View Full Version : Forgeworld Big Nid outdated Rules suggestions

11-02-2010, 02:57 PM
I've been painting up my scythed hierodule and malanthrope this evening, and while the washes dry i thought i'd post up a thought i've been pndering the past few weeks.

The apoc rules for these beasties are quite out of date due to the latest incarnation of the nid codex.


Scythed Hierodule

600 points for a non-deepstriking trygon sized carnifex (albeit with a big flamer...). I'm not one for points worrying, but it does seem a tad overpriced (Read: lacking-wounds) :(
"added attacks" for scything talons (old rules) - what should the attacks profile read to allow the hierodule to resort to having re-roll to hits for twin scything talons as per the new rules?
Agile - Fleet has been changed in 5th ed.
Also no mention of synapse. are gargantuan creatures immune to these effects/assumed to be controlled by the hivemind although they do not broadcast to other organisms?


Just not as toxic as a venomthrope, or as monsterously powerfull as the doom of malantai (although he would make a good count-as doom)
Feeder tendrils????
Warp field seems to be a 2++ save in the book, but is now a 3++ for zoanthropes

I'm wondering if it would be worth thrashing out some new apoc datasheets for these two bugs until forgeworld release an update for them... if they do

Cheers all

11-02-2010, 03:45 PM
I see what you mean, but most of the upgrades are represented in the profile and so are not that confusing.

Warp field was 2+/6++ and the old profile is still in the apocalypse armour book so should be used. There was a big fuss as to whether the hierophant titan got a free upgrade from 6++ to 3++ when the new codex arrived.

Generally, I'd resist making up new rules on the fly; unless you playtest heavily, the temptation is always there to make the unit just that little bit more powerful, even when you're trying to be fair.

Don't forget that the hierodule is a gargantuan creature, which comes with some extra benefits.

11-04-2010, 07:46 PM
600 points for a non-deepstriking trygon sized carnifex (albeit with a big flamer...). I'm not one for points worrying, but it does seem a tad overpriced (Read: lacking-wounds) :(

This is why the barbed hierodule is SO much better.

"added attacks" for scything talons (old rules) - what should the attacks profile read to allow the hierodule to resort to having re-roll to hits for twin scything talons as per the new rules?

2 Less then reads now.

Agile - Fleet has been changed in 5th ed.

Completely irrelevant.

Also no mention of synapse. are gargantuan creatures immune to these effects/assumed to be controlled by the hivemind although they do not broadcast to other organisms?

I think this is a safe bet.

11-04-2010, 08:37 PM
Ya know, you could just add rules, and change them.

You could add instinctive behavior to the gargantuans!