View Full Version : Babab War - Tyrant's Legion

Herald of Nurgle
11-10-2010, 02:21 PM
Hey. Recently on From The Warp - in the Top Ten - there was a link to a Babab War group of bloggers which I myself intend on joining (for teh lulz). My chosen chapter is to be the Astral Claws, simply for the fact that, as a hardcore Chaos fan who pretty much only wins with his Chaos, its pretty much the middle ground between a gritty Chaos/Traitor force and a Loyalist one. But anyway, thats besides the point, for I have a question.

Tyrant Legion has a set of variant rules, which make it an entirely different beast to the normal SM army. Assuming that money is not a factor, and the objective of the force is fluff and fun over throwing a campaign out the window...
1) What stuff would you put in the force?
2) What do you think of the Legion list?
3) How the blinking hell do you play a Guard list?

Kthx in advance, guys.

11-11-2010, 03:03 AM
Well I don't have the book in front of me right now (so I may edit this later) but I'd say the list should be based on the fluff. Make it a horde army, lots of marine bodies with as many abalative wounds (human shields) as possible, and throw in at least one of each new unit type for flavour. Nothing wrong with massed bolter fire in my book, but then I've always favoured infantry over tanks. Just work with the things that make the list unique like 20 man SM squads, etc.

Disclaimer: I'm more a hobbyist than gamer, so don't take my tatical advice too seriously.

Herald of Nurgle
11-11-2010, 01:25 PM
Hail, Lamenter!

Cheers, man. I guess it'd make sense to make it a big-*** horde army - especially since the region i'm in isn't too tank heavy - so i'll see how much I can put together. ;)

Gonna feel reeeeeally odd to use 20 man squads in a SM force lol. Especially 15pt marines...

11-11-2010, 03:01 PM
If I were building this army I'd be making it as a fluffy cool looking and rather unique force and tactics/strategy be damned :o

The availability of meat shields for Space Marines at 3pts a piece is pretty awesome but I guess the only really effective use of them is in static gunlines. What the hell do I know?

Also, what is the Corpse Taker about? :confused: I don't get what the point is behind them other than the Kill Point modifier. They really need a FNP bubble in my opinion.

Herald of Nurgle
11-11-2010, 04:57 PM
Agreed massively, a FNP bubble'd be nice, but on the other hand... am I ever gonna use this army outside of Apocalypse/fun tiems? The double KP thing'd be nice in big missions, and its pretty fluffy like (say) when you have a house rule objective each game as 'protect the Gene Seed'.

11-12-2010, 05:45 AM
The IA9 list is really bad. It doesn't even seem all that good for fluffy lists. You're not going to have fun games, just ones where you are frustrated because you have no real way to win battles.

If you want to run a similar list I'd discuss how build one using both the Space Marine and Imperial Guard codexes with your playgroup.

11-12-2010, 07:50 AM
If I'd do it, I would go for:

(i dont have the book at work, so i cant recall all the names properly)

I'd go for a attrition army with much light shooting and a few decent counter assault units. In general I would priorities quantity over quality.

2-3 of those mandatory infantry crap units. Lots of cheap bodies, great visual impact and nice speedbumps/flow controllers.

Some higher quality infantry with heavy weapons, to form a base for a stand-and-shoot line. Add some regular marines in a rhino as a mobile reinforcement pack. (with CC sarge)

One of those nice assault marine units with the shields. that one sounded like fun. Perhaps some other marine unit geared up for CC with a character or something.

In the story at some point near the end (of book I) there is a part where they describe how Basilisks are used in a direct fire role to stop enemy Landraiders (at a scary cost in lives and material). I'd go for that in the army too. It is not so expense, adds a nice punch and is fragile, so that is interesting.

Will not be rated a winners army, but I think that is not something that would bother you much. I am actually considering setting something like this up based on my loyalist marines. :)

Herald of Nurgle
11-12-2010, 02:26 PM
I'm a Chaos player. I can cope with less than efficient units (note before people say 'but omg you haz lash und oblits, why is u unhappeh?', i'm a Plague Marine player yes, but not lash or such)

Anyway, i've got this as my overall goal for the army thus far. 6k Apoc force.
6030pts Babab Defense Forces – Tyrant’s Guard
The Battle for the Fortress of Thorns was filled with much bloodshed, requiring constant resupply and remanoevreing to even gain a single hour’s advantage. However, with the number of troops available for the Tyrant’s use this was simple enough to work.

The Tyrant’s Guard relies on its tanks being scoring, to be honest – having 4 Tank Squadrons and 6 more Individual Tanks available for such a use, especially tanks such as the Thunderer with its Demolisher Cannon and all, makes the army quite formidable. As with the Bulwark, the Auxilia and Cohort move forward, while the next waves move and attack the enemy on contact.

Tyrants Legion Field Forces – 1805pts

Corpse Taker with 8 Servitors
Corpse Taker with 8 Servitors

35 Legion Auxilia
35 Legion Auxilia
10 Legion Cohort with 2 P Weps
10 Legion Cohort with 2 P Weps

3 Thunderer Siege Tanks with Camo Netting
3 Thunderer Siege Tanks with Camo Netting

Astral Claws Fortress Guard (Codex SM) – 1825pts
Captain Corien Sumatris

10 TH/SS Assault Terminators
Venerable Dreadnought with Plasma Cannon and Extra Armour
Dreadnought with 2 Autocannons and Extra Armour

10 Tactical with M Launcher and Flamer
10 Tactical with M Launcher and Flamer
10 Tactical with M Launcher and Flamer

10 Assault Marines with Sergeant (P Wep, C Shield)
10 Assault Marines with Sergeant (P Wep, C Shield)

Babab Armory (Codex IG) – 2400pts
3 Leman Russ Executioners with Camo Netting
3 Leman Russ Executioners with Camo Netting
3 Manticore Rocket Launchers with Camo Netting
3 Manticore Rocket Launchers with Camo Netting