View Full Version : Daemons of Chaos Undivided

10-21-2010, 08:59 PM
I have a modeling/fluff tie in question for the community. I have begun to slowly paint up my Word Bearers army, and I (of course) want them to have plenty of daemonic elements; Possessed, Defilers, a Daemon Prince, etc. because that is what they are all about. Of course, the bread and butter here is Summoned Daemons squads, but I am at a loss for how to represent the Undivided Daemons that they would/should use (not to mention the fact that the rules for Daemon Packs are quite different from those for the Daemons in their own codex...).

I was wondering what others thought would be a good Daemon model to use, I've considered the old Horrors because they looked very... chaotic and unformed, like they weren't quite sure what form they wanted, the raw stuff of Chaos so to speak. Unfortunately I've only managed to get a few of them, and finding as many as i'd like will probably be very slow, difficult, and expensive. I've also considered Bloodletters because frankly I think the new models look awesome, but they are very iconic Khorne Daemons, on the other hand I could rationalize them as being the most suited to battle (servants of the Lord of War and Rage etc), and thus being the first choice when summoning Daemons in battle. Alternatively I could use the models but remove the Khorne specific iconography and paint them a different color (say, black) and just call them plain vanilla Daemons of Chaos Undivided. What are other people's thoughts? has anyone else come up with the same question, and what did you do?

Thanks in advance for the ideas.

10-21-2010, 09:02 PM
I use fantasy dryads as a base model for undivided daemons.

You could also use Chaos Furies but the models are a bit aged looking. They are intended to be the basic undivided daemon, though.

10-22-2010, 05:46 AM
Yup, Furies would be the way to go, fluff-wise, for a Word Bearers army. They call them "Kathartes(sp?)", and in the warp they supposedly resemble angels. :p They follow Word Bearers ships in "flocks" thousands strong through the Warp, hoping to be able to break through into the Materium.

10-22-2010, 07:14 AM
The old Horrors do make good looks shifting entities of the warp.
I've seen lightly converted Dryads and they also look really good.
Furies are the generic 'lost souls'

It should also be noted that, while many were turned to serve Tzeentch and take the form of screamers or disks, "soul-sharks" are one of the eldest forms of natural daemons.

Zombies also make good less daemons. The standard rotted kind link to Nurgle; but add extra armour and weapons and the right paint scheme and they'll look Khorne-ate. Paint them in pale/bright colours with 'glowing' highlights for an etheral look, and they could be linked to Tzeentch or Slaanesh (or just generic 'lost souls')

10-25-2010, 05:18 AM
Ghouls can make nice fire-daemons if you paint the back hair mohawk all firey.