View Full Version : Apocalypse Week.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
11-12-2010, 12:03 PM
Ok i just got a new email from GW about Apocalyse week.

Now i think i knew somehow this would happen, dont ask what im still doing up at 5am here in Australia.

Anyway, looking at the picture it shows the rear end of the Thunderhawk gunship, now i dont own one, hey no one i knows around here owns one, but ive compared the picture to the Forgeworld model, and im wondering is it really the same miniature, or is it actually a new version from GW.

Secondly if you follow the link, you can post pics of your Super Heavies to GW and if you win they show off your model all over the internet and you win a prize too.

So is it the same Thunderhawk and is anyone sending in pictures of there superheavies??
I plan to send in pics of my Customized Shadowsword for my SoB.

Brass Scorpion
11-12-2010, 03:38 PM
GW is promoting Apocalypse this week to also help market the new Monster Figure Case. That email about Apocalypse week went out on Nov. 9. Entries for the Apocalypse Conversion Contest for Stompa and Baneblade sized models were due by yesterday. My Tower of Skulls made it onto What's New Today as an honorable mention. Here's a link (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=14000014a). I like the Plaguereaper someone else sent in and the silver paint job on the Scorpion is great.

11-13-2010, 05:37 PM
My Tower of Skulls made it onto What's New Today as an honorable mention. Here's a link (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=14000014a). I like the Plaguereaper someone else sent in and the silver paint job on the Scorpion is great.

I saw that the other day! Nice work mate. Very inventive use of many different kits. I especially like that the tower was detachable, and if I recall correctly, the tower had 8 sides? Genius.

Also, that plaguereaper was pretty disgusting; very nurgle.

11-13-2010, 07:09 PM
Well, we are having a huge Apocalypse game on Saturday, January 22nd at all 4 Battle Bunkers. You can find out about it and talk Apocalypse to your heart's content!

