View Full Version : My Imperial Guard

10-17-2010, 06:23 PM
I have been messing with my Imperial Guard on and off for the past year. I only have a few models left to finish and my army is done. Some of the models in these pictures are obviously not finished, and I have yet more not pictures in the works.

This is just a mash up of Tomb Kings and Imperial Guard.

Yes... I play Imperial Guard, lol!

Here is the bulk of my army. I am still working on 30+ skeletal infantrymen, two more Russes, two more Sentinels, one more Vendetta, three more Chimeras and one more Banewolf


Here is a blurry picture of my HQ squad next to a Chimera. Neither the HQ squad nor the Chimera are done painted yet. In the Chimera is half a squad of Battle Psykers, which aren't finished either.


Here is part of a Veteran Squad. Still working on more models for this squad.


Here is part of another Veteran Squad.


10-17-2010, 06:24 PM
Here is a finished Sentinel. Got two more on the way... some day, lol.


Here are a few Banewolf pictures from different angles.




10-17-2010, 06:24 PM
A Banehammer. Not quite finished yet. Still got more studs to paint.


My Basilisk / Colossus. Depending on my mood. Painting the two crew men in the back still.


My Basilisk and a few unfinished Ogryn.


Four Lascannon crew men chillin'. Got some touching up to do to them still.


10-17-2010, 06:25 PM
My Russ. I love this guy!


My Vendetta in a few pics here.



10-17-2010, 07:29 PM
For shame, BuFFington, for shame. No webway biscuit/cookie for you.

Yes... I play Imperial Guard, lol!

Really nifty concept, and impressive conversions.:)

10-17-2010, 08:08 PM
Why thank you :)

The concept isn't all that original, but I like it.

10-17-2010, 09:09 PM
Scary stuff, Buffo. The Bone Giant/Leman Russ is particularly freaky, sort of like it's shambling along on it's tracks but doesn't know how...

Do you have a back story/fluff for this army?

10-17-2010, 09:59 PM
Scary stuff, Buffo. The Bone Giant/Leman Russ is particularly freaky, sort of like it's shambling along on it's tracks but doesn't know how...

Do you have a back story/fluff for this army?

Yeah, I wrote some crap early last year. I don't know its quality as I have not proof read it in nearly two years, so good luck trying to make sense out of it!


General Idea

The Ossein Phantom Fleet comes from long lost home world system, and are basically like Necrons, except they have not lost their individual personality and still have their 'souls' in tact. The Ossein people have given themselves to worshiping an ancient power, which comes to them in the form of a large ghostly skeleton like figure. Much akin to how the C'tan walk among the Necrontyr, the Ossein God walks among its people as well.

Whatever name this Ancient God has, is not known to the Emperium, or any other race. It speaks only to it's people, and only they know its true name. Over the years, the Emperium has just dubbed this false God's name as Ossein for simplicities sake.

The Phantom Fleet is deeply ensconced with their God, and carry an array of litanies, books, scrolls, and other religious texts with them into battle. So each trooper displays his love for his God adorning himself in scripture before combat. By doing so, when the trooper is 'killed', his soul is transferred back to his God, to be used again in another skeleton host.

The Ossein people are not in pain, nor do they lament becoming immortal to serve their God. The only drawback for being, undead, is that the Ossein people have no form of verbal communication. So for combat, the Ossein trooper relies heavily on the knowledge that each and every one of his brothers and sisters will know their role in the fight.

All mortal feelings for sexual pleasure, hunger, fear, longing, have all but been eradicated from the Ossein people's minds.

The Ossein God seems to be able to strip and give back, at will, emotions from it's followers.

About the only reason Ossein troopers aren't fearless on the battle field is the loss of their equipment is a hard blow to their forces. The Ossein fleet seems to only be able to do the most minor repairs, and the obliteration of their vehicles and weaponry usually means that piece of equipment is lost forever.

It is said that the Ossein Fleet restocks its armory by finding ancient Imperial worlds and looting whatever is salvageable.

The Ossein Phantom Fleet has, so far, only attacked Ork and Eldar held worlds and colonies within the center of the Galaxy. An attack upon Imperial soil is very rare. And when an Imperial world is attacked, it is never for territory, but for equipment.

Ossein use of 'beasts of burden'

For reasons unknown to outsiders, the Ossein Fleet has never had the ability to make large scale repairs on their equipment, nor, be able to fabricate new equipment.

To remedy some of these issues, the Ossein people have 'devolved' ways of harnessing the power of 'undead' beasts of burden. Much like agro-citizens on Imperial worlds use various beasts of burden to move their plows and machinery, so do the Ossein Fleet, but in this case, it is to move tanks and vehicles on the battlefield.

