View Full Version : Hellion Unit Size

11-02-2010, 11:42 AM
Here's my dilemma. I'm trying to decide between 3x10 units Hellions or 2x15. Both have advantages/disadvantages. The smaller units can "hide better", but the larger units have more staying power and can cause big problems once they are in position to strike(Shooting and Assault). So in a 2k game, which do you guys think would be more viable.

Just for an overall picture, here's the current list with 3x10(Sathonyx leads a unit).


o 3x Haemoculi:3x Hex Rifles
o Baron Sathonyx


o 5x Incubi:
Venom:2x SplinterCannon
o 4x Kabalite Trueborn:4x Blasters
Venom:2x SplinterCannon


o 9x Hellions:Helliarch, Stunclaw
o 10x Hellions:Helliarch, Stunclaw, PhantasmGL
o 10x Hellions:Helliarch, Agonizer, PhantasmGL
o 6x Wracks:Liquefier Gun
o 10x Kabalite Warriors:Splinter Cannon
Raider:Flickerfield,Splinter Racks

Fast Attack

o 6x Reavers:2xCaltrops,
o 5x Scourges: 2x Haywire Grenade Launchers

Heavy Support

o Ravager:Fickerfield, Night Shields
o Voidraven Bomber:Flickerfield, 1x Implosion Missle, 1x Shattershard Missle

Also going to 2x15 size, i get 35 points back, and can buy another missle or 2 for my Voidraven,hmmm.

11-02-2010, 06:57 PM
go with two 15 man units. Its easier to get tokens on and they will have more staying and stopping power. Its actually a lot easier to gain cover with the 15 man units then the smaller units and still be in position. You just have to be more creative on how you reach cover.

11-02-2010, 09:54 PM
Yeah, I think that's what i'll do Darkwynn. That'll leave me some ponits to play with, so I can drop a Haemy and get a few more toys.


o 2x Haemoculi:2x Hex Rifles, 2x Liquifier Guns
o Baron Sathonyx


o 5x Incubi:
Venom:2x SplinterCannon
o 4x Kabalite Trueborn:4x Blasters
Venom:2x SplinterCannon


o 14x Hellions:Helliarch, Stunclaw
o 15x Hellions:Helliarch, Agonizer, PhantasmGL
o 6x Wracks:Liquefier Gun
o 10x Kabalite Warriors:Splinter Cannon
Raider:Flickerfield,Splinter Racks

Fast Attack

o 6x Reavers:2xCaltrops,
o 5x Scourges: 2x Haywire Grenade Launchers

Heavy Support

o Ravager:Fickerfield, Night Shields
o Voidraven Bomber:Flickerfield, 2x Implosion Missle, 2x Shattershard Missle

11-03-2010, 03:07 AM
Go with 13 instead, its got the same test point as 15 for 2 minis less and its only a single mini less for the no rally rule yet you will be saving points you can use for upgrades and other units.

11-04-2010, 09:23 AM
ill also vouch for the scourge with haywire plasters are pretty damn awesome :)

though id say youd want them into reserve and deepstrike or webway portal ...

11-05-2010, 12:03 PM
Got a chance to test the Hellions a bit more in a 1000pt game yesterday. I ran 2x13 Hellions with the Baron leading a unit. The Baron's unit got wiped out(barring himself)by Dark Reaper and Eldar missle launcers in Turn 1. Luckily, I was just close enough for him to join the 2nd unit next turn. From then, wow, they just went on a murder spree, killing an Avatar to shoting over 2 turns(4 died when the Avatar charged them, they broke, but regrouped to pummel it with Splinter Pod fire the next turn). After killing the Avatar, and thus gaining a Pain Token, I decided to send them head on into my opponents lines. They lost four more to shooting, but the remaining 5(including The Baron), went on to Wipe out a 9 man Dire Avenger squad and 5 man Dark Reaper squad.

I'm really glad I decided to run these guys as my Troops. If you can keep them out of harm's way for a turn, they WILL massacre crap. And with all the viable threats DE have now, it shsould be easy to take attention away from them in larger games. I think I'll rewrite my list to add a Razorwing instead of the Jetbikes, as they haven't been performing well(I think you will need full squads to really get good use out of the fly-by attks). With the missle attacks from the Voidraver and Razorwing, that should soften up the enemy plenty enough for the Hellions to make easy victims of them.