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View Full Version : Making a List for Hades Hive

08-22-2009, 03:26 AM
I was recently thinking, and if you see me on the BoLS blog i'm usually saying things about armies i don't have, what would be put into the a Hades Hive Imperial Force? How many points should there be, how many points should i spend on certain detachments (Steel Legion, Blood angels, Ultramarines, Salamanders) what should be included? Artillery? Leman Russ'? if so what type? Should i bother with Chimera APC's if their defending? should i go with a Imperial Fortress for Hades' wall or just a terrain feature Wall? Should it include titans? if so what type? how should I paint the steel legion? Should i put in SC besides Yarrick (Dante, maybe Sicarius etc.) What should the board be like even? Hills? a Fort wall with all the urban complex on the inside? Should i include Chencov to allow me to pour out the inhabitants of the hive? how should i make them? etc. Let loose

08-22-2009, 09:20 PM
Hades was destroyed in the 2nd war of Armageddon, and the remains were obliterated in the 3rd war by orkish orbital bombardment. As for the 1st war, it did not have any role of interest to play, so you're probably going for the 2nd war of Armageddon era?

The choice of forces is really up to you, from what you wrote above you seem to have the right ideas already. :) There was a heckload of imperial Troops around, so pretty much anything goes.

As for the terrain, I would recommend ruins, lots of ruins. If you're going for fortifications, be sure to include some broken walls and tons of debris.

The inhabitants of the hive that actually fought in the war were more like Necromunda Gangers. The closest thing to them would be penal legionnaires from the current IG codex.