View Full Version : Dark Eldar Battleforce?

10-15-2010, 12:01 PM
I got three of the old school DE Battleforces to form the core of my army, but definitely think the new minis are an improvement. Does anyone know if there are plans for a DE battleforce in the future, and if the answer is "yes", could they please say what the contents will be? For the meanwhile, I'm sticking with getting the archon and Incubi, and will probably get the mandrakes and maybe ravagers when they become available.

10-15-2010, 12:38 PM
Nothing is announced yet. SO if there is one, it'll be a way off yet

10-15-2010, 01:48 PM
Thanks! I was pretty sure that was the case. Guess I'll wait awhile and see what happens. I'm always down for a battleforce bulk mark down.

10-15-2010, 05:13 PM
There is a second wave of DE mini releases planned for early next year... but as of yet no word on a battleforce... personally I don't expect one, not every arme gets them and by the time the second release rolls around a lot of the sheen will have worn off of the new DE army.

10-15-2010, 09:02 PM
Any idea about what the DE 2nd wave in 2011 is going to be? A couple of SCs, some metals and some plastics? Probably grots, scourges, haemonculi, and maybe a venom or some other vehicle - just blind guesses on my part.

10-16-2010, 04:54 AM
Apoologies for being cynical, but I'd be very surprised if they do a full second wave that soon. It just doesn't make that great business sense, you need to let people buy up as much of the first wave as you can and let their wallets recover a bit before trying to tempt them with another wave of minis.

There was a similar rumour about tyranids, next wave in a few months with the Tervigon etc. but that still hasn't happened.

The battleforce could come out though (1 box of each of the first wave plastics warriors, wyches, raider, jetbikes feels like a good fit with a modest saving)

10-16-2010, 06:42 AM
Is this second wave different than the second wave that goes up for pre-order this coming week?

10-16-2010, 06:46 AM
I've heard that they've actually stopped making battleforce packs. That's why there wasn't a Blood Angels one.

It makes sense to me for them to stop; the new ones were over priced anyways.

Look at the older Tau and Chaos kits; they are cheap, and make large, well rounded starter armies (with an HQ, an elite, 2 troops and a dedicated transport).
The look at the Guard and 'Nid forces. They bumped up the prices and took out the best part of the old kits (IG lost a battle tank, and 'Nids lost their Carnifex).

10-16-2010, 10:34 AM

The release which will go on pre-order on October 19 is wave 1.5. Any second wave would consist of minis which have no pictures of them in the upcoming DE codex. I remember seeing sculpts of haemonculi about a year ago, so would figure that the haemonculus-related stuff would come out as well, and maybe the SCs for the hellion and mandrake builds, for those units will have been out for awhile.