View Full Version : Proof of Slaanesh!

11-09-2010, 05:30 PM
It's purple, and vaguely enthralling. Either that, or an immense Necron construct designed to eat suns.


11-09-2010, 05:36 PM
A Warp Rift just opened in our Galaxy...

Which God are you going to join when they come to earth?

I'll pick Slaanesh personally.

11-09-2010, 06:00 PM
I often wonder why anyone would join any of the other gods

rewards of Khorne- you basically turn into freddy vorheis
Rewards of tzeench- A fair bit of esoteric knowledge (ok enough) horrific mutations as standard
Nurgle- WHY WOULD ANYONE JOIN NURGLE? fluff wise I think its plague victims desparate for a cure wh worship pappa nurgle, but just look at the cure he gives you

Slaanesh- a life of unbridled pleasure and hedonism.

11-09-2010, 06:32 PM
The reason people join Nurgle is because in a world where everyone is out to kill you... he instead loves you.

Papa Nurgle smiles upon you, and spreads his foetid, pustule-covered arms to embrace you and bring you into his family.

Drew da Destroya
11-09-2010, 08:07 PM
Yeah... at least Nurgle is pretty nice to his followers, if you can get past the whole plague-boil-pustule-rot-zombification.

11-09-2010, 08:46 PM
Slaanesh doesn't necessarily give its followers GOOD sensations. Just intense ones.

11-10-2010, 12:06 AM
Oh sweet. Time to start spreading the word of Tzeentch. Tentacles and bird-beaks for everyone!

11-10-2010, 03:02 AM
only the weak/dumb get mutations that are not positive for the mutant from tzeentch.

so as long as you dont fail him and his plans you are good and get magic powers / feathers for free :D

11-10-2010, 04:08 AM
Um, Slaanesh hasn't been created yet. We're millennia away from that. We're still in the height of the Eldar Empire...

11-10-2010, 06:22 AM
only the weak/dumb get mutations that are not positive for the mutant from tzeentch.

so as long as you dont fail him and his plans you are good and get magic powers / feathers for free :D

You know nothing of Tzeentch, then. His ways are his own. He is Chaos personified. You could be his most powerful follower one day and a gibbering spawn the next, just...because. There is no, rhyme, no reason, only the doing and the planning.

11-10-2010, 07:36 AM
Hm... I rather think Slaanesh's "pleasure & ecstasy" zone looks like the one from Hellraiser series, where only ones having pleasure are Daemons. "Oh what sights we have to show you..." :P

I'd side with Khorne... at least he's promises aren't ambiguous, it's only "Kill kill kill kill", and whats wrong with a little frenzy and blood lust... I kinda think it would be like when I played rugby, just on 10th degree. :)

Cheers, Miljan

11-10-2010, 08:24 AM
None of them. Its the bronze armour and a yell of defiance that "all the gods are *******s!" for me. That or start waving 'the system of nature' at them, and spelling out why they are not gods.

11-10-2010, 08:56 AM
None of them. Its the bronze armour and a yell of defiance that "all the gods are *******s!" for me. That or start waving 'the system of nature' at them, and spelling out why they are not gods.

After which you get your head split in two by a Khorne follower....

Drew da Destroya
11-10-2010, 09:30 AM
Um, Slaanesh hasn't been created yet. We're millennia away from that. We're still in the height of the Eldar Empire...

Despite having an apparent birth year, Slaanesh has always and never existed. He's as old as Khorne, the oldest of the Chaos Gods, and younger than all of them.

Stupid Chaos! Ignoring the rules of time and space!

11-10-2010, 10:33 AM
wouldn't it be funny if, supposing chaos does come here, the pope activates a beacon which brings Imperial inquisition forces here? and the Swiss guard pop out Mk1 thunder armor?

i'd go Khorne or Nurgle,
Khorne for the ability to release my anger,
and Nurgle, cause he CARES about you... or at least shows some affection for you.

11-10-2010, 11:45 AM
Which Chaos god would I worship?

I don't know if I'd worship any of the Chaos gods. I mean, yeah, all my mates are doing it, and I feel like I should join in, you know? I don't want to be one of the uncool kids - I've already sacrificed my dignity and personal principles so I can take up smoking and underage drinking in a desperate ploy to curry favour with a pack of vicious idiots who hate me. But Chaos gods? I don't know, they seem like those gateway gods Jeremy Kyle is always going on about... like, I'd start out quietly worshipping Slaanesh in private with my mates, then wanting a stronger hit, and next thing, I'm huffing Tzeench out of a dirty plastic bottle round the back of the bike sheds with all the other boys about to get excluded for beating up tramps. (Dave says Khorne told him to, but I think he just likes the excuse. He tried arguing that murder was a religious freedom, but our head wasn't having any of it.)

