View Full Version : Rumours on Black Templar or Dark Angel?Is there a wisper of them out there!?:(

10-26-2010, 01:40 PM
Im bored, tired and begining to lose interested in GW, so does anyone have rumours about black templars or dark angels? do they have a eta? are those loyal to the chapters going to be waiting a year or more?

thanks for anyone who take a care and replys! I am too stubborn to change codex(s) before anyone says!:)


10-26-2010, 01:47 PM
I haven't heard any rumors about either, well I hear the odd rumour about BT every now and then, but nothing ever seems to come of it...

I expect it'll be at least another year before a new DA dex is released.

Sorry to hear your getting tired of the game, please take some advice from a guy whos been there on more then 1 occasion (currently upto 4 times now), don't sell your minis.

If you stop playing keep your figs safe until after the new books are released, if you still don't have any interest, then sell.
This way if the new books relight your interest you won't need to rebuild your armies.

10-26-2010, 02:08 PM
Bah I might pop into the oxford street branch and demand they tell me when the new codex is out lol!

10-26-2010, 02:21 PM
If its any use to you i'll be seeing my contact in GW again early next week, so i'll ask him if he knows anything...

He won't tell me anything concrete (he likes his job too much), but if there is any offical rumor about, he'll pass that on to me.

10-26-2010, 06:06 PM
I really hope they would redo Black Templar's they are one of my favorite armies that I have just collecting dust :(

I even have a miniature by Scibor that kicks butt I can't really use it in any type of games expect for Campaigns.

10-26-2010, 07:14 PM
They'll likely eventually get an update in the next year or three. We just haven't heard anything about them from anyone who could be considered a reasonably reliable source.

Note that this means that we don't know if they're being worked on, not that they aren't. It's entierly possible that they're just off the radar right now, and might show up soon. Or not.

10-26-2010, 07:32 PM
I still say Templars are getting a codex under one of two conditions:

A) When the 40k Online MMO comes out as Black Templars are apparently the Space Marine chapter in it.


B) Sometime right before December 21, 2012, just before the end of the Mayan calendar when the world ends.

10-26-2010, 07:44 PM
Too many other rumors about too many other Codices right now. Tau, Necron, Daemonhunters, Sisters of Battle... and Dark Eldar haven't even officially been released to the masses yet! Not to mention GW still has to keep Fantasy alive and kicking.

It seems to me that, unless something changes drastically, the Black Templar and Dark Angels aren't going to get an update for at least a year. BT and DA are right up there with Chaos Marines and Eldar, armies that are getting old but not /as old/ as Tau, Necrons, Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters.

Just do what Mal said. If you're getting tired, set your models aside, don't sell them yet!

Try picking up a new game or hobby or something. Malifaux is cheap to get into and you only have a handful of models to paint. Warmachine is also relatively cheap to get into, again with only a few models to build and paint. That way you can start something new without having to spend a lot of money or time in getting into it.

10-26-2010, 08:05 PM
A pretty reliable source (for me, take it as you will) stated to me that the DA and BT will be religated to a White Dwarf/PDF update before they get a new print book.

BWAHAHA, now you all will know what it feels like to be a Blood Angel player!

John M>again, grain of salt/chip on shoulder/etc.

Lucian Kain
10-26-2010, 08:58 PM
Im bored, tired and begining to lose interested in GW, so does anyone have rumours about black templars or dark angels? do they have a eta? are those loyal to the chapters going to be waiting a year or more?

thanks for anyone who take a care and replys! I am too stubborn to change codex(s) before anyone says!:)


I know how you feel! I really do considering im a GreyKnight fan,no one should have to wait for a decade to get a dex. let-alone a decent one.I'd all but given up the fluff of the 40K universe.
There will be more hope For your Codex though, you won't have to worry about that.

10-27-2010, 02:59 AM
A pretty reliable source (for me, take it as you will) stated to me that the DA and BT will be religated to a White Dwarf/PDF update before they get a new print book.

BWAHAHA, now you all will know what it feels like to be a Blood Angel player!

John M>again, grain of salt/chip on shoulder/etc.

After the bad press GW got for doing this to the BA I really can't see them doing it again, if you look at the reports, the BS PDF actually hurt their marine sales... thats their #1 cash cow, they will not do anything that they know will hurt that.

