View Full Version : Imperial Armor Unit for Adepticon Team Tourney

11-05-2010, 08:44 AM
Hello There,

I was looking at the adepticon team tournament rules and this year they allow one team member (out of the 4 person team) to bring an Imperial Armor Unit, they have a list of allowed units (http://www.adepticon.org/11rules/201140KIAApoc.pdf). Now we are thinking about going with an all Imperial Force with a mix of Guard and Space Marines and maybe a Grek Knight player. I have a little experience with Imperial Armor but I just wanted to know what are some good suggestions for an Imperial Force?

I really like the look of the Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod which allows a Dreadnought to assault the turn it deep strikes. That sounds pretty awesome. If you have an average scatter you will still be in assault range and hopefully that will be one dead tank. The pod only costs a smidge more than a regular drop pod.

I also like the look of the Chaplain Dreadnought, if I read the rules correctly any turn in which the Chaplain Dread charges everyone in your army can reroll rolls to hit in CC.

The last unit that I was thinking about is the Damocles Command Rhino. The weird thing about this one is that it fills an HQ slot. A tank with armor 11/11/10 will no last long but while it does last it allows me to reroll one reserve roll; any units teleporting in can reroll the distance; and it has an orbital bombardment. It is also dirt cheap: a bit more than a regular rhino.

Right now I like the look of the drop pod, with some decent luck you can blow up a tank one turn one, or maybe tie the devastator squad up in CC for the rest of the game before they have a chance to shoot at you. It will also work well with the drop pod force I am planning.