View Full Version : BoLS HOBBY CHALLENGE: Dark Eldar Venom Edition

11-08-2010, 10:38 AM
You heard that right, with the arrival of the Dark Eldar, its time for a good old fashioned BoLS Hobby Challenge.  You have the skills, and you want the prize... then lets see your best Venom!


You heard me right, its time for another great BoLS hobby challenge and this time we are celebrating the Dark Eldar release along with Challenge sponsor Spikey Bits (http://www.spikeybits.com/servlet/StoreFront?affiliate_no=1). This time the challenge is to make the best converted and painted Dark Eldar Venom (see p.43 of the codex) you can. Did I mention there is prize support? Its time for you denizens of the Dark City to strut your stuff!

So lets get right down to it folks. Your challenge is to submit to the BoLS 2-4 high-quality pictures of the following:

-A single fully painted and converted Dark Eldar Venom specifically made for this competition (please don't submit ancient Harlequin Venom models you have already painted).
-It may be converted and painted as you see fit, in the style best fitting your chosen Kabal.
-The miniature should be based on appropriate sized and shaped base. (no giant dioramas please)
-Weathering, fine detail work, elaborate base detailings, cavorting passengers, and the like are all acceptable to dress up your entry.
-Shoot 2-4 pictures against a well-lit white background. Trust me, I can't tell you how many cool entries have been disqualified because they were shot up against a dark, busy background, so please take the time to at least set up a curved piece of paper and a good light to shoot them against.
-One or two sentences of fluff describing the model, and its construction methods.
-Upload the finished entries to the BoLS Gallery ("http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/photopost/index.php) (300kb maximum per picture) and Email us a link to them with the subject line"VENOM CHALLENGE" and the background fluff to the BoLS emailbox.

We will select the top entries and put up a poll once the deadline has passed. The winner gets a copy of the Dark Eldar Codex and a Ravager fromSpikey Bits (http://www.spikeybits.com/servlet/StoreFront?affiliate_no=1), mailed straight to your home, not to mention big-time bragging rights! Tell your friends to come get in on the action.

The Deadline is November 29th. Ladies and gentlemen, start your paintbrushes! This is your chance to really show off to your fellow BoLS readers, so lets see what you all can do. I can't wait to see what the community can come up with. GO!!!

11-08-2010, 11:32 AM
Wow, nice contest! In the immortal words of Ram Jam...

whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
Black betty had a child (bam-A-lam)
The damn thing gone wild (bam-A-lam)
She said "I'm worrin' outta my mind" (bam-A-lam)
The damn thing gone blind (bam-A-lam)
I said oh black betty (bam-A-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)

11-10-2010, 11:02 AM
Are there any images of this thing floating about for ideas?

11-10-2010, 02:13 PM

11-16-2010, 11:30 PM
1 week down and 2 to go...

We want to see some jaw-dropping entries folks!

11-16-2010, 11:47 PM
1 week down and 2 to go...

We want to see some jaw-dropping entries folks!

I just bought my Vypers today... I'll get to converting soon! :p

11-17-2010, 06:39 AM
There's a couple of ravager parts I want to use, so mine's going to be on an accelerated timetable. I've already started the back end and crew though.

Fortunately, GW have now dispatched my wave 1.5 advance order.

11-22-2010, 07:56 AM
Only one more week to go :eek: but I have now finished converting my giant reaver jetbike (which is the look I am going for) and added a couple of crew. I'm going to paint what I have and hope I have time to do the last two crew before the deadline.

11-22-2010, 09:41 AM
I have now finished converting my giant reaver jetbike
Mine is a "giant reaver jetbike" aswell.
But I won't have time to paint it as good as the rest of you...

11-22-2010, 10:04 AM
1 week to go gang, I'm expecting great things out of this group.


11-29-2010, 03:27 AM
And I'm done!

Images are in the gallery.

11-29-2010, 03:41 PM
Kudos for finding a way round using the vyper.

11-30-2010, 06:06 PM
Wanted to vote on the poll, cant find it anywhere , bit confused as the whole contest seems to be sorta shotgunned across BoLS .....

Linky would be great.


12-02-2010, 12:34 AM

Hit the poll on the BoLS frontpage, after checking out the finalists:

12-02-2010, 01:53 AM
Congrats on the win Billy!

12-07-2010, 08:30 AM
Congrats on the win Billy!

Thank you, sir!