View Full Version : Getting back into 40k

11-08-2010, 09:20 PM
I am looking into starting 40k again. I used to play about 8 years ago and back then I played vanilla and chaos space marines. I am not completely a newbie to 40k but I am to 5th addition, I do have a bit of experience in war gaming though through out my life and feel I am somewhat of a veteran in that sense.

So what does this all mean?

It means that what I am looking for in an army is number one I want it to be a little bit difficult to learn and play. Also in warhammer fantasy I play skaven, so a horde army was out for me in 40k and I want a smaller, more elite army. And the last thing I need to have in the army is, despite all this, I do want there to be the chance of having a competitive experience with my army, but I do not want to crush my opponent every game or lose every game either.

So tell me... am I looking at the right army in eldar? What are your opinions?

p.s. I love the eldar models and love the little bit of backstory that I have read about the eldar so far.

11-08-2010, 09:49 PM
Eldar or Dark Eldar would probably be a good option, yeah. Both have a fair learning curve, and aren't normally horde armies (though you can do footdar, which is basically a horde of guardian/dire avengers that shurikens everybody to death, while backed up by Wraithlords and the Avatar).

Conveniently for you, Dark Eldar just got a brand new codex, some nice new models, and are looking to be a solid, balanced army (albeit one with said learning curve). Buffo's got a very nice series of battle reports going on in the 45 games of Dark Eldar thread right now, if you wanted to get a feel for them.

Eldar are showing their age a little, and some of their units are a bit overpriced compared to the new stuff, but they can still be a good solid army. Especially if you like out manuvering your opponent, dodging around his attacks, stealing objectives at the last minute, and generally being sneaky.

11-08-2010, 10:10 PM
Alright sounds like a good deal to me. One of my buddies is starting Dark Eldar though so this turned me off of them right away. I do like the thought of playing Eldar as they are fast moving like you say.

11-09-2010, 12:38 AM
If your friend started up Dark Eldar, then give Eldar a try.

Do note, though, that the Eldar book is showing a bit of it's age, and if you and your opponent are of equal skill in game, your friend will beat you more often than not.

11-09-2010, 04:18 AM
For a truly elite army, you could wait for the new Grey Knight codex coming out sometime 1st quarter 2011. Until it comes out, you could paint up some of the metal minis in the existing range, like I am.

11-09-2010, 10:40 AM
Eldar is a good challenge to use, because of the 4th ed. view of the codex mixed with 5th ed rules. The book is all about the right combos at the right time, your given the mobility to put your units where ever you want, the ability to kill anything you want, to survive almost anything that is thrown at you,(luck is always a factor) and to beat anyone that puts their mini's across from you... It all depends on you however, as your units won't be "I win!" buttons, that you just press and watch.

11-09-2010, 11:08 AM
There aren't any such buttons in any army.