View Full Version : Hybrid list build idea help

10-31-2010, 08:16 PM
Hello everyone, i have been in the 40k universe for about 2 years, not so much lately, anyway im not out of high school and poor when it comes to 40k and it is rare for me to have enough money to push into a new army, so i want to make the right choice.
I want to run a list that is mainly foot slogging and not to many metal boxes that can be competitive, i dont need the one that crushes everyones, but can holds it's own. That has a solid core that can make a gun line and hold the ground, while i would have dedicated assault units that would have the transports and flank. I used to run eldar like that in 5th ed with only two wave serpents in 1750 and had success with it.
Anyway anyone got any good suggestions on an army like that? im trying to stay away from space marines as i like to have armies that are uncommon, if possible. i have only been able gleam so much about the upcoming dark eldar, but does anyone know if warriors could go on gunline -like deployment while wytches in raiders cruise around?:confused:
Anyway it's a broad question, but i am most interested Space wolves, tyranids, Dark eldar. The more unorthodox and creative the better,im trying not to ask for a full list and how to run, just general army builds like that (like a bunch of grey hunters around a thunder wolf core is a good example),and it dosent have to be a completely shooty army, thanks

11-01-2010, 04:23 AM
DE will give you the advantage of being mostly plastic so cheaper these days...but unless you enjoy converting your very limited in some of the options right now. They fit the gunline role, as the guns wound everything (poison) and are accurate with BS4 with plenty of anti-armour support. And their combat ain't exactly easy going either. Plus being a more expensive points per model army, you'll get a bigger army for less money