View Full Version : The Tau!

11-13-2010, 08:32 AM
My friend is working on a 'Fandex' for Tau. The Demiurg are supposed to be sparse in population and are heavily reliant on Robots/AI. They were also the race that gave the Tau the Ion Weapons.

Demierg Infantry Squad {Troops}……60pts

Demierg Overseer WS4, BS3, S3, T4, W1, I2, A1, LD8, SV 4+
Demierg Robot WS2, BS3, S3, T4, W1, I2, A1, LD6, SV 4+
Demierg Heavy Robot WS2, BS3, S3, T4, W2, I2, A1, LD6, SV 4+

Unit: 1 Overseer, 4 Robot
Type: Infantry
Equipment: Ion Rifle (Robots Only), Servo Arm (Overseer only), Pulse Pistol (Overseer only)

May include up to 5 additional Drones for 10pts/model
The Overseer may take a Power Axe for 10pts
Up to 2 Robot may replace their Ion Rifle with a:
-Flamer for 5pts a model
-Fusion Gun for 10pts a model
-Cyclic Ion Blaster for 15pts a model
Two Robots may be replaced with Heavy Robot for 20pts each. Heavy Robots count as two models for the purposes of Transport capacity.
The Heavy Robot must be armed with one of the following:
-Airbursting Fragmenation Launcher
-Ion Gun

Special Rules:
Slow and Purposeful
Feel No Pain (Robots Only)
May take a Devilfish as a dedicated transport.

Ion Rifle: [Range 24”, S3, AP5, Rapid Fire, Rending]
Ion Gun: [Range 36”, Str 6, AP 4, Heavy 3, Rending]
Servo Arm: 1 Str 8 Attack in Close Combat and ignores Armor Saves.

Modeling Notes:
Overseer is, naturally, Space-Dwarf. Carapace style armor with a small Servo-arm. Robots are in a Short Circuit or Dalek style, definitely non-humanoid. Heavy Robot is considerably larger, on a 40mm base. Technology is similar to Imperial, but more ‘finished’ and 'clean'.

11-13-2010, 08:59 AM
My friend is working on a 'Fandex' for Tau. The Demiurg are supposed to be sparse in population and are heavily reliant on Robots/AI. They were also the race that gave the Tau the Ion Weapons.

Demierg Infantry Squad {Troops}……60pts

Demierg Overseer WS4, BS3, S3, T4, W1, I2, A1, LD8, SV 4+
Demierg Robot WS2, BS3, S3, T4, W1, I2, A1, LD6, SV 4+
Demierg Heavy Robot WS2, BS3, S3, T4, W2, I2, A1, LD6, SV 4+

Unit: 1 Overseer, 4 Robot
Type: Infantry
Equipment: Ion Rifle (Robots Only), Servo Arm (Overseer only), Pulse Pistol (Overseer only)

May include up to 5 additional Drones for 10pts/model
The Overseer may take a Power Axe for 10pts
Up to 2 Robot may replace their Ion Rifle with a:
-Flamer for 5pts a model
-Fusion Gun for 10pts a model
-Cyclic Ion Blaster for 15pts a model
Two Robots may be replaced with Heavy Robot for 20pts each. Heavy Robots count as two models for the purposes of Transport capacity.
The Heavy Robot must be armed with one of the following:
-Airbursting Fragmenation Launcher
-Ion Gun

Special Rules:
Slow and Purposeful
Feel No Pain (Robots Only)
May take a Devilfish as a dedicated transport.

Ion Rifle: [Range 24”, S3, AP5, Rapid Fire, Rending]
Ion Gun: [Range 36”, Str 6, AP 4, Heavy 3, Rending]
Servo Arm: 1 Str 8 Attack in Close Combat and ignores Armor Saves.

Modeling Notes:
Overseer is, naturally, Space-Dwarf. Carapace style armor with a small Servo-arm. Robots are in a Short Circuit or Dalek style, definitely non-humanoid. Heavy Robot is considerably larger, on a 40mm base. Technology is similar to Imperial, but more ‘finished’ and 'clean'.

I like it, though I think that the Heavy robot, if it's mounted on a bigger base, should have a better statline (i.e. Toughness or Save) than the regular one.

I also like the Ion Rifle/Ion Gun rules. It's always tempted to go overboard when making your own rules, but these seem fair and balanced.

Props to your friend. :)

11-13-2010, 09:07 AM
the Heavy Robot does have 2 wounds. I think he figures that it is still made out of the same materials, just bigger. So, it takes more shots, but heavy weapons will still blow it to smithereens.

Yeah, my friend tries really hard to make things that are exciting and fun to play with, but try to make them balanced.

11-13-2010, 09:47 AM
Still takes STR 8 to instakill it. I think that's fair. I'd love to see what else he comes up with; this seems remarkably balanced given the normal Fandex fare.

11-13-2010, 06:37 PM
I have been thinking about making a squad. If I can, try to get the White Dwarf with the servo arm. Then use the Thunderfire Cannon Treads for the heavy robots.

I am still trying to figure out how to build the regular robots. I was thinking about using Necron legs n' Arms. But I am not sure what to use for bodies yet.

11-13-2010, 07:20 PM
I am still trying to figure out how to build the regular robots. I was thinking about using Necron legs n' Arms. But I am not sure what to use for bodies yet.

I'm you go to forgeworld, they show a few Demiurg starships, if you want some insperation.

Personally, I think their robots would be slightly angular, but still float (but not quite as high as Tau drones). A very angular Dalek, but with arm-like apendages.

11-13-2010, 11:34 PM
heheh, that's not a bad idea. That's your 'traditional' robot.
I was originally thinking of the star wars battle droid look--- but 40k has more connection to old school sci-fi than it does to sleek no sci-fi.

Oh, and I have been looking at the Demiurg ships for a long time. I was making my own Tau fleet a couple summers ago, and I really liked the idea of having tons of allies.