View Full Version : Harlequins

11-06-2010, 09:09 AM

They are pretty dam cool.

They used to be rediculously hard.

They are so hard and cool there are old rules for having them in Space Hulk.

They are in both Dark Eldar and Eldar Codex's.


Why repeat a unit across two codex's is it pure fluff or is it for other reasons....did Dark eldar need Harlequins?

Why have Harlequins and not have the Solitaire (amazingly COOOOOOOOOOOOL!)

Why carbon copy Harlequins to Codex Dark Eldar without taking them any further.

Will the Harlequins be expanded on in the future.



11-06-2010, 09:16 AM
By carbon-copying the Harlequins, GW maintains a semblance of consistency between codexes. The Harlequins are not entirely associated with either Dark Eldar or Craftworld Eldar, so it stands to reason that in the interest of fairness, maintaining rules and point costs is appropriate.

Plus, if any player runs a harlequin-heavy army, they'd likely go to whichever army offered them cheapest.

11-06-2010, 09:19 AM
Why repeat a unit across two codex's is it pure fluff or is it for other reasons....

We don't know what the designers intent was for including them. I think it was for two reasons 1) to keep the Harlequins fair for both Eldar players and 2) for fluff reasons, as the Harlequins fight for any side as long as there is Chaos to kill.

did Dark eldar need Harlequins?

No, not at all. Wyches were already better than Harlequins, and now that Bloodbrides exist, there is definitely no reason to ever field Harlequins past fluff reasons.

Why have Harlequins and not have the Solitaire (amazingly COOOOOOOOOOOOL!)

Who knows. Harlequins in the Eldar book are piss poor anyway. Such a missed opportunity to make the space clown awesome, adn GW dropped the ball. Twice.

Why carbon copy Harlequins to Codex Dark Eldar without taking them any further.

So Eldar players wouldn't have something new to complain about?

11-06-2010, 10:09 AM
So Eldar players wouldn't have something new to complain about?

pfft like they need the excuse, i've already had an ear full of eldar players complaining that we even have access to them...

11-06-2010, 11:09 AM
pfft like they need the excuse, i've already had an ear full of eldar players complaining that we even have access to them...

haha, there's a lot to complain about in the Eldar codex, but regardless of what anyone says, it's still a strong army. As for Harlequins being in there, well I don't mind it for the fluff reasons. Besides, as was pointed out, they'll likely be one of the lesser-chosen units because of the unit-by-unit comparison in the DE codex. Even with a copied unit, the armies will play differently so it's unlikely to cause anyone to jump ship over a single choice. Seriously, your friends have no need to complain. :P

11-06-2010, 12:41 PM
pfft like they need the excuse, i've already had an ear full of eldar players complaining that we even have access to them...

Harlies got nerfed so badly in 5th with the change to rending I'm surprised they'd even care. I mean, it's not like they have shardnets or anything. :P

I still have my old old harlies from RT days, and frankly, they haven't been "good" since 2nd ed, when they were a more fully realized force.

Tsk on your eldar players who complain. Tell them they need to revisit their fluff and quit whining.

Though, the "fluff" has only been around since 3rd ed. As Dark Eldar were conceived by GW after a stunning eldar GT army was themed in an "evil" manner.

Props to GW though, they took one man's spin on Eldar and turned it into something pretty damned unique and interesting.

11-07-2010, 04:11 AM
Thats the whole point tho mate... every eldar player whos been mopaning at me doesn't even use harlies!!

They seem to take it personally when I laugh in their face however :P

11-07-2010, 04:26 AM
Harlequins aren't as bad as all that, and I'm actually pleased they were included as a fluffy unit. Very characterful.
Eldar players are just like most players, their sense of entitlement outweighs anything else.:rolleyes: It would have been nice if Harlequins had been updated in the Dark Eldar codex, especially with a little sign saying "this entry replaces that in Codex: Eldar" but it wasn't to be, so who cares? Mind you I've never used Harlequins that much even when they ruled the battlefields of 40k.

11-07-2010, 02:51 PM
Thats the whole point tho mate... every eldar player whos been mopaning at me doesn't even use harlies!!

They seem to take it personally when I laugh in their face however :P

Well, yeah. Laughing in someone's face is generally a big ol' precursor to them taking it personally...

11-07-2010, 04:50 PM
Well, yeah. Laughing in someone's face is generally a big ol' precursor to them taking it personally...

Yeah, but if they deserve it:rolleyes:...

11-07-2010, 09:21 PM
as an eldar player, i'm thrilled that harlequins made it to the dark eldar codex. fits the fluff perfectly, and keeps them mysterious... what's their real motive? the moment i divine that, i'll post it. (if they let me live that long...)