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View Full Version : Plea for Bretonnian enlightenment

Bedroom General
11-05-2010, 02:26 AM
I have never been into Warhammer. I play 40k as my only tabletop game.
Over the years i have gradually collected a large army of Bretonnians, as I like their background and the models. Especially the questing knights, Though that is not an issue as far as builds go.

I was hoping that I could glean information about how competitive Brets are in this new edition, as I have yet to construct my army. I'm looking forward to painting horses, perhaps when I've finished that possessed Landraider that is glaring reproachfully at me.

Where was I? Oh yes.
What constitutes a good list and at what points? what are peoples opinions about the army, special Characters and the like. How do they play in 8th?

11-05-2010, 01:50 PM
I've recently joined this site http://www.roundtable-bretonnia.org/ and have gotten a lot of good 8th edition Bret info.

I too have had a long history with collecting, but not playing