View Full Version : Drop Troop Reserves

11-04-2010, 12:30 PM
I have a Drop Troop PLT with a Plt Com Sqd(Valk) and 2 Trp Sqds(Valks) with a SWS and a HWS Can i deploy the HWS & SWS by themselves then reserve the other units or do they all have to appear at the same time?

11-04-2010, 12:32 PM
They can be Deployed while the other squads are in placed in Reserves. Nothing requires that they all be Deployed or placed in Reserves together.

11-04-2010, 04:41 PM
wait, if this is the Imp Guard book, platoons are all placed in reserves together. I believe that is page 78.

It this is the Elysian rules, I don't know how they work.

11-06-2010, 07:36 AM
Imperial Guard Codex, pg 96 "Each Infantry Platoon counts as a single Troops choice on the force organisation chart when deploying, and is rolled for collectively when rolling for reserves."

I don't interpret this to the effect that "platoons are all placed in reserves together". Do you get that from somewhere else?

11-06-2010, 09:46 AM
I've always played that an infantry platoon can be split up, with part on the table and part in reserve. It's a common thing to see a blob squad deployed with the JO squad from that platoon kept in reserve.

11-06-2010, 10:01 AM
Imperial Guard Codex, pg 96 "Each Infantry Platoon counts as a single Troops choice on the force organisation chart when deploying, and is rolled for collectively when rolling for reserves."

I don't interpret this to the effect that "platoons are all placed in reserves together". Do you get that from somewhere else?

They count as 1 choice, and you roll once for the whole lot. The entire portion must go in reserves, or be set up on the board.

This is the opposite of Combat Squads. Where one unit can become many.

11-06-2010, 03:46 PM
I think it can be argued both ways, but to give tynskel credit, its impossible to roll for the WHOLE platoon collectively without the whole platoon in reserve.

11-06-2010, 07:36 PM
you can play this to your advantage--- the rules do not state they all have to come in the same way, they just all have to be deployed into reserves or on the board. Through a variety of special rules (for the most part, they do not exist for platoons) you can enter from your board edge, outflank, and deep strike, all from 1 roll. If the Elysian rules are written the same way, this is quite an advantage. You could have 50% of your forces in one platoon, and place them into reserves, and know that 50% of your army will always come in on a single turn.

11-06-2010, 08:42 PM
It doesnt actually say they have to all be deployed together, just that they count as a single troops choice on the force org when deploying. The only thing I assume this means is that if you are using dawn of war setup then you can have a whole platoon at start up as one of your troops selections.

11-06-2010, 10:02 PM
It doesnt actually say they have to all be deployed together, just that they count as a single troops choice on the force org when deploying. The only thing I assume this means is that if you are using dawn of war setup then you can have a whole platoon at start up as one of your troops selections.

hmmm... I am not sure where you get the idea that 'single' translates to 'plural' so, you will have to explain your reasoning.

Second---- dawn of war states units, not 'troops choices': platoon is 1 troops choice made up of many units.

11-07-2010, 04:19 PM
my confusion comes into play with the Valks as dedicated transports have the ability to deep strike (well the whole Elysian army does too) but if i wanted to deploy the HWS on the board, would the squads in the Valks have to deploy as well? I'm not trying to cheese my way to a win, just don't want to look like an idiot

11-07-2010, 04:24 PM
I am unfamiliar with the Elysian Army rules. However, all you need to do is check to see if there is anything forcing the player to either Deploy the entire Platoon, or place the entire Platoon in Reserves. If there is nothing requiring all or nothing for Deployment/Reserves, then the normal rules apply, and each Unit (even if they are part of a single FOC Choice, such as in the case of the IG Infantry Platoon) may be Deployed or not Deployed and placed in Reserves as normal.

11-07-2010, 06:26 PM
I am unfamiliar with the Elysian Army rules. However, all you need to do is check to see if there is anything forcing the player to either Deploy the entire Platoon, or place the entire Platoon in Reserves. If there is nothing requiring all or nothing for Deployment/Reserves, then the normal rules apply, and each Unit (even if they are part of a single FOC Choice, such as in the case of the IG Infantry Platoon) may be Deployed or not Deployed and placed in Reserves as normal.

Also, note, that a Valkyrie taken as a 'dedicated transport' is part of the platoon, just like the chimera is a 'dedicated transport' for Imp Guard..

The Valkyries in the Imp Guard codex are not dedicated transports, and are therefore rolled separately from a platoon reserve roll (basically meaning that you cannot put a platoon unit onboard and deploy them into reserves).

11-07-2010, 11:08 PM
. . .(basically meaning that you cannot put a platoon unit onboard and deploy them into reserves).
What prevents a player from putting a Unit from a Platoon in a Valkyrie in Reserves? I have not seen any rule that prohibits doing so. :confused:
The Reserves rules allow individual Unit to be placed in Reserves instead of being deployed. There is nothing which prevents Units selected as a single FOC from being split, nor is there anything which states all Units from a single FOC must be Deployed or placed in Reserves. The Platoon rules simply state that all units from a single Infantry Platoon Deploy as a single FOC choice (which doesn't mean anything in a standard game where Deployment rules don't require deployment by FOC choice) and the entire FOC only makes a single Reserves roll. If some Units from the Platoon are inside Transports from another Unit, they cannot arrive when their Platoon arrives, but instead they must arrive with the Transports' Unit.

11-08-2010, 07:03 AM
what prevents them from doing this is that you have to make 1 reserves roll for the entire platoon---- but the Valkyrie has to make its own reserve roll, because it is the unit that is actually doing the 'movement'.

They cannot be separated. You make a single roll for the entire platoon. Not a roll for each unit.

You can only be prevented from entering from reserves through mishap.

11-08-2010, 10:07 AM
what prevents them from doing this is that you have to make 1 reserves roll for the entire platoon---- but the Valkyrie has to make its own reserve roll, because it is the unit that is actually doing the 'movement'.
They cannot be separated. You make a single roll for the entire platoon. Not a roll for each unit.
I think that you are inferring more than the rules state. Yes, the Platoon makes a single Reserves roll. However, if some of the Units are inside Transports from outside the Platoon, they are prohibited from entering with the rest of the Platoon. Again, nothing in the Platoon rules require that all units show up together, only that the Units from the platoon which can come in together will do so. It is the difference between "will come in together" and "must come in together". If the Platoon rules stated that all Units must come in together, then I would agree with you, and one would not even be permitted to place the Units in Transports from outside the Platoon. However, there is no "must" clause, only a clause which states that they will come in together when they become available. The Units inside the Valkyries will never be available to enter play on their own, and will simply come in with the Valkyries.