View Full Version : Foot-dar

11-04-2010, 09:04 AM
How do they do these days? I can't see using transports but for a unit or two, since you cannot assault out of anything. Thanks!

11-04-2010, 09:42 AM
foot-dar? they are a reasonable list, not the height of competative...

there is plenty of reasons to use transports that you cannot assault out of... the wave serpent is one of the most durable vehicles in the game imho, and with a cheap unit of guardians inside its a very fast, highly durable scoring unit.

11-04-2010, 10:08 AM
Reason for transports: Bladestorm. Holy crap I've had units wrecked by that. Two turns of firing in one? Yes please. And then there's no reason to keep the on the board next turn, just put them back in the transport and zoom off to the objective.

The Eldar player I play against most is full mech, though, so haven't really seen any other uses of their infantry.

11-04-2010, 12:44 PM
I was looking at walking Banshees with a farseer. My reasoning behind this is because I want Harlequins, but they have to walk and I prefer my armies to moves at the same speed. I do however have dire avengers mounted for objective grabbing and firedragons mounted for tank hunting, but Guardians are stationary. Unfortunately, I have other heavy options I want to use other than a Wave Serpent, so I just cant sacrifice a slot for a transport. Please note that I am not the type who takes a list to dominate, I like the hobby.

11-04-2010, 09:05 PM
They do alright, super shooty armies tear them apart, albeit you can also become a super shooty army this way. They desperately need eldrad and the avatar to survive.

11-05-2010, 07:09 AM
I enjoy my foot-dar. They're lots of fun to play, but challenging to learn to play well (in my opinion). I'd say, as long as you have a hefty bag of tricks in the list and use it fully, they can do quite well. Especially if you're not hyper-competitive.

11-05-2010, 09:26 AM
I tried uploading my list but i do not think it worked

11-06-2010, 01:28 AM
Although I havent mastered foot-dar completely yet there is one model that has NEVER let me down.
Avatar. Simple use, run in a straight line, whatever gets in the way is killed.
THAT is footdar rule No.1

11-06-2010, 03:13 AM
tbh I don't understand the faith people have in deamons princes and avatars... almost everyone I know who plays eldar or chaos swears by them... yet regardless of what army im paying I have absolutly no difficulty in dealing with them.

sure they are good, but are they that good? no, not really. Once you know how to deal with them, they become nothing more then a minor irritant

11-07-2010, 11:15 PM
To be completely honest, the avatar and demon princes are among the worst monsterous creatures in the game. They are comparatively over costed next to their scarier brethern and they don't have the same effect that a Wraithlord's T8 or a Dreadnought's AV 12-13 has in saving them from your enemy's line troops. So why play them?

Well are they that expensive? No, not really. I mean you can trick out a demon prince to be, but why would you because his ability to survive is crap

Do you really have options to get anything in your army like it that's better? Again no, not really. I mean you can say Dreadnoughts, Wraithlords, Walkers or whatever but they have their own drawbacks too, mainly slower, less killy in assualt, don't help out other units, etc.

It's still a hammer unit - you still see them and crap down your leg when they can get within assault range of your tactical squad.

The miniture is 12 kinds of awesome - the new demon princes - holy hell =D

11-08-2010, 08:57 AM
...you actually think the Avatar is overpriced? Or a Daemon Prince (there's no good reason they should cost more than ~160pts).

Now, any single monstrous creature becomes a big target if there's nothing else for heavy weapons to shoot at. But that has nothing to do with how over/under priced something is. It just limits the way you have to use that unit.

11-08-2010, 01:56 PM
The Avatar is quite reasonably priced for what he does. The point that makes it interesting is fortune, which effectively multiplies his survivability by quite a bit (3x vs AP4 and worse, 2x vs AP3 or power weapons). Essentially, as long as he has a fortune bot, the Avatar is hard enough to kill that he'll make it to where he needs to go and earn his points. Hence, you already have a target for fortune predicated every turn: this is the Avatar's real cost, not the points value on Army Builder.

The hardest part about playing foot Eldar is planning ahead and positioning. You need to figure out where you want each unit to be by turn 5, and start moving there immediately - otherwise you'll run out of game time before you can arrive. Secondly, it's critical to protect each unit from a potential hard-counter unit. For example, if you run wraithguard they need to stay away from assault terminators at all costs. Since it's unlikely you can outmaneuver what you're hiding from, you may have to put a sacrificial unit (such as guardians) in front to soak the charge. I've found it helps greatly to have a general purpose marching formation for your units, where one squad is regularly in front as the suicide screen (guardians) for an anti-tank unit (fire dragons, wraithguard) with a counterassault unit (banshees) behind that. Additionally, the Avatar MUST remain within 6" of his farseer, unless you are prepared for the Avatar to die in a turn. As much as possible, all units should strive to retain one model within 12" of the Avatar as well - not having transports leaves you vulnerable to all manner of morale and pinning tests. Once you have your formation planned, it's just a matter of tailoring it to the mission objectives and deployment, and then reacting to your opponent as necessary.

11-08-2010, 05:55 PM
...you actually think the Avatar is overpriced? Or a Daemon Prince (there's no good reason they should cost more than ~160pts).

Now, any single monstrous creature becomes a big target if there's nothing else for heavy weapons to shoot at. But that has nothing to do with how over/under priced something is. It just limits the way you have to use that unit.

No I said he's not that expensive. Nothing about overpriced, and points have something to do with it. I feel less bad about losing a prince to a deep strike mishap if he's only toting MoT & Wings instead of giving him Bolt, Iron Hide, and all those other powers. It's like the argument for dakkafexes over godfexes in the previous dex, two big targets are alot scarier and more survivable than one.

11-08-2010, 07:09 PM
They are comparatively over costed next to their scarier brethern


Ok, yeah, I'd still say they're pretty good, just that you have to work harder to get synergy out of the rest of your army. Like bringing 3 Wraithlords to shield your Avatar;).

11-09-2010, 02:07 PM
Oops... perhaps I did...:eek:

11-09-2010, 04:53 PM
Oops... perhaps I did...:eek:I am so glad people can't go back over things I've said like that in real life . . .

11-09-2010, 08:50 PM
Oops... perhaps I did...:eek:

Nah, that's kinda taken out of context. You say they're overpriced compared to other monstrous creatures. So you kinda sorta but not really said it;).