View Full Version : Dark Eldar with Phil & Jes video.

10-25-2010, 03:17 AM

Watching it now, quite good so far.

Maybe if we make people watch this video they will stop pronouncing Commoragh with a hard g. 'Comm-or-rag', honestly.:rolleyes:

10-25-2010, 04:26 AM
About to watch it...looks promising

Question though...whats the beigy model by Phils arm? On the left? Or is that explained in the video...

EDIT - Ok so its probably a beige raider facing the camera, not at 90 degrees....

And Phil Kelly quotes Hitchhikers guide....Wooo!

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-25-2010, 04:32 AM

Watching it now, quite good so far.

Maybe if we make people watch this video they will stop pronouncing Commoragh with a hard g. 'Comm-or-rag', honestly.:rolleyes:

Thanks for the video link, eldargal!

Nice to know I have been pronounding Commoragh correctly all this time.

10-25-2010, 05:09 AM
I don't like Phil Kellys new hairstyle.:(

Keep checking back, as we will add a new video every day this week, as Phil, Jes and Adam delve deeper into the background of the Dark Eldar!

10-25-2010, 06:05 AM
I don't like Phil Kellys new hairstyle.:(

Massive sideburns don't help with a receding hairline, that's for sure!

Phil just seems so all grown up these days! Scary.

10-25-2010, 09:11 AM
Very informative. I already knew much of what they said, though.

Can't wait to hear their reasoning for the rules.

10-26-2010, 02:04 AM
Part Two is up:

10-26-2010, 02:28 AM

Now this video is full of new things about the DE I did not know about... Very cool, very dark...

Tickling... :D

10-26-2010, 02:35 AM
I know, and people are always complaining about GW not telling us new things.:p
They have well and truly fleshed out Dark Eldar without being dogmatic, and it all sounds fantastic. I was actually beginning to think "Have I pre-ordered too much?", now I'm wondering if I should try and defy Mummy and order even more.:rolleyes:

They also confirm that Craftworld Eldar population levels are due to lack of procreation more than anything else. DE are breeding like rabbits.

hehe, Troke is funny. "how do they cirumnavigate that" instead of how do they circumvent that?".


Now this video is full of new things about the DE I did not know about... Very cool, very dark...

Tickling... :D

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-26-2010, 03:15 AM
The second video was very very good (apart from the interviewer stuffing up a third of the way in). I love the background, and the Dark Eldar seem very malicious. I think Slaanesh must enjoy the idea of the DE, for he/she is always being fed, and so might like the idea of them living long lives full of pain and pleasure. Great stuff.

10-26-2010, 03:20 AM
Well quite, I'm sure sure Slaanesh enjoys all the Shaadomy (:p)and debauchery and isn't too keen for it to end. Thoughh who knows, it may still be upset it hasn't got to et all the Eldar.

The second video was very very good (apart from the interviewer stuffing up a third of the way in). I love the background, and the Dark Eldar seem very malicious. I think Slaanesh must enjoy the idea of the DE, for he/she is always being fed, and so might like the idea of them living long lives full of pain and pleasure. Great stuff.

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-26-2010, 03:28 AM
Well uite, I'm sure sure Slaanesh enjoys all the Shaadomy (:p)and debauchery and isn't too keen for it to end. Thoughh who knows, it may still be upset it hasn't got to et all the Eldar.

Shaadomy LOL best 40k term of the week ;)

Probably going to run a one-off 40k Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch adventure set in Commoragh, with the player characters being captured by the Dark Eldar. Had great fun running the DE last time in Dark Heresy, and wouldn't mind the Haemonculus returning.

10-26-2010, 03:38 AM
Sounds like a splendid idea for an adventure. Actually that raises something I was thinking about, which is for those of us who love our fluff, how dark will you make your armies fluff? I'd like to have a suitably decadent and evil background for my Archon and army, but then when I mentioned a few ideas to people they asked if I had some weird sexual fetishes* which I shall not mention here.:mad: GW can only hint at it due to their family friendly policy, but should we be more explicit if we want, or should we stick with what GW sets out.

*Which I don't, eff why eye. I'm a Good Girl.

10-26-2010, 03:40 AM
How twisted and debased is my dark eldar army... its painted pink... you don't get much worse than that.

10-26-2010, 03:47 AM
These videos are great. I am however a little disapointed in one aspect of this new background.

Ive always been proud of the fact that DE could rightly claim to be the baddest race in 40k. Every other antagonist for the imperium could cite a reason for what they do, to appease a god, part of a plan, stupidity and hunger whereas the DE did it cos they liked it or wanted to . Now this aspect of topping their souls up seems like a driving force behind their depravity. Im not sure I like this but it is a cool story.
Im trying to see it more like this.

You`re running around doing what you like and do best but you start to flag a little so you have a red bull.

Souls will be my Dark Eldars Red Bull rather than a necessity

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-26-2010, 03:49 AM
Sounds like a splendid idea for an adventure. Actually that raises something I was thinking about, which is for those of us who love our fluff, how dark will you make your armies fluff? I'd like to have a suitably decadent and evil background for my Archon and army, but then when I mentioned a few ideas to people they asked if I had some weird sexual fetishes* which I shall not mention here.:mad: GW can only hint at it due to their family friendly policy, but should we be more explicit if we want, or should we stick with what GW sets out.

