussion should be done in the rules discussion.

Still, heavies could be useful if there is nothing left near that can fight, and thats a possiblity. It could also force an opponent into having to consider what to hit. If you have two or three platoons among other things, its going to be choices time.

The idea that I was thinking about forces your opponent to have to pick and choose while trying to put enough dakka out to choop his troops down and kill his vehicles.

11-13-2010, 10:15 PM
Technically, the heavy weapon squad can make a shooting attack. However, since it has moved, it may not fire its heavy weapons, so the only shooting attack you can make is with your lasguns at 12".

What makes Like the Wind really spiffy is the fact that technically you are not running, and therefore may assault afterwards (provided you only fire with pistols and/or assault weapons).

More on topic, while I can see the potential for outflanking heavy weapons to be useful, I find myself hesitant to take heavy weapons that will not be able to fire until the third turn at the earliest (and the way my reserve rolls have been going, it'd be more like the 5th turn).

11-17-2010, 04:51 PM
If you keep it simple, you can fit more models in a Guard 1500 list than any other army. it's pretty ridiculous actually. i was looking at a blob list and numbers wise it's crazy how many bodies you can put on the table. Especially if you use lots of templates.