Anyway, before you know it? You've got electrodes up your bum and Scientology in your skull, and you're convinced that Battlefield: Earth wasn't the point at which the human race gave up all right to nice things.


I think I'll stick with the C'tan. Sure: it's a life of joyless servitude, but at least it's eternal.


That sounds just like...

11-10-2010, 05:04 PM
Which Chaos god would I worship?

I don't know if I'd worship any of the Chaos gods. I mean, yeah, all my mates are doing it, and I feel like I should join in, you know? I don't want to be one of the uncool kids - I've already sacrificed my dignity and personal principles so I can take up smoking and underage drinking in a desperate ploy to curry favour with a pack of vicious idiots who hate me. But Chaos gods? I don't know, they seem like those gateway gods Jeremy Kyle is always going on about... like, I'd start out quietly worshipping Slaanesh in private with my mates, then wanting a stronger hit, and next thing, I'm huffing Tzeench out of a dirty plastic bottle round the back of the bike sheds with all the other boys about to get excluded for beating up tramps. (Dave says Khorne told him to, but I think he just likes the excuse. He tried arguing that murder was a religious freedom, but our head wasn't having any of it.)

Anyway, before you know it? You've got electrodes up your bum and Scientology in your skull, and you're convinced that Battlefield: Earth wasn't the point at which the human race gave up all right to nice things.


I think I'll stick with the C'tan. Sure: it's a life of joyless servitude, but at least it's eternal.


That sounds just like...

You win everything.

11-10-2010, 05:35 PM
Remember the gift of the Prince of Pleasure is that his followers are gifted with exquisite tastes and skills, but feel less and less, driving them to ever more excessive actions and desires to feel anything at all.

18 hours of sex a day sounds pretty good...on day one - but on day 1000?

Like the squid admiral said... "ITS A TRAP!!!"

11-10-2010, 05:48 PM
If I was going to worship a chaos god it would have to be Khorne because at least he is simple, all he wants is blood and skulls! If you fight for him his rewards are mutations to make you a better killing machine. If you die in his honor you did your job, because Khorne doesn't care from where the blood flows just that it does. That's what I like about an all Khorne army, it doesn't matter who loses because in the end the only real winner is Khorne!

Caedes Pro Caede Deo yall! YEHAW!!!

11-10-2010, 06:54 PM
Well I guess maybe nurgle cuz I like to cuddle and love things. But then again Slaanneesh beckons me since I do have a tendency to like vice in excess and I am fairly vain...hmmm decisions decisions. Now I wanna make a chaos army... damn it!

11-10-2010, 11:23 PM

Literally, since your tastes will eventually be forced to the more exotic...

11-11-2010, 05:39 AM
After which you get your head split in two by a Khorne follower.... Can think of worse ways to go, and it would be so worth it.

Literally, since your tastes will eventually be forced to the more exotic... Like a love triangle with a Khorne, Tzeench and Undivided worshipers... and then tell them all about it when it becomes becomes boring, in a joint visit to a dentistry museum... fun, fun, fun.:D

11-11-2010, 09:26 AM
You know nothing of Tzeentch, then. His ways are his own. He is Chaos personified. You could be his most powerful follower one day and a gibbering spawn the next, just...because. There is no, rhyme, no reason, only the doing and the planning.

Tzeentch is not random. Everything has a plan and nothing is coincidence. He feeds of deceit and betrayer and change, not chance. It's explained well in a Thousand Sons. Magus' had a legion of marines called the Thousand Sons, but by the end the flesh change and mutations left him with barely a thousand before they were sealed with the Rubic spell. Its asked whether it was fate that left his legion with only their namesake of marines and it's answered that nothing is left to fate.

11-11-2010, 09:58 AM
This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from the Saga of Khorne (which you should all read for a deeper understanding of the motivations of Khornate followers)

What are the linchpins of life but Blood, Anger, and Hate? And what are My Lord's domains but the same? Each life arrives in my lord's colours. Each child's first act is to cry in rage, and that first scream echoes down the years and fills our heads. Each meal is brought with my lord's blessing. Our daily feast, one violent death. And can their be ought else but hatred in that act? If not of life, then of death?

-The Saga Of Khorne, Liber Chaotica

11-11-2010, 10:22 AM
Doesn't it strke you as odd?
It seems that the birth of slaanesh comes just as the new DE arrive.
Who was it that created Slaanesh in the first place?

11-11-2010, 02:27 PM
Tzeentch is not random. Everything has a plan and nothing is coincidence. He feeds of deceit and betrayer and change, not chance. It's explained well in a Thousand Sons. Magus' had a legion of marines called the Thousand Sons, but by the end the flesh change and mutations left him with barely a thousand before they were sealed with the Rubic spell. Its asked whether it was fate that left his legion with only their namesake of marines and it's answered that nothing is left to fate.

