View Full Version : Fellblades of Renown: The Ancient Super Heavies of the Space Marines

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10-14-2010, 08:49 PM
Greetings everyone! As some of you may know I've started on a rather ambitious project of building a Fellblade for each of the loyal Space Marine Legions from the time of the Horus Heresy. The first one up was the Blood Angels' Sactimonia Cruoris (previously known as the Sanctimonia of Cruor before someone corrected my Latin ;) ). Here's the fluff on it along with the BoLS article:

The Fellblade is one of the most ancient war machines available to the forces of the Imperium. Much like its other heavily armed brethren the Fellblade bristles with potent weapons capable of laying low the most powerful of foes. However, what makes the Fellblade most dangerous is not its formidable guns or massive treads, it is that this hammer of mankind lies within the hands of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines.

Once a common site along side the elite of the Emperor during the Great Crusades there are but a scant handful remaining amongst the original Legions. Yet in the midst of these few are the Fellblades of Renown, artifacts of a thousand wars that rise up like gods above the titans. One such as this is the Fellblade of the Blood Angels known in antiquity as the Sactimonia Cruoris, the Purity of the Blood.

As old as the Chapter itself, the Sactimonia Cruoris was used as the test bed for many of the new technologies and weapons discovered by the Blood Angels during the Great Crusade. Although not always in the same configuration, the Sactimonia Cruoris was forever at the forefront of battle and has the great distinction of being one of the few recorded vehicle to have participated in the Battle of Terra during the Horus Heresy and survived to this day. Even though its current pattern has not changed in nearly three thousand years the tomes of Master of the Forge still identifies its present form as “Experimental.”

Now a treasured relic, the Sactimonia Cruoris is only awoken from its slumber when the call to arms is so great that the entire Blood Angels Chapter is mobilized. It last took to the fields of war during the Second Battle for Armageddon. During the initial bombardment outside the Hive of Hades the Blood Angel performed a daring move deploying the Sactimonia Cruoris and a squadron of Baal class predators by rapid insertion into the heart of the ork horde. In less than a minute the sheer firepower of the Sanctimonia of Cruor and its comrades massacred the xenos within a half a kilometer of their drop zone in all directions. By the time the orks could regroup the void had been filled with the entire 3rd company and elements of the 1st. The Blood Angels had established their beach head allowing the rest of the angelic host to descent from the heavens and wage war against the invaders.





Even though I've already started on #2, the Imperial Fist Iron Breaker, I thought it would be good to give you some history as to how the model came about. Over the next couple of days I'll be update this thread until I've caught up with where I am now with this project. So without further ado, here...we...go....

10-14-2010, 09:01 PM
Let's start with the main turret. I wanted the Fellblades to have a unique looked from the Baneblade so one of the first projects was redesigning the turret. The Visions of Heresy shows the old bubble top design like the old predator tank from eons ago. I decided to use that as a base but make it multi-faceted so that it blended in better with the overall sharp angled look of the tank.

First I built the basic form out of plasticard, filled in the gaps, and sanded it smooth until I had a nice base to work with.


Next up were all the plastic bits and wire that made it look more like something you'd see on a tank. Oh, and rivets...lots and lots of rivets. I got these from a company called Tichy Train Group that makes rivets, nuts, and bolts in all different sized. The ones I used here are the 0.040 and 0.050 inch diameter:



Finally I cast the whole thing up in a silicone mold so that I could make turrets for all the Fellblades to come....


10-14-2010, 09:46 PM
Awesome x 1,000,000! When I saw this on the moan site I was hoping I could see a tutorial (in case I eveer cider to get crazy and do one myself, lol). Keep posting, I love it!


10-14-2010, 10:18 PM
Any chance that turret will show up on Blood and Skulls Industry? I'm already considering ordering those Liberator tank treads for my fellblade...

10-15-2010, 12:32 AM
you should sell those molds

10-15-2010, 11:45 AM
so I'm curious at what would the Space wolves would have, if they had one...being that their a smaller legion and Leman was a fan of up in your face action.

10-15-2010, 01:37 PM
so I'm curious at what would the Space wolves would have, if they had one...being that their a smaller legion and Leman was a fan of up in your face action.

Oh I have something very special planned for the Sons of Russ :D It will fit very well with their Legion's character and even includes a story on its creation. But it's #4 on my list so it may be a bit....

10-15-2010, 06:36 PM
Next were the secondary turrets that were to replace the side turrets on the sponsons and the main hull. As I planned to move the heavy bolters up from the lower sponson to the turret I needed something a little taller and wider. Also the original turrets didn't match the look of my new main turret.

I built the turret from plasticard much like the larger one. It too has a removable weapon mount that rotates up and down. I also added a targetting box up top that looks space mariney but a little older and bulkier. Kind of like the predecessors of today's targetters, this thing is 10,000 years old after all





10-15-2010, 07:17 PM
Next up are the less than sexy fuel system and engines. The fuel drums on the Baneblade look great and give it a sense of scale but I wanted something that has a more integral look for the Fellblade, kind of like today's modern tanks and APC. As such, I came up with this angular thing of pipes, bolts, and rivets:



Then there is the engine. I was really happy how this turned out. Very space mariney and it fits well with the overall model. Also the back plate has a cutout in the center for the shrine. Like its counterparts it's all made of plasticard, strips, and tubes. It was a bit of a challenge to assemble but I think it turned out rather good.



10-16-2010, 08:26 AM
Finally came the assembly, which was also the most fun part of this project. Given all the new Blood Angels bitz that have been released there was a real plethora of parts to use on the Sactimonia Cruoris.

Starting with the Baneblade kit I cut out the old main turret section and added my new base plate that move the main turret more to the center. The rear engine portion was replaced with the new one along with the engines and exhaust. I also carefully cut out the shrine from the old piece and added it to the new. The rear tread covers were replaced by my new fuel tanks, which matched up nicely with the fuel ports on the Baneblade model. The Baneblade's twin-linked heavy bolters were trimmed to fit onto the new side turrets and a Baal Predator twin-link assault cannon was added to the new one mounted on the main hull. As for the sponsons I modified a Land Raider Redeemer flamestorm cannon to fit on either side. Finally the Baneblade treads were replaced with my Liberator Pattern 1.0 treads available from my eBay store.

Once all the resin pieces had been fitted I went to town gluing on all the extra plastic bitz. The teeth along the side armor skirts were replaced with the Blood Angels icons from the Drop Pods. The high mounted headlights are from the IG Valkyrie. The machine spirit and radar dish on the main turret are from the command upgrade sprue from Apocalypse. Everything else are bitz from other kits and Forgeworld. It was quite the conglomeration.





Then came the buckets of primer, paint, and washes. The end results you can see at the beginning of this thread or in the BoLS article. I'm quite happy how it all turned out. My goal was to create something that looked old but had enough design elements from the Space Marines to really distinguish it from just a Baneblade painted in Blood Angel colors. Overall I think it worked out pretty well.

So one down, seven to go....

10-16-2010, 09:39 AM
It's so good, and yes I agree with the others Machinator that I would gladly pay for a set of those resin accessories to build my own Fellblades.

Its just too cool of an idea not to. I'm also dreaming of what your Iron Hands Fellblade will have. I would expect some fairly exotic main weaponry with thier Mechanicus ties. Maybe almost a "Pocket Ordinatus" as a general theme :)


10-16-2010, 11:22 AM
Thanks Big Red. More than likely I'll be adding the turrets and at least a few other pieces to my eBay store but I need to tweak the mold a little first. Also I want to build some weapons for them so that they can be used for other 28mm scale wargames.

So this brings us on to Fellblade #2. After taking a quick poll on another site the overwhelming response was that people wanted to see a Fellblade from the Imperial Fists. Now this one I had been planning to hold off for a little bit as my idea for it was rather more complicated than the first. But I bowed to the fans and started work.

Now the Imperial Fists are renowned for their expertise at siege warfare so it would make sense that their Fellblade would reflect this characteristic. This train of thought lead me back a couple of decades to an insane super-heavy GW put out for Epic that was beyond ridiculous in the amount of firepower it carried. We're talking two turrets each armed with heavy cannons and four sponsons loaded with weapons. I am of course talking about the Stormhammer.

First up I needed to make a medium sized turret that would allow me to fit two onto this beast. So as before I build another one out of plasticard that turned out about the same size as the current Baneblade turret. The weapon mount I kept the same as the larger main turret as I needed something wide enough for two battlecannon sized weapons.





10-16-2010, 11:36 AM
Next up was the cannon. This was made using a number of plastic tubes of different diameter that I shaped on a drill using some chisels. Simple but it worked.


Now it was time to begin assembling the beast called Iron Breaker. In order to fit both turrets onto the chassis I first needed to raise and push back the main turret mount about a half inch. This of course required a lot of hacking and sawing of the top chassis to get it all to work. Then using some of the bits left over from the hack job I pushed the old demolisher mount forward until it was even with the front (don't worry, that demolisher size hole in the front isn't getting a demolisher). I now had enough room to mount the two turrets in a staggered pattern such that one could fire over the other. Now I just have a lot of filling in to do....




10-16-2010, 11:58 AM
Call me ignorant but when were the SM chapters allowed to have super heavy tanks? I've never known the SM chapters to have access to these types of armored vehicles. Please educate me. Tho I very much like the convo/kitbash and the paint job, very very nice indeed.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

Baron Spikey
10-16-2010, 12:34 PM
Pre-Heresy, and no one stops them having them now they just don't usually fit with their fighting methods.

Also the Fellblades so far= Awesome, if adding 'Very' to the front of that word didn't make me sound like some douche from Jersey Shore then I'd say that as well :)

10-16-2010, 02:42 PM
Call me ignorant but when were the SM chapters allowed to have super heavy tanks? I've never known the SM chapters to have access to these types of armored vehicles. Please educate me. Tho I very much like the convo/kitbash and the paint job, very very nice indeed.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

Yes, as mentioned they were around during the Heresy. The fluff I'm going by is that the original legions may still have one or two hidden away in the armory that they only bring out for special occassions ;)

Here's a link on them that gives some good background:


10-16-2010, 04:00 PM
Like the twin turret design. I once did a land raider that way using predator annhialator turrets.

10-16-2010, 07:05 PM
Damn have to go and buy some more baneblades this is to good not to build some up

How the hell do you cut the parts so accurate do you start with a plan or just go with the flow

Drew da Destroya
10-16-2010, 07:45 PM
This is fantastic. Officially the first Lounge of Lost Souls thread I've subscribed to.

10-18-2010, 01:02 PM
Man, I love the way your casts are turning out! I think I need more practice...

10-21-2010, 09:57 PM
Damn have to go and buy some more baneblades this is to good not to build some up

How the hell do you cut the parts so accurate do you start with a plan or just go with the flow

Usually I cut the plastic by hand and fill in the gaps with putty but I cheated a bit this time. I recently got a miniature table saw that has made cutting multiple pices of plastic to the same dimension so much easier. As for a plan, it's mostly in my head.

OK, time for another update on Iron Breaker. I finally finished the top of the new chassis, just need to give it some detail now. To help even out the additional height of the rear turret mount I raised up the rear sponsons about a 1/4 of an inch. The engine was quite a bit of work but luckily I had some Shadowsword bits laying around that filled the hole nicely. It too was raised up a bit giving the engine a larger look. Still a lot to do....





So what do you think, is five twin-linked heavy bolters enough?

10-22-2010, 08:18 PM
Cant wait to see what you will come up with for the Sons of Russ
Five twin linked bolters and four sets of twinlinked multi meltas two sets of twinlinked battle cannons sounds about spot on to me.

Can see I will have to get back into resin casting when I was playing around with it years ago was messy expensive and air bubbles were a problem but ur stuff looks clean and crisp.

Hope you put those fuel tanks on ebay I am in the middle of a Levithan and those would fill in the back corners very nicely. Soon as I get next weeks pay check going to buying some of the stuff you have listed.

Seeing this had inspired me to scratch build one for my Squats Apoc force

10-23-2010, 04:01 AM
Nice touch with the twinlinked multimeltas on the side there...
And like everyone else I'm really looking forward to see the Space Wolves thing...:D

10-23-2010, 04:36 AM
the 4 main guns make it look like a battleship

10-23-2010, 05:40 AM
Cant wait to see what you will come up with for the Sons of Russ
Five twin linked bolters and four sets of twinlinked multi meltas two sets of twinlinked battle cannons sounds about spot on to me.

Can see I will have to get back into resin casting when I was playing around with it years ago was messy expensive and air bubbles were a problem but ur stuff looks clean and crisp.

Hope you put those fuel tanks on ebay I am in the middle of a Levithan and those would fill in the back corners very nicely. Soon as I get next weeks pay check going to buying some of the stuff you have listed.

Seeing this had inspired me to scratch build one for my Squats Apoc force

Thanks Grimnar. I should have some of these parts in my store in the near future but if you don't want to wait that long send me a PM and maybe we can work something out.

As for the secret to getting an air bubble free cast I cure the resin in a pressure vessel at 40 psi. This causes the small air bubbles to dissolve into the resin giving you a clean cast.

