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View Full Version : chaos/ig teamup

10-19-2010, 08:16 PM
I will be running 2000 ponts of chaos in support of an ig army. i have never teamed with an ig army so anyone have a good idea for this? our opponents will be a tau/sm team

10-19-2010, 08:37 PM
Is it Dual Lash, Oblits and lots of Plague marines with meltaguns in rhino's

Make sure he's bring 2 psyker battle squads and lots of pie plates.
Lash units into piles for template weapons or nail them with Weaken Resolve and pin them with leadership 2 with lash.
Use the Plague marines to shield the guardsmen and act as a counter assault unit when anything gets close.

10-19-2010, 11:30 PM
What kind of army is the IG guy playing? If it's high firepower, lots of mech, then I would try to shore up his close combat weakness with some assault troops and his weakness in objective taking/holding with power armoured troop squads that can park on an objective after his big guns clear it out.

Now, if he's running infantry blobs then he can take, or at least hold, objectives while you go after high priority targets.