You, sir, are forgetting one of the biggest pieces of lore ever involving Tzeentch - there is no grand end to his many means. He plans for the sake of planning, schemes for the joy of the scheme. If the end of a long and convoluted, century-spanning scheme ends in his Champion that brought it about turning into a Spawn, it doesn't matter. None of it matters. Tzeentch IS Change, and Change is far too mutable to be confined to a single, definable, expected outcome.

11-20-2010, 12:52 AM
Um, Slaanesh hasn't been created yet. We're millennia away from that. We're still in the height of the Eldar Empire...

Not true. The Eldar empire fell before the Dark Age of Technology, and in some of the fluff they say it happened before man was even realized.. This would be about the time it happened, honestly.

11-20-2010, 01:03 AM
Not true. The Eldar empire fell before the Dark Age of Technology, and in some of the fluff they say it happened before man was even realized.. This would be about the time it happened, honestly.

Wrong. Slaanesh's birth occurred right before the onset of the Great Crusade, because his birth made it possible for the Great Crusade to happen - the psychic scream he gave off cleared the Warp Storms isolating Terra from the rest of the galaxy.

Thing is, in the Warp, the Chaos Gods have existed forever.

11-20-2010, 01:41 AM
Remember the gift of the Prince of Pleasure is that his followers are gifted with exquisite tastes and skills, but feel less and less, driving them to ever more excessive actions and desires to feel anything at all.

18 hours of sex a day sounds pretty good...on day one - but on day 1000?

Like the squid admiral said... "ITS A TRAP!!!"

All the means is your start getting creative with your 18 hours of sex.

"Well. Last week I tried out that whole 'furry' thing, But that got boring pretty quick. Let's see if I can put a new spin on Futanari this week."

11-22-2010, 10:31 AM
Nurgle- WHY WOULD ANYONE JOIN NURGLE? fluff wise I think its plague victims desparate for a cure wh worship pappa nurgle, but just look at the cure he gives you

I wondered that too, and so I read a lot of the fluff, and the consensus seems to be: to escape from pain and suffering.

This might not seem like a big deal for you or me, but you have to remember that this is a war, where pain, torture, horrifying injuries, and painful death are around every corner. Nurgle offers an escape from this pain and suffering.

In a way, if Slaanesh is offering 'stimulant' drugs (among other things), then Nurgle is effectively offering 'barbiturates', or downers. Slaanesh is coke, and Nurgle is heroin.

For more information, listen to Pink Floyd's 'Comfortably Numb'. ^_^

11-22-2010, 02:52 PM
then possibly Khorne is crack or PCP and Tzeench is LSD

11-22-2010, 03:52 PM
Isn't it explain Nurgle is also the god of depression and fear? Specifically fear of a uncertain future?

When you join Nurgle you know what your in for/how the rest of your life is going to go. Witch is comforting to people who live wretchedly depressing and fearfully lifes.

(This is also why Tzeetch is the opposite to Nurgle, the same way Khorne and Slaanesh are opposites.)

When your drawen into chaos worship your not showen the down sides, only the good sides of each god.

11-22-2010, 11:30 PM
(This is also why Tzeetch is the opposite to Nurgle, the same way Khorne and Slaanesh are opposites.)

It's funny you should mention that...I find it funny that of all the Gods, Tzeentch is the only one not born of a "negative" emotion.

Khorne - Bloodlust
Slaanesh - Excessive Desire
Nurgle - Fear/Fear of Death
Tzeentch - Hope

Pretty odd, eh?

11-23-2010, 08:43 AM
"Hope is the first step to disappointment."


11-23-2010, 08:57 AM
"Hope is the first step to disappointment."


Just another piece of Imperial Propaganda. If one does not hope, one has nothing to truly aspire to. ;)

Besides, IRL, being a hopeful person boosts your immune system, and hopeful people tend to outlive their pessimistic counterparts.

11-23-2010, 09:02 AM
That might explain why I think Tzeentch is the most interesting of the Chaos Gods. The Fall of the Eldar and Slaanesh are nifty too, but I can't help loathe Her.:mad: B*tch.

11-23-2010, 01:33 PM
That might explain why I think Tzeentch is the most interesting of the Chaos Gods. The Fall of the Eldar and Slaanesh are nifty too, but I can't help loathe Her.:mad: B*tch.

Ever since I read the fluff for Tzeentch, I knew he was my favorite, and I knew I'd play Chaos. I particularly love the quote from the Chaos: Daemons codex that explains how all the followers of Chaos, not just Tzeentch's own, further Tzeentch's goals for change. ;)

11-23-2010, 03:01 PM
It's funny you should mention that...I find it funny that of all the Gods, Tzeentch is the only one not born of a "negative" emotion.

