View Full Version : Greenskin Models Sizes?

10-15-2010, 05:13 PM
Hey everyone, I was thinking about doing a massive all-grot army, but was wanting to use not only grot models, but also possibly snotling, Goblin, and Gnoblar models from fantasy. Does anyone know how big any of these models are in comparison? I have a box of grots/gretching, which I love, and I know snotlings are tiny (I was gonna use them as base decorators, wound counters maybe, or swarms if I use a list that has swarms), but what about Gnoblars? Are they bigger or smaller than Gretchin?

10-15-2010, 05:19 PM
IIRC goblins are a couple mm smaller then grots... not too bad if they are not standing next to each other... but when they get close the difference is fairly noticable.

10-15-2010, 06:05 PM
IIRC? What's that mean?

10-16-2010, 03:02 PM
IIRC = "If I Remember Correctly."

The Gnoblars are roughly the same size as the goblin and night goblin models. Or at least they are compared to the previous versions, I haven't compared to the most recent sets. They're just in even more hunched poses, and tend to have wide stances that lower their height further. I don't think that they'd look out of place next to each other size wise though. Equipment and clothing is another matter.

10-16-2010, 11:22 PM
Hey, sounds like a fun idea. I'm not so great at converting, myself, but I AM good at poking around on the internet! Here's some links of similar ideas...

A guy who made a full army with them. http://www.librarium-online.com/forums/modelling/104693-great-grot-rebellion-part-1-a.html

Another one, with a TON of pictures. He converted and made pretty much every unit in the codex, I think, with grot versions. http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-5478-3658_Panic%3A%20Rebel%20Grot%20Horde....html

A good Gnobler Grot conversion post. http://santacruzwarhammer.blogspot.com/2008/06/how-to-make-lots-of-gretchinwith.html

10-20-2010, 11:18 PM
Yup, that guy with the grot rebellion would be Proteius (or something spelling kinda like that). He's got some great stuff and his work inspired my idea, although mine is not a rebellion of grots, nor using the IG list like he does.