View Full Version : Flux Arc and Night Fight rules, plus other Cron's questions

08-24-2009, 12:04 AM
How does the Flux Arc interact with the Night Fighting rules? Since I do not select a target, but simply fire at everyone 12'' away from the Monolith.

Do I test for each target separately?
Do I test once and use that range for all shots?
Do I not roll at all, since I do not specifically "select a target"?

Can I move the Monolith before teleporting units through the portal?

Can I use the Deceive or Dread special abilities in a given unit, and charge a different unit in the Assault phase?

If my C'tan is atop a 6'' vertical tall hill and I wish him to move down the hill, do I have to "pay" in inches for this movement, thus only taking the model down from it? C'tan ignore terrain, hence my question. --> Look at this picture of my C'tan atop a hill for an example. (http://i635.photobucket.com/albums/uu75/arhurt2/BatRep02/vsCast-001.jpg)

08-24-2009, 12:19 AM
I think you test once as the monolith is only one unit, and it sees as far as it can see

Yes you can, but you cannot move the units who teleported afterwards

I would say no, as (at least) I qualify it as a type of shooting attack

You move a straight 6 inches out, you ignore the up/down thing :D

08-24-2009, 03:45 AM
I agree with Aenir on all but the question about Deceive and Dread.

with Deceive i would say yes, you can use it and assault a different unit then the on you chose. While yes its done in the shotting phase, i don't think it counts as an attack, its not a psychic ability so you can't use those rules and since it doesn't need the players controller to roll anything, you just target something and it happens. its something you do every shooting phase... since it has no ranged weapons. The only way you can assume that it counts as an attack is i think to apply rules that doesn't explicitly say they do. This is a very GRAY area in my mind and i would rather not infer a rule applies to an ability like psychic shooting rules that just seem way against the point of C'tans... being anti-psychic.

with Dread, NO... simple reason is that you can't make an assault move after you use it as per the rules of the ability itself and since you can't use it if your in an assault i am going to say this ability with this ability its impossible to do since i don't know how you can go from not being in CC to being in CC without moving.