View Full Version : Shooty Space Marine Chapters

10-21-2010, 11:08 AM
Hey all,

I was wondering if there are any chapters that have a doctrine that stresses shooting as the main aspect? I prefer a shooty army with some assault elements, and I like my army to reflect the fluff.

Thanks for any help!

10-21-2010, 01:09 PM
Of the top of my head the only primarily shooty SM are Iron Warriors but they are CSM.

Upon research though the Imperial Fists are technically "seige" oriented and Lysander boosts the Tactical Marines with Bolter Drill. (If you chose Imperial Fists you must square with having to paint yellow armour which is not an easy feat)

All of the chapters can be set up to have units that blast things from afar and send in mop up assault units, it just depends upon the selected units.

Hope that helps a bit! :)

10-21-2010, 01:19 PM
Imperial Fists are probally the most 'shooty' of the loyalist space marine chapters, they will stand back and empty their entire ammo reserves before charging into combat... of course once they do get into combat, its either them or you.

10-21-2010, 04:03 PM
So it looks like Imperial Fists is the only establisehd chapter that suits your preference.
You could invent your own chapter if you like that kind of thing.

10-21-2010, 04:10 PM
Most space marine chapters are more shooty than they are assaulty. A tactical marines main weapon is a gun after all, and tactical squads are the mainstay of a space marine chapter.

While the imperial fists are regarded as siege experts there are alot of chapters with close ties to the adeptus mechanicus, and so they would most likely favor use of ranged weapons, especially advanced ones, in their combat doctrine.

The salamanders are also a bit more shooty than your average chapter, though they prefer to flame your face off at a shorter range :P

10-21-2010, 04:50 PM
Ohh all space marine chapters are shooty to a degree, but most, even the ultramarines, tend to close with their enemies while shooting, the fists however stand back until they run dry.

I've read almost every BL book released, played the game since first edition and at one time or another owned pretty much every army book ever released....

While I tend to not have too much fluff in my game armies, I have a cubic tonne for reading material and the hobby aspect of the game.

No other space marine army puts as much faith in solid shooting as the imperial fists do, they stand back and avoid getting caught up in combat for as long as they can, when they set up a battle line, it may aswell be a permanant fortification.

10-21-2010, 05:04 PM
Thanks a bunch guys. Looks like I may have to do a few test runs on Yellow to see if I am happy with how well I can paint yellow.

10-21-2010, 05:17 PM
If you want a fairly easy method (although not very fast) that gives a nice solid yellow thats neither too light or too golden/brown then try this:

2 thin coats white (be sure to get a complete cover on the plastic as any missed spots will appear green on the finished yellow)
2 thin coats elf flesh
2-3 thin coats sunburst yellow
wash the recesses with greyphonne sepia and then put a fine detail line in with chestnut ink.

It will come out looking like this


10-21-2010, 06:41 PM
My understanding was that Dark Angels were quite shooty as well- stubborn in defence. They're less of a siege specialist.

I'd heard that blood ravens are as well but I don't know that much about their doctrines. I know their fluff a bit and they are quite pyskery

10-21-2010, 08:43 PM
As people have already said, the Imperial fists are the siege-masters and prefer long ranged shooting, and the Crimson Fists have inherited this inclination to some degree. The Dark Angels are also fairly shooty (and they have the shootyest Dreadnaught pattern the Mortis). Raven Guard have a thing for scout snipers, so in that one specific regard they are "shooty," and their companies are very independent, tending to be shaped by their individual Captain's preferences. Any codex chapter will of course recognize the importance of ranged combat as part of a unified battle-plan. But if what you really want is shooty to the max, Fists and Dark Angels are your guys.

You can of course create your own chapter whose combat doctrine revolves heavily around ranged combat...

10-22-2010, 01:53 PM
Some Space Wolf companies are apparently if you consider the rules around Long Fangs and the ability to use massed living lightning Librarians.

It may be a "spam" list but it probably also reflects elements of their background.

10-22-2010, 08:18 PM
Well, it'd also be possible to just pick your favorite Chapter and have your army be the 9th battle Company.

The 9th are traditionally the reserve devastator company; so would be packing a lot of heavy weapons and fight in a very shooty manner.

10-23-2010, 04:15 AM
I allways thought of white scars as a very shooty army in the sense that they shoot, drive off, shoot, drive off... repeat until done...
and they would only rarely charge into combat...

10-28-2010, 12:42 PM
Well whatever you decide to go with post a list and some fluff if you create your own chapter.

10-29-2010, 11:03 AM
Its stated in Imperial Armour 9 - The Badab War that the Raptors are known for often shunning the glory of close quarter combat for the simple expediency of the clean kill over distance. They work like a modern day military.