These beasts come in many 'undead' forms, but most commonly horses, giant scorpions and gigantic skeletons.

With the ever giving essence of their God, Ossein, life is breathed into these monstrosities, gifting movement once more for long dead vehicles.


The Imperium's First Contact


A handful of Astropaths have commissioned a small group of Rogue Trader ships to personally map various post-Tyranidal devastated Core Worlds deep within the galactic center.

The Rogue Traders encountered a dual star system with two habitable planets. Both planets, it seemed, we embroidered in war by a various collection of Xenos. Space trekking ships of Squat, Ork and Eldar make were buzzing around these two planets in a dance of death.

As far as the ancient Imperial records for this sector showed, there were to be no star systems under known Imperial control here. The Rogue Traders recorded this incident and wisely decided to avoid this war torn system.

The Rogue Trader ships were about to make Warp when a large fleet of battle ships, closely resembling ancient Imperial design, entered within sensor proximity of the Rogue Traders.

Out gunned and out matched, the Rogue Trader ships attempted to enter Warp to evade the oncoming fleet, but their warp engines failed to initialize. There was no known reason for, and failing to enter warp puzzled both the Rogue Trader Captains and Astropaths.

The rag tag smattering of Rogue Trader ships prepared for battle.

But nothing happened.

The ancient Imperial ships just cruised by without even acknowledging the Rogue Traders. As far as any Astropath or Officer on the Rogue Trader ships knew, no Imperial presence was to be encountered in this sector.

Curious as to why there would be Imperial ships in this sector, the Rogue Traders turned and shadowed the lumbering fleet.

Anchoring themselves out of known Xenos sensor range, the Rogue Traders noticed the ancient Imperial ships pooling together in high orbit above one of the war torn planets.

No planet fall craft left the ancient battle ships. Instead, the Astropaths sensed something odd emanating from the ancient Imperial ships. Signatures both familiar and... unusual... were 'popping' from the holding bays of the ancient Imperial ships...

Whatever was in the holding bays of those ships one second, were there no longer the next, and made planet fall by both Warp travel and .... Webway!?!?

So it seemed, both Chaos and Eldar were aboard an Imperial class ship not seen for nearly 20 millennium? And they 'beamed', for lack of a better word, onto the planet together?

Something was not right, and this could not be ignored. Xenos killing each other was one thing, but Xenos hijacking and using ancient Imperial technology, and working together, was a completely different matter!

The mission for mapping various older systems was now over, and the Rogue Traders made their way back to the nearest Imperial Controlled sector to personally report their findings... ... ...

Last recorded contact with Ossein

9450578.M24 (Age of Strife)

A small excerpt from planetary relay station x5476's reports on recent warp storm activity and loss of communication to various colonies.

...For the past few centuries, colonies of Mankind have being left to fend for themselves. As these mysterious warp storms appear seemingly from the bellies of hell itself, travel to our millennium old colonies have become an impossibility.

Countless worlds have been lost in the great deep sea of space.

One of these worlds, Ossein, 3rd planet removed from its warming star, has recently been cemented behind a warp storm and it's writhing space rift tentacles.

What makes this a terrible loss is the fact that Ossein, colonized a handful of centuries prior, is the Imperium's main military and technological push into the core worlds of our galaxy. With the loss of Ossein comes the loss of a major portion of our fighting arm in the core worlds. Not to mention with Ossein lost to us, whatever colonies have spawned from it over the past few centuries, whatever discoveries they had made, will be lost as well.

May our star children survive the incoming warp storms, weather its demons and ghosts, and return word of their safety soon....

10-18-2010, 10:00 AM
woah cool and very original.. creepy too i love it.. the colour on the tanks is cool aswell!

my only complaint is the bones could do with a black/brown/red wash? (maybe purple blue if its MAGIK?)

but still fantastic conversions



10-18-2010, 10:06 AM
woah cool and very original.. creepy too i love it.. the colour on the tanks is cool aswell!

my only complaint is the bones could do with a black/brown/red wash? (maybe purple blue if its MAGIK?)

but still fantastic conversions




Everyone tells me about Washes! For some reason I just can't seem to do it right... But....

I never thought about a red wash....

I will give it a try! Thank you very much for your suggestion!!!

10-18-2010, 02:00 PM
Damn! Now that's a new twist on an IG army. Good job!

10-19-2010, 10:28 AM
Damn! Now that's a new twist on an IG army. Good job!

Why thank you very much!

Nice Mushroom!