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View Full Version : 1250 Space Marines; Looking for some feed back.

11-04-2010, 01:07 AM
Hello BoLS forum! My local game shop is hosting a escalation tournament in January starting at 1250 points. I am fairly new to the game so any help you can provide would be great, thanks for reading.

Librarian with Null Zone/GoI

Combat Squad with TLlass Razorback

Combat Squad with TLlass Razorback

Combat Squad with TLlass Razorback

Sternguard with drop pod 6 bolters, 2 combi-flamers 2 combi-melta

Predator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter sponsons

Predator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter sponsons

Land Speeder Assault Cannon

Land Speeder Assault Cannon

Thanks again for reading.