10-27-2010, 06:16 AM
I wouldnt mind a PDF updated copy of BT/DA, as long as there was some effort into address some balance issues such as points and wargear issues and amendments that refered to 4th edition rule book, than a brand new spanking codex, It wouldnt hurt sales in term of people who collect these armies, might actually improve sales!


10-27-2010, 09:07 AM
I'd be fine with a PDF that does points balancing and wargear updates, like changing Stormshields to 3++ and marines not having to buy grenades. Kindof a 4.5 edition until they get around to a full codex.

10-27-2010, 09:43 AM
Personally I feel there is quite some time to wait for the ne DA and BT dexs.
First of all GW have to update all their 3rd ed. dexes to get them all up to date. Then if rumours are true the new tau dex will come out shortly after that. So DA/BT will come out sometime in... 2012.
Hey Galadren as right :)

10-27-2010, 11:20 AM
Sigh. I have Tau, Necron, and Black Templars.

Orks got some love so I'm happy there and I got a Space wolves codex to hold me over. :(

My Poor BT only come out once in a blue moon when I'm feeling all nostalgic.

10-27-2010, 11:44 AM
My Poor BT only come out once in a blue moon when I'm feeling all nostalgic.

I find your lack of faith disturbing...

10-27-2010, 12:12 PM
I spoke to my friend and he confirmed that neither is on the books for next year, beyond that he wouldn't tell me squat...

10-27-2010, 12:21 PM
Ach, I'm not too bothered that my small DA army isn't that good. Haven't even played the little buggers yet.

I'm still enjoying the painting, baby and work permitting, and when i get around to fielding them I'll have a blast, win or lose. Of course, by the time I get around to playing them a new codex will be available.

Looks like it'll work out that way for my Grey Knights as well... ;)

10-27-2010, 12:31 PM
Ah well, I guess I will have to guess what GW does and begin buying (but not built a wide degre of tanks/raiders and dreads and vets) Guess I can always work in a pre-heresy DA army, I have ordered the new Imperial Armour book so hoping there is some good traits for loyalists lists to use as a proxy for pre-heresy DA


10-27-2010, 03:26 PM
Sorry I couldn't be of more help mate.

I'd still recommend hanging on to the armies until after GW do finally release the books for them, just incase you do get a hankering to pick them up again.

10-27-2010, 04:08 PM
No, not even a whisper on them. They aren't on the schedule for this or next year.

10-28-2010, 09:27 AM
My sources tell me this exactly (are they the same????? LOL).
BT & DA are in full stop right now. Nobody is working on it, and is NOT scheduled rules nor minis for the whole 2011.

10-28-2010, 10:18 AM
Black Templars was the army I played when I started the hobby so if they get a new book thats incentive to revive my army.


10-28-2010, 10:18 AM
That's ok. Some of us actually know how to work with what we've got. We don't put up our models and quit just because things get rough. We fight harder and get better in the name of Sigsimund, Dorn, and the Emperor.


10-28-2010, 10:23 AM
That's ok. Some of us actually know how to work with what we've got. We don't put up our models and quit just because things get rough. We fight harder and get better in the name of Sigsimund, Dorn, and the Emperor.

Thanks for the inspiration!

I think im gonna crack open my book and write up a list when I get home!


10-28-2010, 11:42 AM
Always nice to be an inspiration.


10-28-2010, 12:24 PM
That it is! :)

The current Black Templars book isnt that bad if I do recall. You just gotta be able to get into combat quick! And I do like the wargear section. (Terminator Honours and Bionics!)

10-28-2010, 12:27 PM
No, it's not bad at all. Just old. It needs some balances like updated storm shield, marines getting grenades as standard gear, etc; and some points balancing. Other than that the rules are fine. As was said previously, alot of us would be fine with "balance" update until a full codex was released.

10-28-2010, 12:37 PM
Yeah the points balancing is understandable. I do like Dreads equipped base with Assault Cannons.
And the Emperor's Champion. Thinking back on some old games I can remember some of the amazing stuff i pulled off with him. Ahhh the glory days....

10-28-2010, 07:01 PM
I spoke to my friend and he confirmed that neither is on the books for next year, beyond that he wouldn't tell me squat...

