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View Full Version : Helion Stun Claw

10-30-2010, 11:25 AM
Right...not having my codex yet (Grrrrr....) i don't know the exact wording right now.

But the Helion stun claw lets you rip an IC out of a squad with your helions in your hit and run move. Now questions that came up in my store

In an example your helions assault a guardsmen squad which has a commisar attached. They win, and force a morale check on th guardsmen. Can you hit and run before that check, taking the commisar with you? Thus reducing the Ld of the squad, and taking away the execution for stabilty option he provides.

I understand the answer if just the helions assault is probably no....as the test is made before Hit and Run.

But what if the squad is engaged with a 2nd enemy squad...say some Wracks, at a much lower Init. Can you H+R before the Wracks attacks? Not useful for commisar, but imagine pulling a Pain Boy out of a squad...taking away the squads FNP before more attacks crunch them?

My personal opinion was that H+R was done after all combat was resolved, and any tests were made. But there was a lot of support for the other camp as well...

For me even if you can't use these "tricks" the Stun claw still offers a lot of promise, dragging someone out so you remain locked in combat and can't be shot, but the squad is then vulnerable to more shooting...

10-30-2010, 11:46 AM
I have always played that Hit and Run happens after combat resolution and morale tests. Hit and Run happens "at the end of the Assault Phase," and the rulebook talks about morale checks as part of the assault phase.

10-30-2010, 12:32 PM
if the rule states independent characters, unless it is a commissar lord, it cannot leave the squadron, because Commissars are upgrade characters, not independent characters.

10-30-2010, 05:24 PM
Hit and run happens after everything else is resolved, so even if you could pull a commissar out it wouldn't work.

10-30-2010, 06:05 PM
To be fair the odds of a Ld 9, stubborn unit that can reroll its morale check breaking is pretty slim to begin with.

10-31-2010, 03:38 AM
Well it's hard to say without the exact wording but neither of your examples would work anyway because neither the painboy nor commisar are independent characters, they're squad upgrades.

10-31-2010, 09:18 AM
Well it's hard to say without the exact wording but neither of your examples would work anyway because neither the painboy nor commisar are independent characters, they're squad upgrades.

Here is the Stunclaw rules in all their bad grammer...

Stunclaw: A stunclaw is a close combat weapon that confers +1 Strength. It can also be used as a grapple with which to snare and entrap an enemy leader. When performing a Hit and Run, an Helliarch may nominate an Independant Character in the same combat and roll a D6. On the roll of a 2+, the Helliarch may 'snatch' the nominated mode - it is moved with the Hellions, born aloft by a mob of cackling maniacs! When their Hit and Run move is finished, leave as many Hellions in base contact with the 'snatched' model as possible - this new combat will be resolved next turn.

Herald of Nurgle
11-01-2010, 12:09 AM
If you nominate a Commissar, then you have not nominated an Independent Character.

11-01-2010, 04:44 AM
dependes on the commisar, they comes in 2 flavours, squad upgrade and IC.