View Full Version : Cherubael Model

11-02-2010, 07:40 AM
I was wondering if anyone has any good ideas for a model for the daemonhost Cherubael from the Eisenhorn series? I'd like to model him as a bound daemonhost like in the short story from the Ravenor omnibus where he's fighting other daemonhosts and Eisenhorn cleaves a chaos dread in two with Barbarisater. I'd obviously have to do a lot of greenstuffing/converting but I'm wondering as to suggestions for a base model? GW or otherwise?

11-02-2010, 07:55 AM
Already exists.


11-02-2010, 08:06 AM
Have a look through the Warhammer range. I used heads from the Ungor (Beastmen) as they have the small horns similar to the Inq scale Cherubael and their little beards are easy to remove.

Torso and legs wise I think I went for some zombie parts to give the fragile/emaciated look, ripped clothes etc. GW also used to do a sprue with Cherubael's little =][= symbols on it and I added some of those and some green stuff and plasti-card restraint straps.

I'd stick a picture up but the models live in a cabinet at my parents house at the other end of England so no joy there I'm afraid!

Hope that helped a bit though

11-02-2010, 10:17 AM
well the gw =][= model i thin IS cherubel and id say a metal GWone with a small bit of GS shoud work?

also the wrack from PP also looks like a good start :D

11-02-2010, 06:09 PM
id say a metal GWone with a small bit of GS shoud work?

You got to admit though, the GW deamonhost models are awful though! The =][= model is Cherubael, I flicked over them earlier ansd reminded myself how much I wanted to get that a the time it came out...

Good shout on the Wrack, the legs at least are ideal...I'm tempted myslef now!