View Full Version : Hellhounds and Banewolf

Chaos Minion
10-15-2010, 10:42 AM
Had a discussion of rules involving Hellhounds and Banewolf. Here's the problem, Hellhounds have a rule stating place template with in 18"...Banewolf doesn't. So...

Question is, does the Banewolf template start with narrow end touching the model or can you use the 18" rule?

I agree with having the narrow end touching the model, my FLGS does not. Reason being, the 18" rule specifies Hellhounds and not variations. Any help and/or clarification would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

10-15-2010, 10:56 AM
You are right, they are wrong.

The hellhound can place the template further away because the Inferno Cannon has special rules.
The Chem Cannon is a standard template weapon and must follow those standard rules as in the main rulebook.

10-15-2010, 01:25 PM
Yeah your FLGS is wrong. You're supposed to, y'know, follow the actual rules. The chem cannon doesn't have the 18" rule, therefore it can't use the 18" rule.

10-17-2010, 08:40 PM
Agreed with the above.

Banewolf =/= Hellhound. There would be absolutely no point in taking the hellhound if I as able to use the "18 inch" rule on the Banewolf. Its weapon profile is superior in almost every way.

If someone were to try telling this to me in my FLGS, I'd probably reply by saying I can give my Vanquisher demolisher rounds by using the Imperial Armour ammunition rules, because after all... they are both Leman Russ tanks, right?

10-17-2010, 09:05 PM
Another reason why I don't like FLGS. People just make up rules on the go. I have yet to have this happen to me at a GW store.

Some might call me a tool--- but, why not get the product from the people that make it...

10-17-2010, 10:09 PM
Another reason why I don't like FLGS. People just make up rules on the go. I have yet to have this happen to me at a GW store.

Some might call me a tool--- but, why not get the product from the people that make it...

Yeah, you know, cuz the minimum wage earners at some podunk GW store were involved in the game design process of the IG book.

I assume Cruddace is the stock boy at your GW store?

10-19-2010, 12:28 PM
Another reason why I don't like FLGS. People just make up rules on the go. I have yet to have this happen to me at a GW store.
It doesn't matter if it a GW or independant shop. Either one can have people who think they know the rules.

Some might call me a tool--- but, why not get the product from the people that make it...
I have two reasons. One, every GW shop I've visited was not very supportive of Veterans. They didn;t even have tables for games other than the demos. Two, the closest GW is about 200 miles away. I would rather support my local store, where my friends and I can spend the day and get in a game or two.

10-19-2010, 05:31 PM
The Banewolf does indeed fire with the narrow end of the template touching the weapon. However, the Hellhound fires with the narrow end of the template within 12", not 18".