Khorne - Bloodlust
Slaanesh - Excessive Desire
Nurgle - Fear/Fear of Death
Tzeentch - Hope

Pretty odd, eh?

The chaos gods are abit more complex then that. It's one of the reasons I've loved there fluff.

Khnorne well being Hate, rage, violence, bloodshed. He's also honor and Warrioir spirit. (Honorable 1 on 1 combat being highly prized.)

Tzeetch As well as being hope is also Ambition, plotting, and change. (Funny enough all of thows are traits that can be Good or negative counting on your point of view.)

Nurgle is one of the most careing gods. (Papa Nurgle luvs you!) In a way he is a god of both life and death. (Things must die and rott, so new life can spring from the old.) His followers becoming Maggot infested embodiments of that.

Slaanesh is pleasure is all of it's forms. (Art, Music, Dance, ect. Not just Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll.)

All the Chaos gods at there core have admirable traits. They only become "evil" to us, because they take these traits to there extreme.

11-23-2010, 03:22 PM
The chaos gods are abit more complex then that. It's one of the reasons I've loved there fluff.

Khnorne well being Hate, rage, violence, bloodshed. He's also honor and Warrioir spirit. (Honorable 1 on 1 combat being highly prized.)

Tzeetch As well as being hope is also Ambition, plotting, and change. (Funny enough all of thows are traits that can be Good or negative counting on your point of view.)

Nurgle is one of the most careing gods. (Papa Nurgle luvs you!) In a way he is a god of both life and death. (Things must die and rott, so new life can spring from the old.) His followers becoming Maggot infested embodiments of that.

Slaanesh is pleasure is all of it's forms. (Art, Music, Dance, ect. Not just Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll.)

All the Chaos gods at there core have admirable traits. They only become "evil" to us, because they take these traits to there extreme.

Not what they ARE. What they were born from. They were each born from one SINGLE emotion, long ago.

12-24-2010, 06:46 PM
I think the point is not which chaos god you would raise your hand for, but which one would most likely seduce you to their side.

A germaphobe probably wouldn't be seduced by nurgle, regardless of of the fact that he would give you big hugs and tuck you in a night. However if he was a scientist trying to bring understanding to "string theory" or "chaos theory" Tzeentch might provide "divine inspiration". That same guy might be nigh-immune to the god of change if he was also OCD.

A life long victim might be seduced by Khorne if his heart burned with the desire to repay his tormentors a thousand fold (for tips on that, watch "Legend of the Overfield"... the guy sided with chaos demons and cut off his own penis just for a little payback). However, that victim might be more of a Slaanesh cultist if she (in a "I Spit on your Grave") revenge blood-orgy afterwards she finds she draws no pleasure from anything else. Think of how many of the cenobites in Hellraiser were seduced to work for the cube.

I think only the true "command me o'lord" are the ones that end up following "Chaos Undivided" most others are slippery-slope seduced or born into it.

And wow... did we go off topic from "check out this natural phenomenon" to this logic. But I think its rather fun...

12-24-2010, 10:05 PM
I think the point is not which chaos god you would raise your hand for, but which one would most likely seduce you to their side.

A germaphobe probably wouldn't be seduced by nurgle, regardless of of the fact that he would give you big hugs and tuck you in a night. However if he was a scientist trying to bring understanding to "string theory" or "chaos theory" Tzeentch might provide "divine inspiration". That same guy might be nigh-immune to the god of change if he was also OCD.

A life long victim might be seduced by Khorne if his heart burned with the desire to repay his tormentors a thousand fold (for tips on that, watch "Legend of the Overfield"... the guy sided with chaos demons and cut off his own penis just for a little payback). However, that victim might be more of a Slaanesh cultist if she (in a "I Spit on your Grave") revenge blood-orgy afterwards she finds she draws no pleasure from anything else. Think of how many of the cenobites in Hellraiser were seduced to work for the cube.

I think only the true "command me o'lord" are the ones that end up following "Chaos Undivided" most others are slippery-slope seduced or born into it.

And wow... did we go off topic from "check out this natural phenomenon" to this logic. But I think its rather fun...

Rise from your grave!

12-25-2010, 02:35 AM
We got a Necromancer on our hands, folks.

12-25-2010, 02:53 AM
Rise from your grave!

I am so hoping that's an "Alter Beast" quote because that would esoteric and hip...

12-25-2010, 02:55 AM
We got a Necromancer on our hands, folks.

The PC would be "Diviner and Liberator of Undead Americans"
I prefer "Necromaster of necronasty"