10-24-2010, 06:56 PM
Are you talking curing in a positive pressure because all the blurb at the time was curing in a vacumn low pressure container which was my problem didnt want to got to all the expense of buying manufactoring a vacumn container but a positive pressure vessel is easier I have most of the gear needed to make one.

10-24-2010, 08:20 PM
Are you talking curing in a positive pressure because all the blurb at the time was curing in a vacumn low pressure container which was my problem didnt want to got to all the expense of buying manufactoring a vacumn container but a positive pressure vessel is easier I have most of the gear needed to make one.

Positive pressure is what I use but both do work. A vacuum will pull the air out of the resin while positive pressure will dissolve it into the resin (kind of like soda pop). Vacuum is the better sytem to use but as you pointed out it's more expensive to set up. My rig is just a heavt duty paint sprayer vessel with fittings to hook it to a pancake air compressor. Real simple but very effective.

10-24-2010, 10:28 PM
Are... you really paying some 400+ dollars on seven different Baneblades chassis? Or do you have some discount that you are getting them cheaper for? I mean, awesome project, but wow. *laugh*

10-25-2010, 07:32 AM
Are... you really paying some 400+ dollars on seven different Baneblades chassis? Or do you have some discount that you are getting them cheaper for? I mean, awesome project, but wow. *laugh*

Nah, I would never pay retail price for GW stuff if I can avoid it :) I actually been buying just the parts I need of eBay through auctions and Buy Now. There are two or three bitz stores out there that offer very reasonable prices. On a good day I can get all the stuff I need for about half to a third of the retail cost.

Plus all of these will be for sale with the posible exception of the Salamander one (I need that for my army ;) ) so I'll recup the parts cost.

10-25-2010, 09:33 AM
So for got to ask you how much would it cost to commission the tank if I cant find the time to work on it

10-25-2010, 09:50 AM
what legion is this 'new' fellblade for?

10-25-2010, 10:45 AM
what legion is this 'new' fellblade for?

The Iron Breaker will be for the Imperial Fists.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
10-28-2010, 07:34 AM
Firstly fantastic creative work there, its amazing to see such skilled craftmanship with Fellblades. Ive been tossing up to do my Stormblade for my Salamanders, with a counts as converted Chronus atop.

Secondly ive already made one also for my Adepta Sororitas army, a converted Shadowsword, replacing the Lasconnons with a Multi Melta, Inferno Cannon instead of the front twin heavy bolters, and lots of icons, banners and symbols of the Sisters.
Looks amazing, but im in awe of your conversion parts, and would love to know if you open for any business.
Could you PM of you ebay store you have parts with, or if your willing to allow us to purchase any of the parts for anything you ask?
I wrote a historical reveiw also my Baneblade, its beed tested once, and never sustained any damage.

Lastly does anyone know of the rules for using them, if im right you write it up, convert it and play with it, but only if you opponent is ok with you fielding it, is there anything more im missing?

10-28-2010, 02:32 PM
Firstly fantastic creative work there, its amazing to see such skilled craftmanship with Fellblades. Ive been tossing up to do my Stormblade for my Salamanders, with a counts as converted Chronus atop.

Secondly ive already made one also for my Adepta Sororitas army, a converted Shadowsword, replacing the Lasconnons with a Multi Melta, Inferno Cannon instead of the front twin heavy bolters, and lots of icons, banners and symbols of the Sisters.
Looks amazing, but im in awe of your conversion parts, and would love to know if you open for any business.
Could you PM of you ebay store you have parts with, or if your willing to allow us to purchase any of the parts for anything you ask?
I wrote a historical reveiw also my Baneblade, its beed tested once, and never sustained any damage.

Lastly does anyone know of the rules for using them, if im right you write it up, convert it and play with it, but only if you opponent is ok with you fielding it, is there anything more im missing?

Thanks SRS, I appreciate the comments. I've enjoyed this project so far and the positive feedback keeps pushing me to finish it.

Right now the only parts that are available are the tank treads called the Liberator Pattern 1.0. You can get them at the link below:


My plan is to add some of these components to my eBay store but I need to make a few tweaks first. In the mean time feel to PM if you're interested in these parts. I have a few spares I can part with ;)

BoLS does have some Fellblade rules written up in their Lords of Battle: Volume 2. I used their's as a basis for the rules for my Fellblades of Renown. I don't know if there's a place to post fan generated datashteets for Apocalypse. Does anyone know if one exists?

10-28-2010, 03:30 PM
I would *NOT* want to face a first-turn salvo from that baby...

Great work anyways!! I'll have to give the positive-pressure a whirl.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
10-31-2010, 07:26 AM
Well i just purchased some parts so will be looking forward to using them on my own Salamander Fellblade soon.
Will let everyone know how it goes when they arrive.

10-31-2010, 04:57 PM
Wow, this whole project is way beyond awesome. The idea is brilliant, and the Blood Angels Fellblade is pure eye candy. Can`t wait to see those of the freakier legions, like Thousand Sons and Night Lords!

Oh, and I just checked out your ebay-store. Amazing stuff you have there!

11-03-2010, 03:16 PM
Well the Iron Breaker build is nearly done. Just a few things to look over and fix but that can wait until tomorrow. I have to say this thing looks insane, but in a good way.

My plan is to get it painted up in the next week and have it ready for sale by the weekend. Wish me luck....





11-03-2010, 03:18 PM
More pics....





11-03-2010, 06:27 PM
Absolutely phenominal work, loving it.

Looking forward to your other chapter interpretations.


11-03-2010, 08:17 PM
Well, I ordered some treads, but I want to see those BA Turrets !



Sister Rosette Soulknyt
11-03-2010, 08:32 PM
I need to buy a better camera so i can take cool pics to show off the progress of my fellblade and other things, like my SoB army, and ofcourse my Salamanders.

11-04-2010, 04:48 AM
Nice job again. Very interested in Iron Breaker as my Space Marines are an Imperial Fist Successor Chapter. I can't wait to see what you do for the Raven Guard, and the Iron Warriors for that matter!

11-07-2010, 12:03 PM
Painting as commenced! It's not pretty yet, just a rough coat of Iyandan Darksun over a black primer. Nevertheless, it's always nice seeing a pieced together model under one color. As always, more to come....



11-08-2010, 02:59 PM

I think you should enter this.

11-09-2010, 09:48 AM

I think you should enter this.

Damn, I wish I could finish this one in time to enter. Maybe I can enter the Blood Angels one instead....

11-12-2010, 03:00 AM
I really like the Iron Breaker. I dunno if you do rules for the tank or not, but looking at this, seeing how awesome it is...two twin-linked Battle-cannons really don't do its aesthetic awesomeness justice. So I was thinking something like this:

They can be fired together with the following profile:

S: 8 AP: 3 Apocalyptic Barrage (4) (Whatever range the battlecannon has)

Or at two separate targets, keeping the strength and AP, but with the shots being Apoc. Barrage (2).

It's apocalypse, man. Go crazy. xD

11-12-2010, 04:15 AM
I'd say go with something similar to the FW Minotaur (essentially a superheavy basillisk with two earthshakers)

so each turret it a S8, AP3, Range 72", 7" Blast, Twin-linked. of course you get two of those on the fellblade, and with all those Heavy Bolters you've got a good chance of wiping out whatever you fire at :D

11-12-2010, 05:12 AM
Actually I'm using the rules for the Medusa cannon except it will be Heavy 2 per turret. There will also be a special rule that if both turrets fire at the same target you can use the 10 inch Apocalypse template similar to the Vindicator Squadron.

11-12-2010, 05:46 AM
Actually I'm using the rules for the Medusa cannon except it will be Heavy 2 per turret. There will also be a special rule that if both turrets fire at the same target you can use the 10 inch Apocalypse template similar to the Vindicator Squadron.

Ah! I saw something about battlecannons earlier in the threat....I really like your idea!

That's hardcore. xD

11-13-2010, 03:25 PM
As I prepare to get these pieces in my eBay store I thought I'd make some cannons to go along with the turrets so that it would be easier to customize your model (or buy them seperately too). So I give to you....

The Butcher heavy siege cannon:


The Breaker medium siege cannon:


and The Widowmaker main cannon:


Together they are the Butcher, Breaker, and Widowmaker!


Still need to add some rivets to them and finish the details but you get the picture.

11-13-2010, 03:35 PM
I want to see the two widowmakers put next to eachother on the Iron Breaker. @_@

11-14-2010, 04:55 AM
I really like the widowmaker. can't wait to see how they look finished and painted. would you be planning on doing something similar to a mega bolter for the turrets as well?

11-14-2010, 05:42 AM
If either of the two shorter barreled ones look reall good I might have to pick up a pair for my eventual Medusa conversions.

11-14-2010, 07:32 AM
I want to see the two widowmakers put next to eachother on the Iron Breaker. @_@

Then it really would look like a battleship ;)

11-14-2010, 07:35 AM
I really like the widowmaker. can't wait to see how they look finished and painted. would you be planning on doing something similar to a mega bolter for the turrets as well?

Yep, all in time :) I'm also planning a laser blaster and possibily a huge flamethrower. Depending on demand and interest there are a whole bunch of options I could make for it.

11-14-2010, 01:52 PM
Yep, all in time :) I'm also planning a laser blaster and possibily a huge flamethrower. Depending on demand and interest there are a whole bunch of options I could make for it.

Have you plotted out the "role" for each legion's Fellblades? Or if some don't belong to their "original" chapter anymore but are owned by a 2nd founding chapter? (Like the idea that the White Scars don't have any but maybe the Marauder or Destroyers use them)

11-14-2010, 04:41 PM
Have you plotted out the "role" for each legion's Fellblades? Or if some don't belong to their "original" chapter anymore but are owned by a 2nd founding chapter? (Like the idea that the White Scars don't have any but maybe the Marauder or Destroyers use them)

I have a plan for the seven loyalist legions and have considerered a second founding chapter or two. As the legions would have split up all their equipment at the time of the founding there's no reason they wouldn't have one. You have an interesting idea about a White Scar successor chapter, maybe once I have the parts available you can give it a try ;)

11-14-2010, 05:31 PM
Only Loyalist? Howabout one or two of the Traitor Legions? Iron Warriors spring to mind as likely still having quite a few of these things.

11-14-2010, 07:00 PM
If you are going to enter any, you should enter all!

Even ones not completed. Have them next to each other, with close ups on each, so people can see work in progress and a finished product!

11-14-2010, 07:33 PM
Only Loyalist? Howabout one or two of the Traitor Legions? Iron Warriors spring to mind as likely still having quite a few of these things.

Yeah, there will likely be a Plaguereaper and one for the Iron Warriors too :)

11-15-2010, 02:55 AM
Awe-inspiring... :eek:

Your name is well chosen... :)

11-15-2010, 10:29 PM
All right, you asked for it so I made it. Although I don't have a cool name for it yet...



and here it is with the Widowmaker


11-16-2010, 05:54 AM
awesome mate. just don't make it co-axial lol

11-16-2010, 06:40 AM
Very nice stuff.
Quick question, any chance of a guide to making molds of the sculpting work.
I mean general molds as I would like to sculpt some Dark Eldar pieces and need decent way of making molds for things like wings and bodys of a dark eldar aircraft or tank.

So any advice either in reply or PM would be greatly apreciated if posisble.

11-16-2010, 10:41 AM
you should call it the demoralizer or shredder canon

11-16-2010, 06:52 PM
I vote Ol' Painless (or O'l painful if you prefer)

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
11-17-2010, 09:02 PM
Well my parts just arrived today, and im now a very happy person. Just have to find time to build and paint the Salamanders Fellblade it will all become.
For those who want to know, i bought the engines, backplate, the parts to replace the fuel tanks. And there very good.
Cant wait to finish the other projects i have so i can start working on this.

OCdt Mephiston
11-17-2010, 10:25 PM
I would be so impressed if the main weapon on the Salamanders Fellblade ended up being a massive melta cannon!!! Not that I'm not already impressed by your work :p

11-18-2010, 12:06 AM
Just phenomenal work!

I'd like to put in my request for a giant Fellblade sized conversion beamer for the Iron Hands one...

11-24-2010, 10:14 PM
Almost done. I hope to have it finished and up on eBay with all the fellblade accessories on Sunday.



Drew da Destroya
11-24-2010, 11:41 PM
Dude, this thing makes me want to start an Imperial Fists army.

11-25-2010, 04:29 AM
My Marines are supposed to be an Imperial Fist Successor chapter... How much would one of these beasts cost with all the trimmings? And how much are the individual turret Weapons going to cost?

11-25-2010, 12:37 PM
My Marines are supposed to be an Imperial Fist Successor chapter... How much would one of these beasts cost with all the trimmings? And how much are the individual turret Weapons going to cost?

Send me a PM, I'm open to commissons. As for the price of the weapons, I haven't finalized the price yet but they'll be up on Sunday.

11-26-2010, 12:23 PM
Dont forget to save some pics for your frontpage showcase piece on the masterpiece.

