View Full Version : I would "Purge the Unlean", but...

10-15-2010, 12:06 AM
Hey everyone, how's it going.

Well, been lurking for a few weeks now, thought it was about time for this lovely Intro post that seems customary for all newly registered users on all forums. Believe me, I've tried the just post as if you've been there forever, doesn't always work.

Anyway, been into the 40k miniature aspect of the hobby for, I don't know, maybe 5 months now. I read Black Library, and play Dawn of War a lot(I've noticed most new players come from DoW :p). I completely fell in love with the fluff behind 40k. Humanity surviving through sheer force of will against numberless alien hordes, horrifying monstrosities from a alternate dimension, not to mention the incompetent bureaucracy and constant rebellion. And yet they keep on doing it, because if they stop, humanity faces extinction. Of course, this is best personified by the Imperial Guard, so I'm a big Guard fan now.

I just managed to buy about 80 Elysian Drop Troops from ebay(saved about $300, w00t), as I like the idea of a modern Air Cav force. I plan on buying the IA8 book, but don't plan on using it until I can scrounge up some cash for a few Tauros Venators and Vulture Gunships. Before then, I will be getting a few Valkyries, I even have 4 vendetta conversion kits(also grabbed from eBay), and see if I can start a completely airborne using the 5th codex.

Btw, only played a few games with friends armies, so I'm almost completely new, but I figure I can offset the difficulty of modeling resin and the difficulty of using an Air Cav army with constant scouring of all of the 40k forums.

Anyhow, glad to be here and hope to be an active user here at the Bell of Lost Souls.

10-15-2010, 09:05 AM
Hello and welcome Spectre.

10-30-2010, 03:57 PM
Welcome Spectre.

Looks like your faith is lacking. A servant of the emperor should post with "I WILL purge the unclean" we shall be watching you closely for signs of corruption.