View Full Version : 2500 Bretonnian C&C

11-12-2010, 12:22 PM
Bretonnian Lord
Grail Vow, Sword of the Lady's Champion, Dragonhelm, Gauntlet of the Duel, Virtue of Confidence, Bret. Warhorse, Shield

Prophetess of the Lady - Lore of Life
Lvl. 4, Barded Bret. Warhorse, The Verdant Heart

Battle Standard Bearer, War Banner, Virtue of Duty, Bret. Warhorse

Crown of Command, Ironcurse Icon, Virtue of Empathy, Shield

Damsel of the Lady - Lore of Beasts
Lvl. 2, Barded Bret. Warhorse, Dispel Scroll

Knights of the Realm x9
Command, Banner of Chalons

Knights of the Realm x11
Command, Banner of Eternal Flame

Men-at-Arms x40

Peasant Bowmen x16
Command, Braziers

Peasant Bowmen x16
Command, Braziers

Grail Reliquae
13 additional Battle Pilgrims

Mounted Yeoman x5
Command, Shields

Trebuchet x2
Yeoman Craftsman x2


I did this all in my head so forgive me if some of my math or points are off. Anyway, the Lord, BSB, and Damsel will all tool around w/ the unit of 9 KotR w/ the Damsel buffing the unit or characters with the Lord kill-challenging everyone he comes across, I know he'll have trouble with elves, but in my play group most everyone has tougher heroes. The BSB will be there to add +3 to any combat by himself and since the lord will be in a challenge he can't be picked out that way.

The Prophetess will be w/ the other group of knights to do nasty lore of life things.

Foot Paladin will go with the Men-at-Arms to make a tar pit and the Grail Reliquae is there to go in the watchtower should I roll that mission, which it seems I do more often than not.

Bowmen and Trebuchets are just there for fire support.

Any comments would be immensely appreciated. Even "this is crap, you should do it like this" ones.

11-12-2010, 01:50 PM
Some questions. why mounted yeoman? not much reason for them I can see, Use the points to make archers skirmish and take more, Archers being able to march and fire so much better now that stakes almost worthless.
Overall though looks cool.

09-05-2011, 03:19 PM
agreed on the yeomen, I would drop the grail pilgrims also, as you allready have a big unit of infantry as an anvil
If you exchange scroll on lvl 2 damsel and give her prayer icon of quenelles and let her join the M@A with lore of beasts.. you have 50 bodies with the blessing. cheaper and more effective, with halberds and signature lore of beasts spell you hav T4 S5 peasant warriors with a ward save :).
This way points saved you should be able to get pegasus knights, which are better at doing fast cav stuff like warmichine hunting like the yeomen were likely going to ;).