She's a beauty!

11-26-2010, 02:03 PM
heheh, I almost feel that an Iron Hands Fellblade might be a mobile Workshop for the Master of the Forge.

Maybe replace a turret with servo-arms and welding instruments.

Just some ideas!

11-28-2010, 09:14 PM
OK guys, the "fellblade" parts are up on my eBay site. Just follow the link in my sig.

Herald of Nurgle
11-29-2010, 12:20 AM
Attach a ARV to the top of it?

11-29-2010, 01:51 PM
Can I make a reccomendation that you sell one complete conversion kit so I don't have to buy a dozen separate items on your eBay store? I just want to buy everything I need with one transaction!



11-29-2010, 10:55 PM
The Imperial Fist Fellblade: Iron Breaker

The Fellblade is one of the most ancient war machines available to the forces of the Imperium. Much like its other heavily armed brethren the Fellblade bristles with potent weapons capable of laying low the most powerful of foes. However, what makes the Fellblade most dangerous is not its formidable guns or massive treads, it is that this hammer of mankind lies within the hands of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines.

Once a common site along side the elite of the Emperor during the Great Crusades there are but a scant handful remaining amongst the original Legions. However, in the midst of these few are the Fellblades of Renown, artifacts of war that rise up like gods above the titans. One such as this is the Fellblade of the Imperial Fists known in antiquity as the Iron Breaker.

During the time of the Great Crusade is was common amongst the Astartes to modify and sometimes completely rebuild their Fellblades in the never ending quest to forge the perfect war machine. The Imperial Fists were no exception and it was the Master Techmarine Olivander Stormhammer that created perhaps the most well known of these reinventions.

Constructed during the siege of the fortress world of Stratovaust the Iron Breaker proved invaluable against the untold thousands of bunkers and the kilometer of trenches and barricades that surrounded them. The massive siege cannons turned the ferrocrete defenses into powder while its bolters shredded all those foolish enough to stand before it’s might.

At the conclusion of the Ullanor Crusade the Iron Breaker accompanied the Imperial Fists and the Emperor back to Terra where it was placed in the arsenal assigned with the task of protecting the Imperial Palace. Here it served faithfully during the Horus Heresy being one of the few recorded vehicle to have participated in the Defense of Terra and survived to this day. Soon afterwards the Iron Breaker served again as a mobile stronghold against their traitorous brethren, the Iron Warriors, during the assault on the Eternal Fortress on the world of Sebastus IV, known as The Iron Cage.

Tales are told of whole worlds surrendering at the sight of this enormous war machine as it represents the might the Emperor can unleash against his foes through the Imperial Fists. A veteran of over seven thousand battles the Iron Breaker has the distinction of being the only Fellblade to have remained in active service since the awakening of its machine spirit many millennia ago. So successful was the Iron Breaker that centuries later the Adeptus Mechanicus adopted the design for the Imperial Guard naming it posthumously after its creator, the Stormhammer.

So it's finally finished and will go up for sale on Thursday. I even made up a unofficial set of rules for it found here: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/64193858/Imperial-Fists-Fellblade-Iron-Breaker

But enough of that for now, here are the pics!





11-29-2010, 10:57 PM





11-29-2010, 10:57 PM
(continued again....)




Now onto the Dark Angels Fellblade....

11-30-2010, 12:49 AM
Oh I have something very special planned for the Sons of Russ :D It will fit very well with their Legion's character and even includes a story on its creation. But it's #4 on my list so it may be a bit....
All legions except white scars and Hight Lords could use them at the time of the Horus Heresy. Just how many are left is something you have to guess at.

11-30-2010, 01:09 AM
[I]The Fellblade is one of the most ancient war machines available to the forces of the Imperium. Much like its other heavily armed brethren the Fellblade bristles with potent weapons capable of laying low the most powerful of foes. However, what makes the Fellblade most dangerous is not its formidable guns or massive treads, it is that this hammer of mankind lies within the hands of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines.

The miniature looks like the model used for the Epic Space Marine Storm Hammer, not the Bane/Fell Blade.

The Fell Blade looks just like a Bane Blade with a space marine or Chaos Space Marine crew and machine spirit for just 100 points more. It is also limited to a Havoc Launcher or Combi-Bolter on a pintle mount.

I have completed a Khorne Tower of Skulls based on the Apocalypse Reloaded model, which I know does not look like the original Epic Space Marine Tower of Skulls. You would need a number of different length tubes glued together with guns mounted on them.


11-30-2010, 01:10 AM

Try this link.

11-30-2010, 06:20 AM
[I]The Fellblade is one of the most ancient war machines available to the forces of the Imperium. Much like its other heavily armed brethren the Fellblade bristles with potent weapons capable of laying low the most powerful of foes. However, what makes the Fellblade most dangerous is not its formidable guns or massive treads, it is that this hammer of mankind lies within the hands of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines.

The miniature looks like the model used for the Epic Space Marine Storm Hammer, not the Bane/Fell Blade.

The Fell Blade looks just like a Bane Blade with a space marine or Chaos Space Marine crew and machine spirit for just 100 points more. It is also limited to a Havoc Launcher or Combi-Bolter on a pintle mount.

I have completed a Khorne Tower of Skulls based on the Apocalypse Reloaded model, which I know does not look like the original Epic Space Marine Tower of Skulls. You would need a number of different length tubes glued together with guns mounted on them.


I suggest you go back and read the fluff on this particular model, it's appearance might make more sense to you then.

Nice Tower of Skulls by the way. I have one too :)


11-30-2010, 08:21 AM
[I]The Fellblade is one of the most ancient war machines available to the forces of the Imperium. Much like its other heavily armed brethren the Fellblade bristles with potent weapons capable of laying low the most powerful of foes. However, what makes the Fellblade most dangerous is not its formidable guns or massive treads, it is that this hammer of mankind lies within the hands of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines.

The miniature looks like the model used for the Epic Space Marine Storm Hammer, not the Bane/Fell Blade.

The Fell Blade looks just like a Bane Blade with a space marine or Chaos Space Marine crew and machine spirit for just 100 points more. It is also limited to a Havoc Launcher or Combi-Bolter on a pintle mount.

I have completed a Khorne Tower of Skulls based on the Apocalypse Reloaded model, which I know does not look like the original Epic Space Marine Tower of Skulls. You would need a number of different length tubes glued together with guns mounted on them.


He's making Chapter-specific Fellblades. May not be 100% Canon, but thats what makes this game great - so much is left up to personal interpretation that it's easy for people to put their own unique spin on things, like this.

12-01-2010, 03:38 AM
OK Chapter specific FellBlades. MAybe they should bring out some chapter specific variants like a shadowsword or something of the Spacemarines. That would be cool. Maybe give the Chaos Space Marines a bit more fire power.

The Super heavies I have seen on this thread have all looked very nice.

Machinator, what did you use for the larger skulls on the side of the tower? They really stand out.

Maybe I should modify one of my fellblades to be an Emperors Children vehicle. Lots of noise weapons, and maybe a vibro cannon similar to the Eldar weapon, but based on noise directed into the ground.

The Imperial Fist FellBlade still looks like the old Epic Space Marine Storm Hammer with its 2 turrets, but as you say it is Apocalypse, and providing your opponents and allies agree, then almost anything can be used in the game.

A side question to everyone: I am looking for a turret/ minaret to mount on the top/ center of the new Warhammer Fantasy Wizards tower. I intend to mount it on a thick clear solid plastic rod, and then pack either paper machete or Polystyrene foam around the base to simulate a mass of land/earth that has been pulled out of the ground. Hopefully when I put the tzeentch sorcerers and thrall wizards on it, it should look suitably like a Silver Tower of Tzeentch.

What other GW buildings would look good in the center of the tower?

12-01-2010, 05:19 AM
The obelisk from the Arcane ruins kit seems like the most obvious choice to me.

12-01-2010, 08:11 AM
OK Chapter specific FellBlades. MAybe they should bring out some chapter specific variants like a shadowsword or something of the Spacemarines. That would be cool. Maybe give the Chaos Space Marines a bit more fire power.

The Super heavies I have seen on this thread have all looked very nice.

Machinator, what did you use for the larger skulls on the side of the tower? They really stand out.

Maybe I should modify one of my fellblades to be an Emperors Children vehicle. Lots of noise weapons, and maybe a vibro cannon similar to the Eldar weapon, but based on noise directed into the ground.

The Imperial Fist FellBlade still looks like the old Epic Space Marine Storm Hammer with its 2 turrets, but as you say it is Apocalypse, and providing your opponents and allies agree, then almost anything can be used in the game.

A side question to everyone: I am looking for a turret/ minaret to mount on the top/ center of the new Warhammer Fantasy Wizards tower. I intend to mount it on a thick clear solid plastic rod, and then pack either paper machete or Polystyrene foam around the base to simulate a mass of land/earth that has been pulled out of the ground. Hopefully when I put the tzeentch sorcerers and thrall wizards on it, it should look suitably like a Silver Tower of Tzeentch.

What other GW buildings would look good in the center of the tower?

The Tower of Skulls shown here was mostly my design. I made a couple of skull panels out of plastic card and green stuff then cast multiples of them in resin to make the tower. After a few interations I made up a whole kit for it and a Doomblaster that was switchable on a Baneblade chassis. Alas, those molds have all been retired due to wear and tear.

A Emperor's Children Fellblade would be reall cool. It would be fairly easy to switch out the lascannons and heavy bolters with sonic blasters and the like. You could even go crazy and make the whole thing a stage for an Emperor's Children rock band that's used as the main weapon. It would bring new meaning to the words Death Metal :)

As for the Imperial Fist FellBlade looking like the old Epic Space Marine Storm Hammer it's suppose to. If you read my fluff it WAS the original Stormhammer, named after it's techmarine creator Olivander Stormhammer :)

This might sound crazy but have you considered a plastic Christmas ornament for the turret/ minaret? I've seen quite a few that have that fluted minaret shape when inverted. Given it's the season you should be able to find a bunch of different styles that are very inexpensive.

12-01-2010, 06:01 PM
Isotope and Machinator, both really good Ideas, I will loo into them. I have sooooooo many damn Apocalypse projects in the pipeline, and I want to build an adeptus mechanicus army using a minidex I found.

It never seems to end. Top off all the planned projects with the fact that I am behind in painting battletech miniatures for 2 of my mates and the odd 1000 battletech miniatures of my own, and the scope of what I have gotten myself into iby going back to 40K in 2006 is overwhelming.

I never do things by halves when it comes to collecting. I am known locally as the Slaanesh Chaos Lady, because that was the first Army I collected when I went back into 40K. I plan to build a Sisters of battle baneBlade variant which will have Twin Linked Heavy Flameers, Twin Linked Heavy Bolters (Blessed ammunition), MultiMeltas, a Massive Inferno Cannon, and an Exorcist launcher mounted on the back of the Bane Blade turret. I still have to work out a propper datasheet and get the kits together for it.

Oh if any of you viewing this thread live in Sydney Australia, then the Hall of Heroes gaming store in Campbelltown is running a 24 hour Apocalypse game on the 26th and 27th of February 2011. It should be a really massive gaming with 180 sq feet of gaming table - all textured/ moulded terrain.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-01-2010, 07:56 PM
Well first if i can tell you that the organ from the Excorsist fits nicely behind the main weapon. My one, replaced to Lascannons with MultiMelta's, kept the twin heavy bolters, replaced the front heavy bolters with a Inferno cannon, and its built around the Shadowsword.





12-01-2010, 10:42 PM
Sister, that is AWESOME! What a beautiful piece of art. Do you have any special rules for it?

12-01-2010, 11:14 PM
A Emperor's Children Fellblade would be reall cool. It would be fairly easy to switch out the lascannons and heavy bolters with sonic blasters and the like. You could even go crazy and make the whole thing a stage for an Emperor's Children rock band that's used as the main weapon. It would bring new meaning to the words Death Metal :)

(Sorry for the half-finished paintjob and really crappy lighting conditions. Will try and get some better photos soon)

12-01-2010, 11:52 PM
Very nice! I wouldn't mind a ride on that tank ;)

12-02-2010, 03:56 AM
[QUOTE=Sister Rosette Soulknyt;109162]Well first if i can tell you that the organ from the Excorsist fits nicely behind the main weapon. My one, replaced to Lascannons with MultiMelta's, kept the twin heavy bolters, replaced the front heavy bolters with a Inferno cannon, and its built around the Shadowsword.

Very Inspirational. I think I would probably put mine on a Bane Blade to give the exorcist a 6400 mils/ 360 degrees arc of fire. We could drive them side by side, yours providing the range, while mine took care of the nasty flanking units.

Some god rules for the Sisters ShadowSword could be that any sisters unit within a certain range get the same benefits as having an imagifer in the unit, and it gets blessed ammo automatically. Make the main gun a D weapon exactly like the Volcano Cannon on titans, and use a BS of 4 - they are Sisters of Battle.

