View Full Version : Count As

10-19-2010, 11:38 PM
So I have a quick stupid question about the count as rule.

In SW Codex Logan Grimnar has the rule "The Great Wolf - Wolf Guard units count as Troops in any army that includes Logan Grimnar"

Now does this mean that if I wanted to I could take all my troop choices as Wolf Guard instead of using Grey Hunters of Blood Claws?


10-19-2010, 11:48 PM
So I have a quick stupid question about the count as rule.

In SW Codex Logan Grimnar has the rule "The Great Wolf - Wolf Guard units count as Troops in any army that includes Logan Grimnar"

Now does this mean that if I wanted to I could take all my troop choices as Wolf Guard instead of using Grey Hunters of Blood Claws?


I don't know what you are asking, so I'll try to answer two possible questions..

1) Your Wolf Guard now count as troops.

2) You can use Wolf Guard models as your Wolf Guard, or you can use Grey Hunters or Blood Claws as Wolf Guard models AS LONG AS the models are appropriately armed to represent what they are carrying. If anything, ask yourself this question regarding your count-as Wolf Guard models, "will this confuse my opponent?" If the answer is no, you are fine.

10-20-2010, 12:11 AM
What I think he means to say is this:

Do things that "count as" troops actually fill the required two troops slots?

The answer is yes AFAIK

10-20-2010, 01:44 AM
Yes, providing the rule states they cound as troops rather than count as scoring.

For example sternguard with pedro... in this instance the sternguard can score, but do not fill the troop requirement.
For example deathwing with belial... in this instance the deathwatch terminators can score and do fill the troop requirement.