:D "Wouldnt tell you SQUAT" No dont tell me! They definately will NOT be released before DA?BT! LOL :p

10-29-2010, 01:03 AM
As a black templar player i say leave my codex alone i win tournaments with them as they are.

i dont need the 3+ invo saves for storm shields i get 2 assault cannons for every 5 termies

i dont care about buying grenades cus any good black templar player has them assaulting out of a lrc and if you dont then you obviously arent a very good player

i get las plas squads if i want them
i get potms on vindicators if i want them

i dont need to rely on that slackjawed silliness that is a marine dex. i dont want sternguard in my black templar army

no thank you leave my dex alone i can live with it just fine

10-29-2010, 08:14 AM
i dont care about buying grenades cus any good black templar player has them assaulting out of a lrc and if you dont then you obviously arent a very good player

Leaving your lack of punctuation and capitalization alone, not to mention your spelling, I stopped caring at that statement right there.

10-29-2010, 09:17 AM
Man, I'd love a PDF update to the CSM codex fixing some of the point costs and unit rules (*cough*dreads*cough*), even if it meant waiting until post-6E for a new codex. I mean, the codex would still be lame, but it could be made much more usable with some mostly-obvious points tweaks.

10-29-2010, 07:36 PM
Leaving your lack of punctuation and capitalization alone, not to mention your spelling, I stopped caring at that statement right there.

And your post is about as meaningless as tits on a bull and spelling is correct learn to read before you say something else more lame then you did this isnt a typing course and you do punctuation when typing on a phone :)

10-29-2010, 10:24 PM
I do do punctuation when typing on a phone. And I've already made plenty of valid points in this thread. And you do make several as well. But when you say "If you don't play like this then you aren't a good player" you pretty much put down alot of good players who win by doing things differently. Like me. ;)

10-30-2010, 08:11 AM
There's no DA list on GW's website= no Samuel jet bike,or raven wing and a few other stuff that they have for DA

10-30-2010, 08:59 AM
I think the Templar codex is plenty competitive. I won or placed in the top three places in all tournaments the last season I played them.

Actually I played a game with my Templars the other day against the DE and gave them a righteous face stomping in the name of he Emperor!

The Templar codex has several advantages so if you play to the army’s strength it can be rock hard.

I love my Templars and they get good field time, but I would like to see an updated Codex to bring them in line with the new codices. (See Brother Galadren’s post about grenades); which would be nice to have for those crusader squads on foot, since the LRC has better cargo to transport (like furious charge assault terminators)

I’m just peeved that we’ve not seen a new codex when I think it would be one of the easier codices to rework.

But until then we shall continue the great crusade and bring the boot to face enlightenment that filthy xenos need.

I would like to know what kind of list Brother Galadren runs that I may learn a new method of crushing the faces of those unworthy to look upon the shiny boot heels of the Emperors finest.

10-30-2010, 10:01 AM
Here you go. I posted it in the 40k lists section for you.


10-30-2010, 03:52 PM
Here you go. I posted it in the 40k lists section for you.


Thank you much brother Galadren!

I shall Marshal the crusade and we shall hunt down the enemies of the Emperor! And I will strike down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers!

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
10-30-2010, 09:12 PM
As much as im not really a fan of SM's, i would hope the DA's get a real update, they were sorely done by GW with there codex right before 5th ed, over powering with a new SM codex, and making there's nearly redundant.
I know there very much still competitive, as i once owned a 10k size army long before Apoc.
Same i guess with the BT's, though the only time ive played against them, well lets say it was a slaughter. His BT army was torn to peices with a army that had more faith and fire than they did....my SoB army.

My arco flaggalants took to his Sword brethran like scythes to weat..was so fun to watch that. And with lots of Flamers, well he just walked into those and DG. Lots of Heavy Bolters and my Excorsists just took his command squads and Termmies to peices.

Wasnt a bad tactic he played, just i out thought him and kept him at distance until i was ready to get close and personal.

11-01-2010, 11:18 AM
I do do punctuation when typing on a phone. And I've already made plenty of valid points in this thread. And you do make several as well. But when you say "If you don't play like this then you aren't a good player" you pretty much put down alot of good players who win by doing things differently. Like me. ;)

the response was to the person who typed that you have to buy grenades i used my example as a way you dont need grenades. and i will stand by my statement if you are going to be doing alot of assaults with BT'S the lrc is the best choice to get them there

11-01-2010, 11:30 AM
As much as im not really a fan of SM's, i would hope the DA's get a real update, they were sorely done by GW with there codex right before 5th ed, over powering with a new SM codex, and making there's nearly redundant.
I know there very much still competitive, as i once owned a 10k size army long before Apoc.
Same i guess with the BT's, though the only time ive played against them, well lets say it was a slaughter. His BT army was torn to peices with a army that had more faith and fire than they did....my SoB army.