The inferno gun can cause Morale checks on enemy units at a -1 or 2 as if the unit had lost 25% of their troops - as per the witch hunters codex.

As you already have a second set of sponsons, and the BS is upgraded to 4 with the extra things like blessed ammo, etc, the price should be upped to 650 points, maybe give it the command vehicle rule as well, or give the Exorcist launcher the option of being upgraded to an anti aircraft mount.

It would even the odds against races like Necron vehicles, and stuff like the new Forge World landraider that is resistant to melta weapons, and harder to damage, and also be good at bringing down flyers.

12-02-2010, 09:46 PM
Well for those interested in owning the Iron Breaker here's the auction link:


Good Luck!

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-03-2010, 09:34 AM
Rules for my Baneblade:

4 Twin linked Heavy Bolters with Blessed Ammo
4 Multi Melta's
Inferno Cannon on Hull mount
Excorsist Launcher is still a turret weapon.
Pintle Storm Bolter with Blessed Ammo
Vulcano Canon.

Fortress Cathedral: Units with the Sororitas rule are Fearless and count as having an Imagifier within 12".
Holy Icon: Any friendly units within 24" add +1 LD for purpose of Moral or Pinning tests.

Comes with Laud Hailers
Upgrade to Holy Promethium, Blessed Ammunition and Extra Armour.
Upgrade to two extra sponsors for a 100 points.
Cost with everything 730

12-03-2010, 10:08 AM
Very nice Sister. I can just imagine the organist pounding out "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" as it lays down death everywhere.

12-03-2010, 08:31 PM
Machinator, whats your next masterpiece going to be? you've mentioned Space wolves will be the 4th, I'm gonna guess Sallys or dark angels but thats purely a guess

12-03-2010, 10:06 PM
Machinator, whats your next masterpiece going to be? you've mentioned Space wolves will be the 4th, I'm gonna guess Sallys or dark angels but thats purely a guess

Yep, it's Dark Angels. Picture a cathedral on treads spitting out plasma death. Hopefully I can get started on it in a couple of weeks.

12-04-2010, 05:11 AM
Yep, it's Dark Angels. Picture a cathedral on treads spitting out plasma death. Hopefully I can get started on it in a couple of weeks.

I was thinking of doing one of these using parts from the fortress of redemption. Interested to see what you come up with.

12-04-2010, 07:45 AM
Yep, it's Dark Angels.

all these tanks look great, but i gotta be honest about how difficult it is to be patiently waiting for my legion's turn. XVIII in the Emperor's scheme, but I in my heart :(

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-04-2010, 09:18 AM
Thanks Machinator, am thinking once i finish the Excorsist im working on puting your conversion parts on it to replace them fuel tanks and engine just to change it more, can and probably will buy more parts for the Salamanders tank im going to start around xmas.

12-04-2010, 09:28 AM
Thanks Machinator, am thinking once i finish the Excorsist im working on puting your conversion parts on it to replace them fuel tanks and engine just to change it more, can and probably will buy more parts for the Salamanders tank im going to start around xmas.

Sounds good Sister. Hopefully by then I'll have the big flamethrower cannon done too. I may build another fuel tank as well to hold all that extra promethium :)

12-05-2010, 01:48 AM
Its a pity that the Night Lords and White Scars can not get Fell Blades (refer Warhammer 30,000 codex).

They apparently shun the use of Super heavies. Their fighting style is more hit and run, so use bikes, land speeders and assault troops more. Maybe design something like the Blood Angels "baby thunderhawk" for deploying troops, or give them an open topped vehicle like the Elysian drop troop's Taurus Venator.

12-05-2010, 04:46 AM
Its a pity that the Night Lords and White Scars can not get Fell Blades (refer Warhammer 30,000 codex).

They apparently shun the use of Super heavies. Their fighting style is more hit and run, so use bikes, land speeders and assault troops more. Maybe design something like the Blood Angels "baby thunderhawk" for deploying troops, or give them an open topped vehicle like the Elysian drop troop's Taurus Venator.

A fan-made codex is hardly canon.

12-05-2010, 06:28 AM
A fan-made codex is hardly canon.
But they have a point, it would not suit the fighting style of those Chapters/Legions. I probably would have put the Raven Guard and maybe the Alpha Legion on the list as well.

Corax would certainly not use one in his legion, it would not be able to to be employed using his rapid flowing style of hit and run combat, and Jaghati Khan developed his legions fighting style from the skirmish tactics employed by the plains dwelling nomads of his home world.

If you want cannon, then FellBlades are not an official Apocalypse unit/ formation anyway. It was designed as a way to allow Marines and Traitor Marines to have access to Super Heavy tanks. You would even have to eliminate the Forge world models, not mentioned in the 2 Official Apocalypse books.

Basically, they are not fast vehicles used by the bike/skirmish/ hit and run legions/chapters. These chapters would use thunderhawk gunships, and other fast moving fliers, or fast tanks fitted with turbo chargers or something similar. They may have even developed a walker similar to a knights Titan or smaller.

Personally I cannot see legions like the Night Lords, or the Alpha Legion using a slow super heavy tank. Alpha Legion depend on ambush and stealth The night Lords use night combat and fast strikes combined with senseless violence to scare the enemy into jumping at shadows and lower enemy morale, double the guards on strategic assets and spread their forces too thinly to cover everything. I believe they mention Fear is their main weapon in the fluff for them. Although a huge tank can cause fear, it is by no means easy to move around and strike at the enemy at a dozen different locations through out the night. The enemy could easily track it down and take it out with their big guns and tanks.

12-05-2010, 06:54 AM
I wouldn't think that a preferred fighting style would preclude the use of any weapons available to a legion and it is legions we're talking about. A primarch would realise that although they preferred to fight in a particular style, and you're absolutely right that the Raven Guard, Night Lords, White Scars and Alpha Legion all have distinctive styles that they're known for using, that there would be battles that could not be won without the use of certain types of weapon. The legions were expected to be almost independent fighting armies that could conquer entire systems, fellblades aren't massively different in application to other heavy armour which the legions had and used so it's not inconceivable that Corax, for example, used them in conjunction with hit and run raids - they'd be a hell of a thing to draw enemy away from your secondary target whilst also destroying the first or that any of the other legions had them but just used them less often than legions like the Iron Warriors or Imperial Fists.

12-05-2010, 07:19 AM
Yep, it's Dark Angels. Picture a cathedral on treads spitting out plasma death. Hopefully I can get started on it in a couple of weeks.

So a Stormblade with Plasma Sponsons?


The Biggest Apocalypse Battle in History - January 22nd, 2011 at all 4 US Battle Bunkers!

http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm106/Linnear1701/40K/ApocLogo.png (http://www.apocalypse40k.com/)

12-05-2010, 07:48 AM
I have more difficult imagining the Raven guard using a fell blade than the 'scars. I can imagine the scars using it like a mobile command center for their mobile forces, like a mini chapel fortress- possibly drawing inspirationg from genghis kahns giant yurt

On the other hand its harder to imagines striking from the shadows with a tank the size of a city block.

I'm also having difficulty imagining the ultra marines one, because fluff wise they are the marine default standard or vanilla flavour and the fell blades are all unique. I suppose it would have loads of greco-roman imagery but apart from that can't think what weaponry etc

12-05-2010, 07:54 AM
But they have a point, it would not suit the fighting style of those Chapters/Legions. I probably would have put the Raven Guard and maybe the Alpha Legion on the list as well.

Corax would certainly not use one in his legion, it would not be able to to be employed using his rapid flowing style of hit and run combat, and Jaghati Khan developed his legions fighting style from the skirmish tactics employed by the plains dwelling nomads of his home world.

If you want cannon, then FellBlades are not an official Apocalypse unit/ formation anyway. It was designed as a way to allow Marines and Traitor Marines to have access to Super Heavy tanks. You would even have to eliminate the Forge world models, not mentioned in the 2 Official Apocalypse books.

Basically, they are not fast vehicles used by the bike/skirmish/ hit and run legions/chapters. These chapters would use thunderhawk gunships, and other fast moving fliers, or fast tanks fitted with turbo chargers or something similar. They may have even developed a walker similar to a knights Titan or smaller.

Personally I cannot see legions like the Night Lords, or the Alpha Legion using a slow super heavy tank. Alpha Legion depend on ambush and stealth The night Lords use night combat and fast strikes combined with senseless violence to scare the enemy into jumping at shadows and lower enemy morale, double the guards on strategic assets and spread their forces too thinly to cover everything. I believe they mention Fear is their main weapon in the fluff for them. Although a huge tank can cause fear, it is by no means easy to move around and strike at the enemy at a dozen different locations through out the night. The enemy could easily track it down and take it out with their big guns and tanks.

Demonette, those are my thoughts exactly for some of the fast/stealth Legions like the White Scars, Raven Guard, Alpha Legion, and Night Lords. Now I'm not saying they couldn't have them but they defintely would have shied away given the background of their Legion. However, if they do still have a super heavy or two around they may have taken a form more fitting to their style.

As mentioned perhaps the White Scars and Raven Guard could have open top fast super heavies designed for carrying around large amounts of troops and equipment quickly (kind of like a Skullhamma for Marines). The Night Lords may have a super heavy with a giant noise and holographic projector that heightens the impending doom of a populace destroying moral and driving people insane before the attack. The Alpha Legion may keep one around that they can paint in different colors to infiltrate an army's formation and then cause havoc by firing within the lines.

That's the beauty of the 40K universe, its history is so broad and deep you can really come up with anything.

So a Stormblade with Plasma Sponsons?


The Biggest Apocalypse Battle in History - January 22nd, 2011 at all 4 US Battle Bunkers!

http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm106/Linnear1701/40K/ApocLogo.png (http://www.apocalypse40k.com/)

That's the idea although the maiin weapons will be somewhere between the titan level Plasma Blastgun and the Lemon Russ sized Executioner. I don't want to make it too powerful ;)

12-05-2010, 07:56 AM
I have more difficult imagining the Raven guard using a fell blade than the 'scars. I can imagine the scars using it like a mobile command center for their mobile forces, like a mini chapel fortress- possibly drawing inspirationg from genghis kahns giant yurt

On the other hand its harder to imagines striking from the shadows with a tank the size of a city block.

I'm also having difficulty imagining the ultra marines one, because fluff wise they are the marine default standard or vanilla flavour and the fell blades are all unique. I suppose it would have loads of greco-roman imagery but apart from that can't think what weaponry etc

Don't worry, I have a plan for the Ultramarines ;)

12-05-2010, 12:14 PM
That the Night Lords are a force of pure hit and run tactics is an unfortunate remainder of the 3rd ED codex.

The Night Lords are part about slowly carving up the opponent, making them jump at shadows, I agree. They are however also part absolutely overwhelming and excessive force. The term "overkill" comes to mind. Unless a specific objective has to be completed, why field a fraction of what you can. They are a Legion who would, without a doubt, field pretty much their full strength on an enemy stronghold and let them see how utterly doomed they are, especially when they have already disabled key defensive structures in previous stealth raids.

Of recent publications, I recomend ADB's audiobook "Throne of Lies" that show just how devastating they can be when the target is important enough.

If you think it would be scary facing a certain unit, you can be sure the Night Lords have already thought of it.

Additionally, the thought of a few Alpha Legion loyal tank crew turning on their own lines is a very amusing one.

12-05-2010, 03:05 PM
I'm also having difficulty imagining the ultra marines one, because fluff wise they are the marine default standard or vanilla flavour and the fell blades are all unique. I suppose it would have loads of greco-roman imagery but apart from that can't think what weaponry etc

I never thought of the ultra marines. They are sticklers to the codex astares, but that never came out till after the Horus heresy, so I thought they would have had the opportunity to get one earlier on.

I have made a formation for the Night Lords based on Huron's Hounds datasheet. It is called the Dark Knights of the Apocalypse. They cost 150 points and the cost of miniatures,, and get scout infiltrate, skilled rider, have flank march, and can charge after turbo Boosting once per game if in 6" of the Chaos Lord. They can also only get unaligned icons. The lord has a retrofitted Bike with a multi-melta that cost 50 points (this allows me to use the Doom Rider figure). I want to field a force of 31 bikes on the table.

I should put it in the Apocalypse datasheet secton for others to look at. I have made a few others up for the Dark Adeptus Mechanicus, and Sisters of Battle.

12-05-2010, 05:53 PM
I was randomly going through the Lexicanum (yep, I was that bored) when this popped up:


The Decimator is a super-heavy tank used by the Chaos Space Marines. Although most have been changed considerably by their time in the Eye of Terror, the Decimators were originally precursors to modern Imperial vehicles like the Baneblade, Shadowsword and Stormsword, the last of which it most closely resembles in function.

Decimators are armed primarily with a heavy, medium-ranged barrage weapon, supported by several reaper autocannons, and are used to bombard enemies in cover.


Is this what you had in mind for the traitor Fellblades or is this a completely different thing?

