View Full Version : Daemons and BRB Magic Items

Herald of Slaanesh
10-16-2010, 12:38 PM
I have seen several threads regarding the new "common" magic items, but none that address this issue directly (or at least haven't found one yet). Can Chaos Daemons take the Common items from the BRB? The issue has split my gaming group about 50/50 since we've picked up Warhammer Fantasy this summer.

As it is worded any army with access to magic items may take the BRB selections, but the Daemon army book indicates that Daemonic gifts are not magic items. Does this mean daemons may not select these options from the BRB? The issue is only muddied further by the FAQ/Errata ruling which indicates that the effects of Common items and Gifts stack.

Has there been much debate over this in other gaming groups and has a consensus been reached or an official GW ruling be made?

Herald of Slaanesh
10-16-2010, 12:39 PM
Bah, just realized I put this in the wrong thread. Multiple tabs thwart me.

Herald of Nurgle
10-17-2010, 10:22 AM
Yeah, Daemons can't take BRB items.