*Which I don't, eff why eye. I'm a Good Girl.

I tend to make my villains subtle, and not at all evil in their own eyes; so that means that they actually see what they are doing is necessary and good - in the context of Dark Eldar society. My Dark Elf army is led by a Dread Lord who's actions stem from a deep-seated belief that he is utterly superior to every race in the Warhammer world. Almost like a twisted version of Pride and Prejudice's Mr Darcy. However, for the DE, I'll make my general rather desperate and tragic - terrified of losing his soul and knowing he is damned.

As for the twisted stuff; well, I'll let my dark imagination run wild and previous experiences lead the way lol

10-26-2010, 03:51 AM
Actually they said that Dark Eldar enjoy it and see no reason to stop, looking at their Craftworld cousins and joyless monks. The pleasure motive is still a primary one. Remember pre-Fall they started doing all this because they liked doing it, the fact it has a purpose is just a bonus.

I do that as well, I don't want a one dimensional Supervillain style character. My Archon is going to be an evil me, an arrogant, aristocratic mega-b*tch who knows exactly what she wants and doesn't care how many millions of lesser beings die so she can have it. No evil laughter and shallow betrayal though, she is quite happy to manipulate, help others and honour alliances/deals. but I do want her to reflect the depravity of DE society.

I tend to make my villains subtle, and not at all evil in their own eyes; so that means that they actually see what they are doing is necessary and good - in the context of Dark Eldar society. My Dark Elf army is led by a Dread Lord who's actions stem from a deep-seated belief that he is utterly superior to every race in the Warhammer world. Almost like a twisted version of Pride and Prejudice's Mr Darcy. However, for the DE, I'll make my general rather desperate and tragic - terrified of losing his soul and knowing he is damned.

As for the twisted stuff; well, I'll let my dark imagination run wild and previous experiences lead the way lol

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-26-2010, 03:51 AM
These videos are great. I am however a little disapointed in one aspect of this new background.

Ive always been proud of the fact that DE could rightly claim to be the baddest race in 40k. Every other antagonist for the imperium could cite a reason for what they do, to appease a god, part of a plan, stupidity and hunger whereas the DE did it cos they liked it or wanted to . Now this aspect of topping their souls up seems like a driving force behind their depravity. Im not sure I like this but it is a cool story.
Im trying to see it more like this.

You`re running around doing what you like and do best but you start to flag a little so you have a red bull.

Souls will be my Dark Eldars Red Bull rather than a necessity

It reminded me of drug use. I deal with drug users every day, and the nature of the soul drain very much of how illicit substance users have to increase their 'hits' to get the same high as when they first started using drugs. Souls and emotions are the new cocaine, ecstasy and heroin for my DE.

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-26-2010, 04:13 AM
I do that as well, I don't want a one dimensional Supervillain style character. My Archon is going to be an evil me, an arrogant, aristocratic mega-b*tch who knows exactly what she wants and doesn't care how many millions of lesser beings die so she can have it. No evil laughter and shallow betrayal though, she is quite happy to manipulate, help others and honour alliances/deals. but I do want her to reflect the depravity of DE society.

That sounds really interesting. I like the idea of taking some known and then letting malice change it.

10-26-2010, 04:23 AM
It reminded me of drug use. I deal with drug users every day, and the nature of the soul drain very much of how illicit substance users have to increase their 'hits' to get the same high as when they first started using drugs. Souls and emotions are the new cocaine, ecstasy and heroin for my DE.

I cant be the only person who now wants this for my DE soundtrack


Farseer Uthiliesh
10-26-2010, 04:27 AM
Wow, nice choice!

10-27-2010, 02:24 AM
Part Three:

Good insights into the Kabals and they specificallt state that while lots of killing goes on, a lot of it is formalises so while brutal, Commoragh is not completely anarchic.

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-27-2010, 06:07 AM
That was excellent. The Dark Eldar society is very much shaping up to be an interesting society.

10-27-2010, 06:20 AM
Its interesting how they talk about not being bale to put a lot of the background into the codex due to its size...i'mhoping for a Black Libriary DE book, much like Path of the Warrior to fill us in on some more bits...

10-27-2010, 06:21 AM
I think these two have probably made one of the best codices ever with the new Dark Eldar... Each game I play with it, it just keeps revealing how powerful, yet fun and fluffy, it is.

Kudos guys!

10-27-2010, 06:23 AM
Told you so.:p Hehe.

I want my copy now.:(

I think these two have probably made one of the best codices ever with the new Dark Eldar... Each game I play with it, it just keeps revealing how powerful, yet fun and fluffy, it is.

Kudos guys!

10-27-2010, 10:56 AM
Told you so.:p Hehe.


10-27-2010, 11:05 AM
Actually having the society explained, and seeing Buffo do it in real life is making it really hard for me to not want to start one of these.
I like the looks of a piratey force, the Duke, with warriors and raiders, trueborn, and then wyches coming from a portal. Looks like lots of fun.