12-05-2010, 07:04 PM
I was randomly going through the Lexicanum (yep, I was that bored) when this popped up:


The Decimator is a super-heavy tank used by the Chaos Space Marines. Although most have been changed considerably by their time in the Eye of Terror, the Decimators were originally precursors to modern Imperial vehicles like the Baneblade, Shadowsword and Stormsword, the last of which it most closely resembles in function.

Decimators are armed primarily with a heavy, medium-ranged barrage weapon, supported by several reaper autocannons, and are used to bombard enemies in cover.


Is this what you had in mind for the traitor Fellblades or is this a completely different thing?

Yep, I've seen that. If I ever get around to building fellblades for the traitors this will definitely be one of them :)

12-06-2010, 01:29 AM
I have more difficult imagining the Raven guard using a fell blade than the 'scars. I can imagine the scars using it like a mobile command center for their mobile forces, like a mini chapel fortress- possibly drawing inspirationg from genghis kahns giant yurt

On the other hand its harder to imagines striking from the shadows with a tank the size of a city block.

then give it retrothruster drop pod wings and active camo! like a drop pod that flies with a big gun :P

12-06-2010, 02:18 AM
That's the idea although the maiin weapons will be somewhere between the titan level Plasma Blastgun and the Lemon Russ sized Executioner. I don't want to make it too powerful ;)

Well, considering that there's already a super-heavy Baneblade variant with a Plasma Blastgun, I don't see why it would be "too powerful" to make the Dark Angels one have it.


As far as the Ultramarines one goes, I made rules for one a while ago - less on the heavy weapons, but it counts as a Supreme Headquarters strategic asset. Mobile Command kinda thing.

12-06-2010, 05:40 AM
then give it retrothruster drop pod wings and active camo! like a drop pod that flies with a big gun :P

wouldn't that be a thunderhawk? :p

12-06-2010, 10:20 AM
Well, considering that there's already a super-heavy Baneblade variant with a Plasma Blastgun, I don't see why it would be "too powerful" to make the Dark Angels one have it.


As far as the Ultramarines one goes, I made rules for one a while ago - less on the heavy weapons, but it counts as a Supreme Headquarters strategic asset. Mobile Command kinda thing.

Yeah, but the Stormblade is more of a self propelled gun then a tank. Since the weapon is hard mounted to the chassis it can be larger and more powerful. But as this plasma weapon is going into a turret it has to be smaller...but not by much ;)

A mobile Supreme Headquarters would be a pretty sweet unit to have, I believe the BoLS's Imperial Leviathan in their Lords of Battle: Volume 2 is set up that way. Definitely could be a special rule for the Smurfs....

12-19-2010, 10:50 AM
Well I've been working on a few more accessories for my tank turrets. First up I made a pair of heavy machine guns (or autocannons if you would prefer) for the Light Turret along with a plate that allows you to use it on the Medium or Heavy Turret as a co-axial machine gun:




12-19-2010, 10:51 AM
Also I made another piece for the Light Turret that can be used as a short or long barrel cannon or a mount for another weapon:





I plan to start the molds today so they should be up in my store later this week.

12-19-2010, 11:50 AM
no.. it be a INVISIBLE thunderhawk with tank treads that gets dropped from orbit :L

12-27-2010, 06:10 PM
OK, after much mulling over I've come up with a set of preliminary rules for three Fellblade variants called the Lancer (anti-tank), the Broadsword (anti-infantry), and the Glaive (all purpose). I believe these should allow a player to build and use a Space Marine super heavy with a wide variety of options without making it too cheesy.

Take a look and tell me what you think.

Lancer Fellblade:

Broadsword Fellblade:

Glaive Fellblade:

12-27-2010, 11:58 PM
Its a good initial spread. I would keep it as the default categories that lead into the Legion specific ones, in your growing "Liber Fellblade" Its definately enought to keep folks busy until thier favorite Legion one comes out.

The only quip is there might be too much variety in the turrets options per category, but that's personal choice. I always found balancing the main guns the hardest trick to do for apoc units, as any little error, and the best choice is always taken and the lesser ones pretty much dissapear.

A good test is to give the sheets to opposng players and have them play a coupled of quick games. You will find out real fast what's effective and what's not.


For the raiding legions like the White Scars/Night Lords, you should bite the bullet, and give us a pair of honest to goodness Stormbirds from the heresy books and the occasional purported Epic drawing. They could be unique ones, modified for fast deployment/retrieval of a decent number of jetbikes/bike units - and look super cool to boot.

12-28-2010, 06:14 AM
I like the rules so far. My Brotherhood of Fire Space Marines may need a Broadsword with all the flamer options... I'm sure not terribly effective in a game, but imagine the promethium smell!

I agree with BigRed (who doesn't?) about the need for some playtesting from the general audience of BoLS; I'm sure we will be able to find any particularly evil/pathetic combinations to help you balance them... well, other people will! I'll just be trying to burn everything!

12-28-2010, 06:38 AM
Don't worry about balance too much...these are for Apocalypse. Apocalypse isn't for "balance." It's for epic, glorious fun.

12-28-2010, 07:44 AM
Still gotta be fun for both sides! Though of course, that balance can come from both sides having equally unbalanced things!

I think Bigred is talking about the balance between the main options as well, more than game balance. Who wants to take a grot blaster when you can have a volcano cannon for the same points? (not an example from these rules, rather an exageration)

12-28-2010, 09:54 AM
Thanks guys, I apprecaite all the feedback. I'm on the same page with all of you regarding point values hence why I posted these up for review.

Originally I planned to do several variants all based on the original Legions but quickly ran into two issues: One is that with exception of the main weapons they all had basically the same kind of weapon sets for the hull and sponsons in the end. Second I didn't want to force a player to pick a certain Fellblade variant just because it was the only one available to their Chapter. By creating the three variants it gives the Space Marine player plenty of options to pick and equip a Fellblade to either their particular fighting style or to match the fluff of their Chapter.

These rule sets are independent of what I'm planning with my Fellblades of Renown.

As for the main weapons I did my best to group them such that their point value is fairly close but as Connjurus pointed out there is sometimes a wide gulf between point cost and weapon stats in Apocalypse. But please let me know if anything seems out of whack or could be improved. These rules are still very much a work in progress.

And Bigred, don't worry- it's only a matter of time before I build a Stormbird. Just be patient ;)

12-28-2010, 02:21 PM
i would field a burny broadsword for my salamanders with almost religious devotion. i'll have to find a way to test all these out.

12-28-2010, 05:45 PM
it's only a matter of time before I build a Stormbird.


I squeed. Or however you spell that. And I'm a tall guy. I cannot wait to see a Stormbird. @_@ I always loved reading about them.

12-31-2010, 06:06 AM
first ever post! wooo!
anyway, that is the best super-heavy conversion I have ever seen. Make a raven guard one!!!
I know it doesn't quite fit the fluff, but I love my sons of corax, and it would fit perfectly with the heresy-era army i'm doing ATM.

12-31-2010, 06:11 AM
ah but then if he cnahges his mind as to the order for what ever reason, people who collect the chapters that get pushed back will be upset. Personnaly I'm looking forward to being surprised (plus all of the options I want so far have been covered lol)

12-31-2010, 07:25 AM
Well enough people have been asking for a Raven Guard Fellblade I just might have to make one. The tricky part with that one is coming up with a theme. A super heavy doesn't lend itself too well for a Chapter known for their lightening strikes and stealth. Of course, I'd love to hear any ideas.

By the way, welcome to the forum!

12-31-2010, 07:40 AM
Massive silencers on all the weapons... maybe no really heavy gun, but can go faster instead? And/or something that makes it harder to see? similar to night fight rules

12-31-2010, 07:59 AM
I was thinking something similar- a stripped down version so its faster and quieter. Perhaps it could have features to compensate where Raven guard are weaker- tank hunting and line breaking. After all these tanks are only used on special occasions.

I like the silencer idea

12-31-2010, 08:28 AM
I concur, having a stripped down fast anti-tank would fit well.
Lycaeus stealth tank hunter- 400pts
AV 13/13/12
S-D AP-1 Type- heavy 2 lance (?)
vanquisher cannon instead of demolisher cannon
targeting jammer- A jamming field, preventing targeting lock-ons. All units shooting at this cout as firing during night-fight missions.
can fire all weapons if it has moved 12". (basically relentless)
locator beacon
re-roll to seize the initiative

12-31-2010, 05:00 PM
I concur, having a stripped down fast anti-tank would fit well.
Lycaeus stealth tank hunter- 400pts
AV 13/13/12
S-D AP-1 Type- heavy 2 lance (?)
vanquisher cannon instead of demolisher cannon
targeting jammer- A jamming field, preventing targeting lock-ons. All units shooting at this cout as firing during night-fight missions.
can fire all weapons if it has moved 12". (basically relentless)
locator beacon
re-roll to seize the initiative
The main weapon is waaaay to powerful. Str "D" and AP 1 and a lance weapon. It also is given Heavy 2! Alll the GW rules and Q&A state that if a weapon has 2 barrels it is now twin linked heavy 1, not heavy 2, so this may need a bit of revising to even things out. I would probably make it a range 72" Str D, AP 2, 5" Blast instead.

You are trying to mke a super go fast, so you want super-chargers, and you also want noise supression systems. Sure the armour is less than other super heavies, but you will be having 2 or more structure points, and you may want to maount additoinal weapons onto its sides for close defence. The power constraints and the size of engine required for what you want will mean the main gun will be either less range, or less damge and AP and it will not be lance (corrupt eldar technology).

As to the other stuff you want on it, Target Jammer should give it a 4+ cover save instead. You want it to fire all weapons if it has moved over 12". Just to reclassify it as a fast super-heavy tank. Personally I would remove the noise supression stuff. The Nigth Lords and Alpha Legion are the Legions known for their stealth.

Also the Raven Guard, White Scars and the Night Lords do not use Super Heavy tanks. Make a stormbird for them instead. That way you can drop in a whole raven guard bike company. Give them the company commander special character, that makes bike squads troop choices, the one from the white scars, but rename him. Being a much bigger aircraft, something about the size of a Tau Manta, you could easily mount a double barrelled turbo laser destructor on it. The ammount of support weaponry would also be nasty. Possibly 6 wing mounted turrets with Autocannons, a few fuselage mounted weapon turrets with autocannons.

Remember this would be a relic from the Chapter's past. A 10,000 year old aircraft, maintained and kept in as mint condition as the tech adepts can keep it. The technology would be archiac, but it would certainly be impressive. Give it AV 13 all around but make it so melta weapons loose the additonal D6 armour pen. Chaff Lunchers would cancel out missile based attacks against it on a 4+, and obviously make it a flyer.

12-31-2010, 05:18 PM
The main weapon is waaaay to powerful. Str "D" and AP 1 and a lance weapon. It also is given Heavy 2! Alll the GW rules and Q&A state that if a weapon has 2 barrels it is now twin linked heavy 1, not heavy 2, so this may need a bit of revising to even things out. I would probably make it a range 72" Str D, AP 2, 5" Blast instead.

You are trying to mke a super go fast, so you want super-chargers, and you also want noise supression systems. Sure the armour is less than other super heavies, but you will be having 2 or more structure points, and you may want to maount additoinal weapons onto its sides for close defence. The power constraints and the size of engine required for what you want will mean the main gun will be either less range, or less damge and AP and it will not be lance (corrupt eldar technology).

As to the other stuff you want on it, Target Jammer should give it a 4+ cover save instead. You want it to fire all weapons if it has moved over 12". Just to reclassify it as a fast super-heavy tank. Personally I would remove the noise supression stuff. The Nigth Lords and Alpha Legion are the Legions known for their stealth.

Also the Raven Guard, White Scars and the Night Lords do not use Super Heavy tanks. Make a stormbird for them instead. That way you can drop in a whole raven guard bike company. Give them the company commander special character, that makes bike squads troop choices, the one from the white scars, but rename him. Being a much bigger aircraft, something about the size of a Tau Manta, you could easily mount a double barrelled turbo laser destructor on it. The ammount of support weaponry would also be nasty. Possibly 6 wing mounted turrets with Autocannons, a few fuselage mounted weapon turrets with autocannons.

Remember this would be a relic from the Chapter's past. A 10,000 year old aircraft, maintained and kept in as mint condition as the tech adepts can keep it. The technology would be archiac, but it would certainly be impressive. Give it AV 13 all around but make it so melta weapons loose the additonal D6 armour pen. Chaff Lunchers would cancel out missile based attacks against it on a 4+, and obviously make it a flyer.

the SD 5" blast is exactly the same as a volcano cannon.

Lycaeus stealth tank hunter- 400pts
AV 13/13/12
structure points- 3
S-D AP-1 Type- heavy 1, constant beam*
vanquisher cannon instead of demolisher cannon
4 side sponsons with 4 twin-linked heavy flamers and 4 twin linked heav bolters
targeting jammer- A jamming field, preventing targeting lock-ons. The unit has a 4+ cover save. (goes to 3+ when in cover)
can fire all weapons if it has moved 12". (basically relentless)
locator beacon
re-roll to seize the initiative

*nominate a point on the table up to 48" away. all units on that line suffer a hit.