My arco flaggalants took to his Sword brethran like scythes to weat..was so fun to watch that. And with lots of Flamers, well he just walked into those and DG. Lots of Heavy Bolters and my Excorsists just took his command squads and Termmies to peices.

Wasnt a bad tactic he played, just i out thought him and kept him at distance until i was ready to get close and personal.

id be interested to know what he was playing the last time i faces a SOB army with this list

my 1850 BT list

emperors champ
abhor the witch

Crusader squad 5
plasma gun

Crusader squad 5
melta gun
Razorback tllc

Crusader squad 5
melta gun
Razorback tllc

sword brethern term squad 5 (led by emerors champion)
2 assault cannons

Vindicator (dozer blades and x armor all 3)
tactic tip if it ever gets shaken or stunned find a vehicle and ram it!


Ven dread
tank hunter

i had pretty much eradicated all armor by turn 3 the rest was mop up

11-18-2010, 12:58 PM
Dont lose faith in GW, just find something to relight your fire!! I didnt do anything with my models or armies for at least two years and then when i learnt about the ultramarines movie i got super excited and bought all the horus heresy books id missed out on and cracked out my unpainted death guard and have been steadying away since!!
just get some inspiration, mine was learning about a 40k (although very ugly 40k) movie!

chin up, look about the net, read some books and get your inspiration going!

11-29-2010, 07:12 PM
Great advice Eddoo. Nothings worse than getting rid of your stuff and then months or years later finding interest in the hobby again. Wait for a source for inspiration or go back to what originally drew you to the game.

Admiral Kenaris
11-29-2010, 10:24 PM
I can't believe they would let a brand name army like the Dark Angels fall into insignificance. I'm guessing they will eventually get to use Stormravens however as they would be a natural compliment to a Ravenwing Army I think.

11-29-2010, 11:23 PM
I do do punctuation when typing on a phone. And I've already made plenty of valid points in this thread. And you do make several as well. But when you say "If you don't play like this then you aren't a good player" you pretty much put down alot of good players who win by doing things differently. Like me. ;)

You just said DoDo.

11-30-2010, 01:33 PM
You just said DoDo.

That deserves a facepalm....

I'm gonna go smite some foes with the Holy Orb of Antioch now!

12-14-2010, 09:56 AM
The manager at the seattle battle bunker told me there may be an updated DA codex in the fall releases.

12-14-2010, 10:01 AM
Well if there is, good for those DA players.
I've played with them a few times and I would consider making an army if there was a new/updated book.

12-14-2010, 10:29 AM
The manager at the seattle battle bunker told me there may be an updated DA codex in the fall releases.

That makes me cry irl if it's true. Their codex may not be top of the line and missing 3++ storm shields, but their codex is 5th edition. They pay the same points for vehicles (35 pt rhinos with smoke and searchlight standard) and squads as Codex: Space Marines (frag and krak standard) while BT are still paying 50 pts base for Rhinos (and having to buy options like smoke and search lights) and basic troops still have to buy frag and krak.

12-15-2010, 10:18 AM
My understanding is that the changes will be minor scouts get moved back to troops from elites and special characters are being restated to be more in line with other SM Special Characters. I.E. Captain Lysander wont be able to walk all over Master Azreal anymore and possibly the return of Asmodai to the list

01-02-2011, 04:31 PM
My understanding is that the changes will be minor scouts get moved back to troops from elites and special characters are being restated to be more in line with other SM Special Characters. I.E. Captain Lysander wont be able to walk all over Master Azreal anymore and possibly the return of Asmodai to the list

I believe at GD they said the September WD will be a DA update to be brought inline with the newer stuff.

01-02-2011, 07:12 PM
I heard from someone that in a recent visit to the GW HQ in the UK they noticed that two armies were not on display in an area where they showcase all the armies. The two armies were the Necron and Black Templar. When asked why they were not in the showcase, the GW person slipped and said they were being play tested. That would make sense if they expect the Necron to be released later this year and the BT update for the upcoming MMO. Take it for what it is worth and if anyone out there has knowledge of what the GW HQ layout or the area that the person was talking about, please elaborate.

01-02-2011, 10:39 PM
The could have been talking about using Templars or necrons to playtest another codex.


01-03-2011, 10:45 AM
The could have been talking about using Templars or necrons to playtest another codex.


Nothing like making a new codex look awesome by testing it against outdated ones. :p