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View Full Version : Tyrannic War Veterans and Cassius

10-17-2010, 09:49 PM
So, me and the little lady are moving. While going through some stuff packing, I found my 4th edition codex of Space Marines. Thumbing through the holy tome's sacred pages I found some interesting tidbits about Chaplin Cassius and his protege's. Forged from several direct conflicts with the Tyranids spanning from Macragge and beyond, over half of the current 1st company of the Ultramarines follow Cassius' into battle against the Nids. Now Calgar knows these guys ain't exactly codex; however he also understands that this new threat needs a more specialized approach as Guilliman would have realized. Now am I the only one that thinks this rocks? and I ain't even a fan of the Ultras. A highly specialized force formed within a battle hardened, proven tough as nails elite company led by a fanatical-borderline obsessed cyborg. Now I'm wanting to build an army around the concept of a small force of marines from another codex chapter having their teeth kicked in, then from the sky comes Cassius and his boys. So I was wondering if any one could sight specific references of a chapter in dire straights only to be saved by the boys in blue?

Erasmus of Baal
10-18-2010, 01:33 PM
I always loved the ideas surrounding the Tyrannic Wars--the special veterans, the Founding Chapter of Guilliman intentionally disregarding the Codex Astartes...great stuff, IMO. However, I've always thought of the Ultramarines as being more of a you-stay-in-your-corner-and-I'll-stay-in-mine kind of Chapter, hence, no major "enter and save the day" stuff going on there as far as I know. I've never really had much against them, but I've never been able to come up with much in their favor, either. (I do, however, love to call them the "Ultrasmurfs" just because it's fun to say. :D)

10-18-2010, 01:54 PM
I reserve the right to call them smurfs since I used to be an ultramarine player ;)

I personally really liked the whole idea of a specalist unit forming withing the ranks of the ultramarines, it game them more character in my opinion.

It was a shame to see them go, although I can understand why. Personally I feel the ultramarines would step in to assist any imperial forces if they truely thought their assistance was required... of course they'd have to fill out 20,000 forms in triplicate first :p

10-18-2010, 02:32 PM
Ultramarines are amoungst the most co-operative of space marines chapters and have long been so as opposed to say the reclusive and secretive Dark Angels. They' d definitely intervene if petitioned. The only way I can imagine them not intervening is if it were some way insulting to the person they were rescuing.

as for who they should help why not the Scythes of the Emperor.


They were almost destroyed by hive fleet Kraken- who the Ultramarines were instrumental in Destroying during the second tyrannic war. Theres less than 100 left (you could model the whole chapter)


Their colour scheme is markedly different to the Ultramarines ( I can't call them smurfs- its their word and I have no right using it) so it would be obvious who is who.

If you don't like the scheme there are a few other chapters who are in a similar position- look them up on Lexicanum

Edit: I did it for you. Theres the cool sounding knights of eternity who have been destroyed http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Knights_of_Eternity

the Sky Sentinels who fought Hive Fleet Leviathan at the positively musical Sondheim V

The semi renegade Crimson Castellans

I sstill think Scythes are the best way to go

10-20-2010, 08:21 PM
If anything draws me to to the vets, it's Cassius' unrelenting nature and unbridled hatred of the Nids. Cassius laid dying underneath a dead carnifex contemplating how the tyranids were a punishment for mans lack of vigilance. Now he has his own divergent fallowing withing the 1st company of the most hardcore codex chapter ever, in short he is a pimp. Now it don't hurt that the models and artwork for the vets completely rock to boot.

11-02-2010, 12:20 PM
Cassius=A serious bad ***.

If you look at most of the chaplains stories almost all of them laid dying under something and had a religious epiphany which spurred them on to live and crush the enemies of the Emperor.

I have a future project for creating an army based on the Ultramarines 3rd Company led by Captain Ardias and Chaplain Cassius. The 3rd Company won honours in the First Tyrranic War and were awarded the name of Scourge of the Xenos. Ardias worked the 3rd Company colours into his personal heraldry to honour them. The Sternguard and Vanguard Veteran Squads will be the "Tyrannic War Veterans". This is going to be my serious Bug Hunter army. Pesky aliens will be shown a thing or two!

11-12-2010, 06:03 AM
Ah, but they aren't gone. They just got folded into the generic Sternguard squads - use the bolters with Hellfire Shells, model a few stepping on/killing 'Nids and you have your Tyrannic War Veterans!

As for Cassius, well... I second the earlier BAD*** remark. And as such, whenever anyone I know uses him (infrequent, unfortunately) I always go for the moral victory of killing him with my 'Nids, as the Hive Mind clearly cannot suffer such a brazen threat to live... :D

11-14-2010, 05:57 AM
There's also the Lameneters, who were also almost wiped out by Kraken like the Scythes were. They have a pretty unique chapter badge too.

Shotgun Justice
11-30-2010, 10:06 AM
As an unashamed Ultramarine player and collector I warmly applauded the arrival of the Tyrannic War Veterans, they were an intelligent extension of the pre-existing back story of Cassius.
Considering the amount of players who have played or collected Ultrasmurfs at some point a little more character for them can only be a good thing - that said the lack of distinction from other chapters leaves plenty of room for the individual stamp.

What I thought was really interesting about the unit entry in the 4th ed codex was how the points values worked out:

x10 Space Marine Veterans: purity seals x10, frag & krak grenades x10, flamer, heavy bolter & serg' with terminator honours = 286 pts

x9 Tyrannic War Veterans & Sergeant, flamer & heavy bolter = 185pts.

Consider that the TWVs' have 2 USR's to the standard veterans' 1, plus Hellfire Rounds and the Krak Grenades rule these point values are a very strong incentive to take them in an Ultramarines army. Lets ignore the fact that veterans pre 5th ed were rarely taken and a bit of an awkward unit design.
Anyways this is a digression that will end up in the Homebrew section shortly, as I feel these rules need a fans update to 5th ed.

All said - Knights of Eternity plus Ultramarines 1st company = very nice army conception. Could even add in occasional Legion of the Damned appearances for even more 'Aid Unlooked For'