12-31-2010, 07:32 PM
the SD 5" blast is exactly the same as a volcano cannon.

Lycaeus stealth tank hunter- 400pts
AV 13/13/12
structure points- 3
S-D AP-1 Type- heavy 1, constant beam*
vanquisher cannon instead of demolisher cannon
4 side sponsons with 4 twin-linked heavy flamers and 4 twin linked heav bolters
targeting jammer- A jamming field, preventing targeting lock-ons. The unit has a 4+ cover save. (goes to 3+ when in cover)
can fire all weapons if it has moved 12". (basically relentless)
locator beacon
re-roll to seize the initiative

*nominate a point on the table up to 48" away. all units on that line suffer a hit.
So you are designing a tank for 400 points only that although it has one less point of armour on the front is then given the fast rule so it can rush it up 12" and fie everything (because it is a super heavy), then you add a plethora of close range defensive weapons (this bit I think is OK), and then you add in a weapon that combines the abilities of a vibro cannon (eldar tech), Strength D weapon, and then made it AP 1.

Seriously I thjink you have undervalued the cost of this thing The fast makes up for the AV 13 on the front, the 4+ jamming cover save makes it even harder to damage, and the bit anout a 3+ save if in cover get rid of this. Points cost for the BOLS FellBlade is 600 points as an example, and that is with a +1 BS and machine spirit. The cost of the Tank with the weapon I have recommended below and a + 1 BS should be about 700 points if you want to use the targeting jammer, or 650 points if you remove the targeting jammer. I would remove the re-roll to sieze the iniative, Replace it with a +1 to your reserve rolls.

Drop the AP1, or drop the Str "D". If you want to use it like an Eldar Vibro cannon then try the stats below for it.

Range 72" Str 10, AP2, and any units that are not single models, takes D3 hits. Cover saves for area terrain are allowed, pinning. Pick a point up to 72" away every unit and vehicle along this line is hit. This shot can not be placed so it hits friendly or allied units. You could even have it so you roll a scatter dice and 2D6, reducing the roll by your BS, and that decides the final position of the shot.

I would also not have this mounted in a turret. It is too big. I would have it in a Shadow Sword type hull weapon.

The locator beacon is OK, and I would give it the command tank rule as well. My recommendation for the design:

Lycaeus stealth tank hunter- 700pts

AV front 13 , Side 13, Rear 12
STRUCTURE POINTS- 3 TYPE: Super Heavy Tank - Fast

Front mounted Vibro Cannon - Range 72" Str 10, AP2, and any units that are not single models, takes D3 hits. Cover saves for area terrain are allowed, pinning. Pick a point up to 72" away every unit and vehicle along this line is hit. This shot can not be placed so it hits friendly or allied units.

Hull Mounted Vanquisher cannon

2 Side Sponsons, each with a Twin Linked Heavy Flamer and a Twin Linked Heavy Bolter add 2 more side sponsons for +100 points.

Other EQUIPMENT and Special Rules:
+1 to reserve rolls, Location Beacon, Command tank, Targeting Jammer - 4+ cover save against attacks from more than 12" away

01-01-2011, 05:50 AM
hmm. well do we want it more as a tank sniper or a tank skewer?
tank sniper:
SD, AP2, 72" range, heavy 1.
tank skewer:
S10 AP2 72" Range, heavy 1, lance, anything on that line takes a hit.

so which to do?

I reckon:
Lycaeus stealth tank hunter- 600pts
AV 13/13/12, BS4
hull/turret mounted lancer heavy cannon:
S10, AP1, range 72", Heavy 1, lance, constant beam*
OR hull/turret mounted corvus heavy cannon:
SD, AP2, range 72", heavy 1, shieldbreaker.**
Hull-mounted vanquisher cannon
2 sponsons, each with twin-linked heavy bolters/flamers and lascannons.
targeter jammer field- When being shot at by units more than 24" away, the Lycaeus stealth tank hunter recieves a 4+ cover save.
May take two additional sponsons, each with a lascannon and a twin-linked heavy bolter/flamer for +100pts.
locator beacon
command tank
re-roll to seize the initiative

*constant beam- choose a point on the table 72" away. Any model on that line suffers a hit.
**shield breaker- void shields are automatically destroyed by a shot from this.
or void shields have no effect on shots from the corvus heavy cannon.
P.S: Not too sure about shield breaker.

01-01-2011, 07:41 AM
Shield Breakers are very rare indeed, and most use a missile or some form of localised warp jump technology to skip the missile shot behind the shields. From what I have read in the past from Titan Legions and Epic Space Marine, these are usually mounted on titans, and are one shot only. This is something the Adeptus Mechanicus would not let out to the space marines. Even titan weapons can not shoot every turn, while ignoring shields, and have such high Str and AP.

Remember the super heavy tank has been upgraded to FAST, so it can move 12" and shoot up to 72".

I would go with the Str 10, AP 1 weapon, but not use the lance rule, instead make it 2D6 armour pen, as this would fit in with the technology that Space Marines from 10,000 years ago and in the 41st millennium would have had access to. This also makes it just as much a titan/ tank killer weapon. Also mount a co-axial autocannon onto it, but make it range 72" to match the main gun.

Mount the vanquisher battl;e cannon in the turret instead, and hull mount the main gun. I would look like the Grant tank used by the British during WWII. That way you could move the tank to face titans/super heavies, and use the vanquisher cannon to target nearer flanking troops and tanks.

I still think the re-roll to seize the initiative is too strong. Reduce the range of the target jammer to give you a bit more protection. Use 12" or more for the 4+ cover save.

Keep the cost at 700 points, or drop the vanquisher battle cannon if you want to use 600 Points.

01-01-2011, 07:51 AM
Lycaeus stealth tank hunter- 600pts
AV 13/13/12, BS4
hull/turret mounted lancer heavy cannon:
S10, AP1, range 72", Heavy 1, +2D6 for armour penetration, constant beam*
OR hull/turret mounted corvus heavy cannon:
SD, AP2, range 72", heavy 1.
Hull-mounted vanquisher cannon
2 sponsons, each with twin-linked heavy bolters/flamers and lascannons.
targeter jammer field- When being shot at by units more than 12" away, the Lycaeus stealth tank hunter recieves a 4+ cover save.
May take two additional sponsons, each with a lascannon and a twin-linked heavy bolter/flamer for +100pts.
locator beacon
command tank

*constant beam- choose a point on the table 72" away. Any model on that line suffers a hit.

basically, it's a shadowsword, with vanquisher cannon but no 5" blast on the "volcano cannon", so I think that cancels it out.
lowered AV cancels out fast.
command tank is a 25pt upgrade- so so far it's 475pts.
heavy bolter on the front is a 25pt upgrade- 500pts.
locator beacon is normally a 25pt upgrade- 525pts.
say the targeter jammer field is 50pts- 575pts.
the +1BS is free, and the replacement lascannon is half a sponson, which is half a 100pt upgrade- 600pts.
I find that fair.:)

01-01-2011, 07:52 AM
Maybe even increase the range of the main gun to 96" pinning, and the autocannon keep at 72". Drop the vanquisher, and the cost then would be 600 points. Altogether a very effective tank killer then. Fast, tough enough to take damage with 3 structure points, and a 4+ cover save, powerful enough with a range 96" Str 10 + 2D6 AP1 main gun and co-axial autocannon. A few extra rules to allow you to drop troops near it to assist in repelling boarders, and the command rule to help troops with low LD. You could make all allied troops within 12" stubborn as well.

Try that, and play test it. See what your opponents think points wise, and get back to us.

01-01-2011, 08:06 AM
But you want to give it a weapon like an Eldar vibro cannon that hits every target in a straight line automatically without even needing a roll to hit, then you want to also give it lance as well.

Both are Eldar technology, yes this is Apocalypse, but Lance technology +50 points. Vibro cannon technology +50 points.

Since you give the rule that every model in line with the target and the firer is hit, the only way to ensure this is to use vibro technology. Laser or lance weaponry will not hit a unit at the bottom of a steep walled valley when you shoot at a tank on a hill. You need to work out which you want lance, or vibro cannon?

The Fellblade's +1 BS and machine spirit cost 100 points more than a standard Baneblade, so +1 BS = 50 Points, machine spirit = 50 Pts.

01-01-2011, 08:17 AM
Lycaeus stealth tank hunter- 650pts
AV 13/13/12, BS4
hull/turret mounted corvus heavy cannon:
SD, AP2, range 96", heavy 1.
Hull-mounted vanquisher cannon
2 sponsons, each with twin-linked heavy bolters/flamers and lascannons.
targeter jammer field- When being shot at by units more than 12" away, the Lycaeus stealth tank hunter recieves a 4+ cover save.
gives the arm the flank march startegic asset.
Co-axial auto-cannon (72" range)

May take:
two additional sponsons, each with a lascannon and a twin-linked heavy bolter/flamer for +100pts.
locator beacon for +25pts
command tank for +25pts
lancer heavy cannon for +75pts

hull/turret mounted lancer heavy cannon:
S10, AP1, range 96", Heavy 1, lance, +2D6 for armour penetration, constant beam.
constant beam- choose a point on the table 96" away. Any model on that line suffers a hit.

I'll playtest it using my old baneblade as a "counts-as" and get back to you when I've had a game or two.;)

note that although the base points cost is the same, two special rules have been taken away and offered as options for 25 point each, making it 650pts, and 725pts with the lancer cannon.
I'll be using my proxy as a Corvus cannon, with 2 sponsons, command tank, locator beacon, making it 650pts.

01-01-2011, 08:38 AM
Cool, it should be a bit more balanced for the game, and still fit a Raven Guard super heavy's role.

I had problems trying to get a Fulgrim Daemon Primarch formatin just right, and had 2 groups giving me advice. One group said it was too strong, the other said I just about had it right, and wanted it to be nastier than I had it. I settled on something in between Check out the homemade apoc datasheets thread in the rules section, and the 2 datasheets I posted there.

01-01-2011, 08:44 AM
Pretty solid. I was thinking I9?! and then "Oh, yeah- hive tyrants are I8, and a primarch is better than a tyrant.":D
BTW edited fellblade rules:
+50pts and gives the army flank march.

01-01-2011, 03:21 PM
sorry to double-post, but:
Lycaeus stealth tank hunter- 650pts
AV 13/13/12, BS4
hull/turret mounted corvus heavy cannon:
SD, AP1, range 96", heavy 1.
Hull-mounted vanquisher cannon and twin-linked heavy bolter.
2 sponsons, each with twin-linked heavy bolters/flamers and lascannons.
targeter jammer field- When shooting at the lycaeus tank hunter, the unit shooting counts as shooting during night-fight.
outflank (controlling player may choose which table edge)
Co-axial lascannon (72" range)

May take:
two additional sponsons, each with a lascannon and a twin-linked heavy bolter/flamer for +100pts.
locator beacon for +25pts
lancer heavy cannon for +75pts

hull mounted lancer heavy cannon:
S10, AP1, range 96", Heavy 1, lance, constant beam, overheat.
constant beam- choose a point on the table 96" away. Any model on that line suffers a hit. Void shields absorb the impacts of single shots- when under a constant beam, void shields quickly collapse. When shooting at models with void shields, the first void shield is removed automatically. The second is removed on a 4+. The third is removed on a 6+. If there are no void shields left, after this, the model take the above hit.
Overheat- Sometimes the cannon does not get sufficient time to cool between shots, causing an overheat. If you roll a 1 to hit, on a 4+, the cannon counts as being shaken.

01-01-2011, 04:09 PM
I just want to say that this thread has greatly inspired me to make my own Slaaneshi Feelblade for my CSM army. The work here is just jaw dropping.

01-01-2011, 04:42 PM
Post pics of your chaos FELLblade!;)

01-01-2011, 04:54 PM
I am confused, about this post.

Are you saying it has 2 shooting profiles, one as a corvus heavy cannon and the other as a lance/vibrocannon?

You need to choose one weapon, or the other, not have a choice.

If you are asking which of the two I would use, then I would use, then the Corvus heavy cannon rather than the lancer heavy cannon. I would keep the lancer weapon for an Adeptus Mechanicus conversion of the BaneBlade.

Get rid of the Night Fighting Rule for shooting at it. The 4+ cover save mentioned earlier in this thread is fairer, and means enemy have some chance.

I would be assaulting this from a flank anyway, and I would use one of my brass scorpions, so I get to move up to 30" on the turn I arrive from the table edge, and 30" per turn after that until I get blown up and explode. Yes it will explode, because of the engine, and if you were not killed before, you take an automatic Str D hit which would cause most enemy to loose another structure point/ or blow up.

01-01-2011, 04:58 PM
I was told by Macharius to have night-fight.
the option of another weapon seems fair- he did it in the other two fellblades.

01-01-2011, 05:11 PM
I've PMed him to reccommend 4+ cover, not nightfight.;)

01-01-2011, 05:54 PM
He used 2 turrets with smaller shorter ranged weapon, based on the old epic space marine's model for a StormHammer. The rear turret stopped the front turret from having 6400 MILS of rotation (360 degrees to anyone not in or ex military).

