View Full Version : Tactical Squad?

11-03-2010, 06:03 AM
So, I was throwing a Shooty Marine list together, and thought to myself, why not stick a tac squad in a LR. Its a big block of a scoring unit, and has plenty of shots when it gets out. How viable of an option is this, take in mind, this is a shooty list and has minimal Hand to Hand.

11-03-2010, 07:42 AM
Putting tacs in a LR means the LR is scoring, its a good way to ensure they survive on an objective for a long time, however you have to remember the high points cost of this tactic.

So it will work the way your after, but its not the best use of a LR and its going to be very very expensive.

11-03-2010, 09:19 AM
I have done this in the past but I used a 5 man scout squad. Fewer points, still counts as scoring, lower armor dosen't come into play, etc. When the Raider does get blown up it's usually funny to see peoples reaction when the scout come out, because most people don't pay attention to the list you give them at the begining of the game and assume that a LR must be carrying something nasty inside.

11-03-2010, 10:25 AM
Putting tacs in a LR means the LR is scoring, its a good way to ensure they survive on an objective for a long time, however you have to remember the high points cost of this tactic.

So it will work the way your after, but its not the best use of a LR and its going to be very very expensive.

Actually, no, the LR remains a Heavy Support Choice. Normally, the squad buying the transport determines the assignment of that transport on the FOC (even though it does not take a slot on the FOC), but Land Raiders and their variants are always Heavy Support choices as they are not on the dedicated transport page, but are in the Heavy Support section. It even says so regarding the Land Raider in the BRB page 67. Besides, your tactical squad cannot select it as a dedicated transport (only terminators have that option). Only the squad (and any IC attached to that squad) buying the transport may start inside it at the beginning og the game. There's nothing preventing you from putting a tactical squad into the LR in your first turn movement phase, but they may not start the game inside. Neither can the scout squad start off the game inside any transport, as they may not select a transport option of any kind.

11-03-2010, 10:26 AM
actually you can only not start in other peoples dedicated transport. nothing stopping you start in a non dedicated transport

11-03-2010, 12:36 PM
Actually, no, the LR remains a Heavy Support Choice. Normally, the squad buying the transport determines the assignment of that transport on the FOC (even though it does not take a slot on the FOC), but Land Raiders and their variants are always Heavy Support choices as they are not on the dedicated transport page, but are in the Heavy Support section. It even says so regarding the Land Raider in the BRB page 67. Besides, your tactical squad cannot select it as a dedicated transport (only terminators have that option). Only the squad (and any IC attached to that squad) buying the transport may start inside it at the beginning og the game. There's nothing preventing you from putting a tactical squad into the LR in your first turn movement phase, but they may not start the game inside. Neither can the scout squad start off the game inside any transport, as they may not select a transport option of any kind.

Im not talking about starting the game in one, im talking about ending the game in one.

I never said its a dedicated transport, only that while a scoring unit is in it it counts as scoring.

11-03-2010, 02:39 PM
A scout squad may begin the game in a non dedicated transport such as a Land Raider or a Landspeeder Storm. Any unit that may legaly ride in a non dedicated transport may begin the game in it. Only the unit (and attached ICs) that chose a dedicated transport (rhino, drop pod, etc.) may begin the game in it.

Sir Biscuit
11-03-2010, 05:09 PM
It's not terribly effective. There are much more efficient ways to build in fire support while supporting mobile scoring elements in the marine list. If you're looking for ranged fire support, dakkapreds, gunslinger dreads, and MM/HF speeders are all horrifically cost efficient.
If your heart is set on it, however, an unupgraded scout squad is a better choice. Really though, if you're making a shooty marines list, Land Raiders are a bit of a waste.

11-03-2010, 05:57 PM
You need a unit with much more firepower than a tac. squad to justify a Land Raider. Tactical Marines just aren't good enough to spend that many points on.