10-27-2010, 11:08 AM
Actually having the society explained, and seeing Buffo do it in real life is making it really hard for me to not want to start one of these.
I like the looks of a piratey force, the Duke, with warriors and raiders, trueborn, and then wyches coming from a portal. Looks like lots of fun.

You are in luck....

I just played a 2500 point 'Ard Boyz power list chuck filled with warriors, raiders and Trueborn.... I'll have it up on my blog during the week.

I have always said that the current DE codex was one of the best written codices ever, and keeping with tradition, the new Dark Eldar codex is coming out to be THE best done codex, ever.

Kudos to Jes and Phil.... Beautiful!

10-27-2010, 10:05 PM
You were getting a bit worried about the competitiveness of the new Codex a week or so ago, and I said we would need to wait and play some games. That's all, I'm just teasing a bit.:p

Edit: I like the fact that we now know that a successful Kabal can sponsor a Wych cult AND have an Incubi temple in its territory to train its warriors. I would assume the Incubi would also act as mercenaries.


10-28-2010, 01:50 AM
You were getting a bit worried about the competitiveness of the new Codex a week or so ago, and I said we would need to wait and play some games. That's all, I'm just teasing a bit.:p

Edit: I like the fact that we now know that a successful Kabal can sponsor a Wych cult AND have an Incubi temple in its territory to train its warriors. I would assume the Incubi would also act as mercenaries.

Yeah, having actual FLUFF for the first time in over a decade is pretty friggin nice!

Being that a large kabal can house thousands, if not millions, of members, I am sure Kabals can own and run pretty much anything they want :)

The whole Regeneration thing from combat is pretty interesting.... game getting all 5th Element on me here lol.

10-28-2010, 03:40 AM
Part the Fourth: Miniatures:

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-28-2010, 04:08 AM
Fantastic stuff! Jes is a master.

10-28-2010, 04:42 AM
I love that Jes confirms Dark Eldar superheavies (from a fluff sense, not a future model plan) by stating that they envisage large raiders and slave barges floating about the battlefield.:)

Even though we've not made models, we have envisaged the fact that somehere above this you'd have raiders or slave barges that are this size (Indicates large size, say 18-24" long]

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-28-2010, 04:45 AM
I love that Jes confirms Dark Eldar superheavies (from a fluff sense, not a future model plan) by stating that they envisage large raiders and slave barges floating about the battlefield.:)

Oh yeah, I loved the imagery. Barges just filled with terrified slaves, reading to be shipped back to Commoragh, like cattle. Great stuff.

10-29-2010, 02:15 AM
Part 5:

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-29-2010, 02:16 AM
Watching now.

10-29-2010, 09:50 AM
Thanks Eldargal.

I have enjoyed this series of videos like no other.

Thank you guys at GW for making this possible.

10-30-2010, 06:33 AM
I think it's awesome that GW are putting out some more info around the release of this codex, both on some of the reasoning behind the design decisions, and more fluff!. That, and it's always good to hear Jes talking about minis ;)

I really hope they do something similar in the future when they bring out new books.

These videos are great. I am however a little disapointed in one aspect of this new background.


Now this aspect of topping their souls up seems like a driving force behind their depravity. Im not sure I like this but it is a cool story.

To be honest, I always though that this was strongly implied in the fluff from the original DE codex - at least, that's how I've always interpreted it. I figure that the Eldar race as a whole is cursed, it's just that the various factions have found different ways around it (Soulstones for the craftworld Eldar, having your entire planet be a giant soulstone for the Exodites, of the soul-thirst with the Dark Eldar).

Actually that raises something I was thinking about, which is for those of us who love our fluff, how dark will you make your armies fluff? I'd like to have a suitably decadent and evil background for my Archon and army, but then when I mentioned a few ideas to people they asked if I had some weird sexual fetishes* which I shall not mention here.:mad: GW can only hint at it due to their family friendly policy, but should we be more explicit if we want, or should we stick with what GW sets out.

I'd say that really depends upon who you're playing with. Random pick-up games, I'd keep it fairly light, or at least veiled - everyone has their different ideas of what's acceptable and more importantly, what's enjoyable in a fantasy game. If you've got a regular crowd, you've probably got a pretty good idea of how evil is too evil for them.

My Dark Elf army is led by a Dread Lord who's actions stem from a deep-seated belief that he is utterly superior to every race in the Warhammer world. Almost like a twisted version of Pride and Prejudice's Mr Darcy.

Complete aside, but I love this idea. Made me remember some appropriate quotes too, like "Neither duty, nor honour, nor gratitude [...] have any possible claim on me." or "For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?" Take completely out of context, of course!

Of course, it also makes me think of witch elves modelled after the Bennet sisters and their mother, but that might just be me ;)

I must admit, I think the new Dark Eldar line of minis is one of the most consistently fantastic that GW have ever produced - lots of fantastic female sculpts too! I'd be tempted if they weren't quite so eeevil (says the die-hard Chaos player... :p ). I guess I'll just have to stick with my small Rogue Trader corsair force instead!