The old Storm Hammer would have had range 36 or maybe 48" twin linked Battlecannon in each turret on a modern 40K apoc model of it. You have a huge lancer weapon mounted in your hull/turret (that is confusing, use one or the other), next to a big weapon, the vanquisher mounted in your hull. On the turret you have the massive Corvus cannon, which has shorter range than the Volcano cnnon, and no blast, but ihas a better AP.

You need to choose one main gun, and a smaller hull mounted gun if you use a BaneBlade to base the conversion off, or you need to choose one OMG huge gun and support weapons like a twin hinked heavy bolter on the front hull if you want to use the ShadowSword model as a base to build the conversion.

Try the idea I suggested with the Lance weapon OR the corvus cannon mounted in the hull. Then mount the smaller vanquisher cannon with a co-axial autocannon mounted in a smaller lemun russ turret on the body. Remember many of the things you have been trying to incorporate are Eldar tehcnology. The Imperium keeps tight reigns on using this corrupt type of tech. Adeptus Mechanicus are the exception, and things are relaxed for they who supply/arm the Imperium.

I could desiign a Superheavy with such wierd rules that no opponent could target me from range, or deep strike next to me, and when they weathered the firepower I was sending their way, got in close and wounded my tank, I could heal it by killing off the enemy models, so it would be nigh on invincible. No one would want to play against me.

You should find the cover save is the better option.

Use one main gun in a turret that has rage back up by a smaller hull mounted gun that has short range, or 2 smaller guns that have short/medium range in turrets with no other big guns on the tank, or a massive extra long range gun mounted in the hull with no other big guns, just lascannon, multi-meltas, hvy flamers, hvy bolters or plasma cannons. Tanks can be very cramped inside, even with autoloaders.

01-02-2011, 06:11 AM
I've had a chat with him, and it's probably gonna be on the shadowsword chassis, with baneblade-style vanquisher cannon mounted on the front. The baneblade also has a hull-mounted heavy bolter, something I posted on the rules on another forum site, but forgot to do on here. You don't have two guns, maybe I didn't make it clear- you pay 75pts to replace the corvus with a lancer.
This thing isn't broken- a non-blast AP1 volcano cannon, or a S10 lancer cannon (like BA's blood lance), a vanquisher cannon instead of a demolisher, +1BS for 50pts, some options, and a few sponsons. For
700pts, chances are it'd kill maybe 1 or 2 land raiders and get killed, or maybe a warhound titan.

01-02-2011, 07:23 AM
Post pics of your chaos FELLblade!;)

Nah, for one infected by Slaanesh, a FEElblade sounds perfect

01-02-2011, 08:25 AM
fair enough.:D

01-02-2011, 05:55 PM
Nah, for one infected by Slaanesh, a FEElblade sounds perfect
LOL, love the idea of that. add a few arms growing from the hull and give them daemonette claws, or daggers to spread the pain.

01-02-2011, 06:15 PM
I've had a chat with him, and it's probably gonna be on the shadowsword chassis, with baneblade-style vanquisher cannon mounted on the front. The baneblade also has a hull-mounted heavy bolter, something I posted on the rules on another forum site, but forgot to do on here. You don't have two guns, maybe I didn't make it clear- you pay 75pts to replace the corvus with a lancer.
This thing isn't broken- a non-blast AP1 volcano cannon, or a S10 lancer cannon (like BA's blood lance), a vanquisher cannon instead of a demolisher, +1BS for 50pts, some options, and a few sponsons. For
700pts, chances are it'd kill maybe 1 or 2 land raiders and get killed, or maybe a warhound titan.
Thanks, it was confusing with all the weapons options you quoted, it looked like they were all mounted on the tank.

Well you have chosen the shadowsword as a base, and you also want to include the vanquisher cannon on it as a backup gun. This is where the fun part of conversions comes in. Normally Shadowswords do not get the hull mounted secondary (big) gun that the Baneblade gets, so you need to arrange a way to include it in the model. I would recommend you use a Lemun Russ kit to create a smaller turret for the vanquisher, which is mounted on the top in the same way a Baneblade is setup. This is what I mean:


It would give the tank a personality of its own and that way you have room to include the vanquisher gun.

For the vanquisher, you could make it a multi role gun instead of a dedicated tank killer. You choose which round it will fire each turn. Either a STR 8 AP3 large blast, or the Vanqhuisher anti-tank round. This will give you flexability, and allow the secondary gun to be much more than just a backup anti-tank gun. The enemy will think twice before rushing space marines or other troops in closer without support, and it can rotate fully, so they can not just hide behind you.

Let me know what you think.

01-03-2011, 06:15 AM
Good idea- a turret on a gun...
but then, would it look to precarious and top-heavy?
Can you mock up some photoshop/paint images?
I'll ask him what he think will look best...

01-03-2011, 07:51 AM
Good idea- a turret on a gun...
but then, would it look to precarious and top-heavy?
Can you mock up some photoshop/paint images?
I'll ask him what he think will look best...


These mock up were done quickly with MS Paint. but they give you an idea.

01-03-2011, 09:17 AM
The OP said it wouldn't look right with the LR turret, and recommended having an M3 grant-type thing!!! :p
He says:
vanquisher cannon off to the left (like the pic)
Shadowsword chassis
It all depends if the weapon is deemed powerful enough to warrant a shadowsword mounting. Personally? I don't think the Corvus is, but I think the lancer should be.

01-04-2011, 10:28 AM
I'd like to recommend one with an MLRS style of missile batteries.

I think it would look awesome.

01-04-2011, 11:04 AM
May I suggest starting a separate topic for the rules discussion of the different Fellblades and leaving this one to Machinator's updates?

01-04-2011, 12:22 PM
I'd like to recommend one with an MLRS style of missile batteries.

I think it would look awesome.

Yeah, I think that would be a cool idea too. Now would that be an add on weapon like a Havoc or would it be a super heavy missile launching platform?

Hmmm....or what about a Deathstrike From Hell missile....

Weapon Stats:
Range: Unlimited STR: D AP: 0 Heavy 1, Apocalyptic Nuclear Blast*

* Special Rule: Everything on the tables dies horribly....

01-04-2011, 02:53 PM
Yeah, I think that would be a cool idea too. Now would that be an add on weapon like a Havoc or would it be a super heavy missile launching platform?

Hmmm....or what about a Deathstrike From Hell missile....

Weapon Stats:
Range: Unlimited STR: D AP: 0 Heavy 1, Apocalyptic Nuclear Blast*

* Special Rule: Everything on the tables dies horribly....

Also, 2d6 units from the neighboring table are removed from play (your choice), and your opponent must punch himself in the face.

01-05-2011, 01:18 PM
I would love to see a super-heavy loaded with vortex grenades...
Seriously, a super version of a deathstrike? Apocalypse vortex launcher:
S- AP- Heavy 1, one-shot, vortex*.

*Anything the template touches is removed from play.

01-08-2011, 10:49 AM
OK, finally got around to finishing the machine guns and light cannon and putting them up in the store. Take a look!

The Widowmaker Artillary Cannon with Co-axial Machine Gun:


The Dual Machine Guns:


And the Light Cannon:


01-08-2011, 12:32 PM
Nice! what are the rules for them?

01-30-2011, 10:42 PM
Well I'm finally going to finish my Adepticon project today and can get back to my Fellblades and commissions. But I do have a bit of a teaser. :)

I did have some time a couple of weekends ago to play around with a few ideas and the third one actually stuck. I wanted to give it a real gothic feel so I looked at various gothic arches included a few HO scale catherdral windows but ended up coming back to the Cities of Death pieces. Of course I had to hack them up to get them to fit but it's a start:


I also came up with this for the quad plasma gun blaster (called the plasma storm gun), which takes the place of the TL heavy bolters:


Still lots to do. Also need to come up with a proper name for it. Any ideas?

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-30-2011, 11:17 PM
Looks cool, will be waiting to see its finished version.

How about Titanhammer?

01-31-2011, 04:41 AM
Santuario al Valeroso

Couldn't leave out a lion reference ;) Those arches have my mouth watering. Can't wait to see the rest of it!

01-31-2011, 08:54 AM
Santuario al Valeroso

Couldn't leave out a lion reference ;) Those arches have my mouth watering. Can't wait to see the rest of it!

Yeah I like the latin names and something with Lion in it would be very fitting.

01-31-2011, 10:09 AM

01-31-2011, 02:42 PM

In all seriousness, not so sure, but I'm loving the way it's looking so far.

02-02-2011, 12:12 PM
Legal Maxims are a great way of finding intimidating Latin Phrases. Some of them would look great written on the side of a tank such as "cuius est solum, eius est usque ad coelum et ad infernos" could be used to name one.
Also google translate can turn any phrase into Latin- Rugitis Leonis is the Roar of the Lion. Superbiam Leonis is "the Lions Pride" (pun intended) (pride Leonis is also lion's pride if you prefer, but Superbiam means as in something he is proud of)

(Ive a friend who studied latin and whose personal motto is Ordinem Subvertamus- Latin for F*ck the System.)

02-21-2011, 12:01 AM
That is a pretty sweet tank. Although I would think there would be some plasma cannons somewhere.

02-21-2011, 06:56 AM
Is there going to be a plasma blastgun here?
I love the idea of the arc
hes and the converted "storm plasma gun"

04-03-2011, 02:27 PM
Ugh this project has been going fustratingly slow but I do have an update for today.

I actually have most of the right side done now with much of the detail work added. Like most of this tank its been difficult getting all the pieces to flow together such that everything looks like it belongs as oppose to just having a standard Baneblade with a bunch of stuff glued on it. But it's really starting to look like a cathedral on treads.


Part of the background for this tank was that it was the command vehicle for the Ironwing back in the pre-Hersey days and so I wanted it to bear a unique symbol to show this role just as the Ravenwing and Deathwing have theirs (What is the Ironwing? Think the Ravenwing but with tanks instead of bikes ). After trying a variety of things from a winged mace to crossed swords I ended up combining two of the large vehicle icons together into something that works quite well I think. The added rivets complete the effect by making it look really like an "iron" wing.



04-03-2011, 02:28 PM
Next up was replacing the demolisher cannon with the executioner plasma cannon. This was a lot of work and took a couple of interations to get right but I think it turned out pretty well in the end. And yes, it does move.



04-03-2011, 02:28 PM
Finally for today there is the rear section. Instead of the traditional combustion engine I decided early on that it would be powered by a plasma reactor to help explain why all the weapons are plasma based. The two reactors are from the Pegasus Power Plant:



So there you go. Hopefully the next update isn't too far from now. Until then....

04-03-2011, 02:41 PM
WOW that is amazing!

what are you doing for the turret? a chapel! :P

oh and if you do a word bearers one how about a chapel with a chappy directing righeous hate?!

fantastic work!!



04-03-2011, 03:04 PM
Thanks FB :)

The turret will hopefully be equally decorated with a smaller version of the plasma blastgun.

I like that idea for the Word Bearers....

04-03-2011, 04:08 PM
Awesome as always! Not entirely sure about the fluff, but still sounds more plausible than some of GW stuff. Can't wait to see how the rest of the model progresses.

04-03-2011, 04:33 PM
Genius as always, Glad to see this thread come back.

Did you come up with a name?

04-03-2011, 04:47 PM
this is one of the most impressive conversions/scratch builds I have seen.

I thought the previous Fellblades were amazing, but this is just superior! I am guessing previous experience has paid off for this one.

04-03-2011, 04:49 PM
what is the pegasus power plant?

04-04-2011, 07:06 AM
what is the pegasus power plant?

Pegasus is a company that makes a number of kits for 28mm scale wargames. They have a couple, the Power Plant and the Chemical Plant, that have loads of fun parts to use. Plus they're fairly cheap. Just do a google search on them.

04-09-2011, 09:55 PM
More updates. I actually finished the other side of the tank today:





Hopefully just another weekend or two and it will be ready for paint. Which bring up the next question: Green or Black?

bloodangel 83
04-10-2011, 12:34 AM
Looks good, i would go black with green trim.

04-10-2011, 02:00 AM
or black highlighted with green so that it looks like a really dark green.

04-10-2011, 05:37 AM
I'd go with Bone/White with a very dark green/black trim, kind of like the deathwing. Maybe a quartered pattern?

Any idea for a name yet?

04-10-2011, 06:15 AM
Any idea for a name yet?

Yep, Angelus Redemptor!

04-11-2011, 11:57 AM
This Fellblade isn't mine but is an awesome Alpha Legion conversion from Joey over at Apocalypse40K.com (another great site) using the Tank Mega Pack.

I'd hate to be staring across the table at that thing during the shooting phase :)




Great work Joey!

04-11-2011, 01:02 PM
What is the 'Tank Mega pack'?

And, of it doesn't refer to those turrets, any idea where they are from?


04-11-2011, 01:54 PM
What is the 'Tank Mega pack'?

And, of it doesn't refer to those turrets, any idea where they are from?


Sorry, should have mentioned that :)


The turrets are also available seperately in my eBay store.


04-11-2011, 02:57 PM
For the benefit of the court, this was not a setup so Machinator could get a good plug in, I walked into his Ambush like a proper Whiteshield!

Nice parts though fella, thanks for the link.

04-11-2011, 03:13 PM
what will the almighty machinator make to make the above tank look like a rhino?

a tank that shoots tanks?! or in the spirit of the AL a tank pretending to be a impertiator titan ?

04-11-2011, 03:13 PM
loving those oppressor pattern tracks, they are evil as hell!! or worse, the warp!!

i'm loving how this thread is pretty much a mech adept's wet dream, its Mars' Forgeworks in the BOLS lounge

Drew da Destroya
04-12-2011, 09:08 AM
what will the almighty machinator make to make the above tank look like a rhino?

a tank that shoots tanks?! or in the spirit of the AL a tank pretending to be a impertiator titan ?

No... it'll be an Imperitor Titan disguised as the Emperor.

04-12-2011, 09:23 AM
I don't know, I kind of like the idea of a tank that shoots tanks....

04-12-2011, 02:45 PM
what will the almighty machinator make to make the above tank look like a rhino?
a tank that shoots tanks?! or in the spirit of the AL a tank pretending to be a impertiator titan ?

Everyone knows that all the Fellblades were lost during the heresy, right?
And people tend to not see what cannot be there, so I guess they could hide it in plain sight.

"say, sarge; is that an Alpha Legion Fellblade parked over there?"
"are you drunk, trooper? everybody knows there are no Fellblades in existence for aeons!"
"right you are sarge. must 'ave seen something else"

05-21-2011, 08:06 PM
Finally got around to updating the my datasheets for the Fellblade variants. I added a few suggestion along with some new ideas. Also they're on a site that everyone should have free access to. Tell me what you think:

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwtHo3MTNiIBZGNhYjgzYWMtYWRkOS00Nzk1LTkyMWI tNGZiM2M4N2I5MGM3&hl=en_US

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwtHo3MTNiIBMDVlYzU0OGQtMWUzYS00MzBiLThhOTc tMTlmNDlhNzlmOTNl&hl=en_US

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwtHo3MTNiIBNzk5ZGMyZTUtNjhhMy00ZmEzLWJlODE tYjQ2ZDhkMmViMDIw&hl=en_US

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwtHo3MTNiIBZWNlOWU4ZTMtMjM0NS00YTU0LTg4ZDQ tOGJmNmJiZWRjMzFl&hl=en_US

05-22-2011, 03:00 AM
nice! the only thing im not soo fond of is the creation of loads of new guns, just making the siegebreaker gun a TL battlecannon would be better IHMO!

05-22-2011, 07:44 AM
nice! the only thing im not soo fond of is the creation of loads of new guns, just making the siegebreaker gun a TL battlecannon would be better IHMO!

Thanks FB.

Nah, a TL battlecannon would be far too weak for this tihing. In actually the Warmaul uses side-by-side medusa siege cannons, which I think are very appropriate. The only difference is that they're Heavy 2 for the pair as oppose to being TL.

The rest are just tweeks of current weapons that made them more inline for the Fellblade.

06-26-2011, 04:09 PM
from dakkadakka, your whiney girlfriend- WHY DON'T YOU CALL?!

AKA your thread's dead and I was wondering why.;)

06-26-2011, 09:14 PM
from dakkadakka, your whiney girlfriend- WHY DON'T YOU CALL?!

AKA your thread's dead and I was wondering why.;)

Sorry Shrike, just been buried under commissions for the past few months. I need to get those out the door first before I can start working on my own stuff :)

Hopefully by mid summer I can get back to work on Angelus Redemptor. Have big plans for the Space Wolf Felllblades (yes, plural) after it....

Drew da Destroya
06-26-2011, 10:02 PM
Am I hearing Freki and Geri Fellblades?

Relatedly (which I've decided is a word), I think a 13th Company Fellblade might be cool... half-rebuilt with looted Chaos parts. For waaaaaay after this current project!

06-27-2011, 02:43 AM
Awwww :( I got all excited that there might be some more fellblade love. Oh well. Keep up the good work.

06-27-2011, 06:14 AM
I can't wait to see the fellblades completed, such amazing work, wow my conversions seem so insignificant now...:(

bloodangel 83
07-27-2011, 02:51 PM
Nice work, got a couple quick questions, how do you attach your bolters to your turrets? I plan to start my Baneblade sometime soon and want to come close to your as possible using your kits. Second question is will the frag luanchers off of LRC's fit over the treads or will they have to be reworked to fit above or behind the treads? Thanks and keep up the great work. BA83

07-28-2011, 08:26 AM
First, everyone I want to apologize for the lack of updates. Fortunately for me and unfortunate for the rest you I've been buried under commissions so far this year so I haven't had the time to work on these beasts. However, I hope to be caught up by the end of summer and plan to have not only the Dark Angels Fellblade complete but two Space Wolf ones. Just keep your fingers crossed :)

Nice work, got a couple quick questions, how do you attach your bolters to your turrets? I plan to start my Baneblade sometime soon and want to come close to your as possible using your kits. Second question is will the frag luanchers off of LRC's fit over the treads or will they have to be reworked to fit above or behind the treads? Thanks and keep up the great work. BA83

Thanks BA83 :) I use the baneblade heavy bolters on the turrets but cut them in two right down the middle of the side mounting post. Then they fit very well onto the turret mount.

The LR frag launchers might be a little narrow but that's easily remedied. If you widen them to an inch wide they'll fit right down where the front track cover usually goes. Hmmm, that gives me some ideas....

bloodangel 83
07-28-2011, 03:15 PM
Thank you and your welcome.

07-29-2011, 12:02 AM
you allready did imperial fists so all is for given :)

11-28-2011, 11:53 AM
More Fellblade love!
Dark Angels Fellblade, built by yours truly and painted by Marw at the Apocalypse40K forum.


11-28-2011, 11:54 AM

I'll post the Alpha Legion Fellblade when we've painted it. Don't hold your breaths, but it'll be ready for The Big Game in January.


11-28-2011, 12:23 PM
Thanks for posting the pics Buggrit. It truly is beautiful.

11-28-2011, 05:21 PM
Must. Not. Drool on laptop...

I love the arches on the front track guards, along with the rest of the iconography. The main Plasma Cannon looks a little blocky for me, but I think that is a personnal thing more than a legitimate fault.

Paint job is superb as well :)

11-28-2011, 07:43 PM
Obscurely i like the arches as well as an aesthetic, although as a functional thing...

11-29-2011, 12:38 AM
Hubba hubba! 200 tons of dead sexiness, yeah baby, yeah!

11-29-2011, 09:17 AM
Finally got around to updating the my datasheets for the Fellblade variants. I added a few suggestion along with some new ideas. Also they're on a site that everyone should have free access to. Tell me what you think:

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwtHo3MTNiIBZGNhYjgzYWMtYWRkOS00Nzk1LTkyMWI tNGZiM2M4N2I5MGM3&hl=en_US

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwtHo3MTNiIBMDVlYzU0OGQtMWUzYS00MzBiLThhOTc tMTlmNDlhNzlmOTNl&hl=en_US

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwtHo3MTNiIBNzk5ZGMyZTUtNjhhMy00ZmEzLWJlODE tYjQ2ZDhkMmViMDIw&hl=en_US

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwtHo3MTNiIBZWNlOWU4ZTMtMjM0NS00YTU0LTg4ZDQ tOGJmNmJiZWRjMzFl&hl=en_US

On the Warmaul, it allows the option to replace a side panel with a sponson for 120 points. Can this thing have three sponson weapons?

11-29-2011, 04:33 PM
Absolutely loving these fellblades especially the blood angels one! Good work fella!!

12-03-2011, 02:54 AM
still waiting for the Space Wolves one

12-03-2011, 05:36 AM
On the Warmaul, it allows the option to replace a side panel with a sponson for 120 points. Can this thing have three sponson weapons?

Heavens no! :) You can just get one extra set for a total of four (two each side), just like the Baneblade.

I know I've said this before but I promise there will be updates this month. The commissions are nearly out of the way and the assault speeders are almost in production so it's time to get back to my babies.

Plus this month I have to build a Falchion for a client. For those who don't know a Falchion is the Space Marine equivalent of the Shadowsword. Should be a fun build :)

12-17-2011, 06:07 PM
Time is a funny thing, you think you have plenty of it but when you start to use it the minutes quickly run out. For those of you following this thread this has been the case for a very long time, but no longer. Finally, after many months away and repeated broken promises of "I'll get to it next month" the moment you've been waiting for is here.


Unfortunately it's not about the Dark Angel Fellblade, but I do have a few new surprises. The first is I've gone back and fixed up the Widowmaker Cannon (it was a little crooked):


I know, boring we've seen that before. But now it has a big brother. Presenting the Kingslayer Cannon:



As you can see this is one big gun with a huge suppressor on it. This will soon be available both as a dual cannon set and as coaxial weapon.

But there's more....

12-17-2011, 06:07 PM
One of the items people have been waiting for is a heavy laser cannon. Well your wait is almost over for here is the Sunfire Laser Cannon:



Here they are all together:


Now I wanted to come up with a few new accessories to go with the DA Fellblade as I pictured it as a plasma powered engine of death. That means the fuel tanks are now obsolete and would need something to take their place. Plus my current Tank Engines would also need upgrading. While I have not started on the latter the former is well underway, but still a WIP. I present to you the Tank Dynamo:


Next week will also bring another treat. I will begin commission work on a Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Falchion. What's a Falchion you say? It's the Space Marine equivalent of the Shadowsword.

As always, stay tuned....

12-18-2011, 03:07 AM
...okay, screw the loyalists sideways. My Iron Warriors HAVE to get their hands on those Plasma Fellblades. the hull-mounted executioner on the one you're making with the badass turret and TL Plasma cannon sponsons os the second one...put the "sun" in the Iron Suns (my IW warband)! XD

12-18-2011, 09:55 AM
Are the trapezoidal shapes sprue? If so, ingenious and love the tear-drop shapes, are they two different sized holes then sliced between the two?

12-18-2011, 10:56 AM
Are the trapezoidal shapes sprue? If so, ingenious and love the tear-drop shapes, are they two different sized holes then sliced between the two?

Yep :) Sprues are great for making gear teeth or for any other project where you need a trapezoidal shape.

For the face on the Tank Dynamo I made the design on a 2D CAD program using an array of 1/8 and 1/16 inch diameter holes. I then printed out the design and glued it to a 0.030 inch thick sheet of plastic with a glue stick. Then I used my 1/8 and 1/16 inch hole punch to punch out the holes and then cut the material out inbetween with an Xacto knife. I glued another 0.030 in thick plastic disc behind it and punch it again with the 1/8 hole punch to add another layer.

Very time consuming but the results are good.

12-18-2011, 07:52 PM
Any thoughts on a World Eaters fellblade? Would they still have them functional it 40K? Would it have something like a dethroller? My imagination is doing things right now...

12-19-2011, 09:14 AM
Any thoughts on a World Eaters fellblade? Would they still have them functional it 40K? Would it have something like a dethroller? My imagination is doing things right now...

I would guess that most of their Heresy era Fellblades would have already been pulled into the warp and made into Tower of Skulls, Doomblasters, Cauldrons of Blood, and the like.

However, I do have an idea for a Khornate super-heavy transport called the Corpsegrinder. Basically it would be much like the Stormlord but with a giant snowblower up front. Hopefully I can fit this project in next year ;)

12-19-2011, 11:57 AM
So tell me, when your done with all the silly loyalists, are ya gonna tyr something cool, like the Traitor Legions ones? A Death Guard one would be epic, and an Iron Warrios one would simply be beyond awesome (and huge!).

12-19-2011, 12:45 PM
So tell me, when your done with all the silly loyalists, are ya gonna tyr something cool, like the Traitor Legions ones? A Death Guard one would be epic, and an Iron Warrios one would simply be beyond awesome (and huge!).

Oh yes...at a bear minimum there will be a Death Guard Plaguereaper and an Iron Warriors Fellblade. They will be the Fellblades of Infamy :eek:

12-19-2011, 03:11 PM
Oh yes...at a bare minimum there will be a Death Guard Plaguereaper and an Iron Warriors Fellblade. They will be the Fellblades of Infamy :eek:

Just a Plaguereaper? C'mon, get creative! :P And the IW one is the one I'm really looking forward to do; can you say "Boom-boom"? :D

12-22-2011, 07:49 PM
I was thinking the Iron Warriors might have a very low down hull mounted melta-battering ram type thing whilst the upper deck would be heavily armoured troop carrier making it as a sort of mobile fortification. Still seige- like and still very different to the Fists.

12-28-2011, 12:08 AM
First off, happy holiday to everyone! I hope Santa Claws was generous with all his toys of war and that everyone is now itching to start a fight :)

Today I have a couple of updates which I hope will be the first of many this week. So here we go....

The Tank Dyno is now complete and in the process of getting the mold cast. I'm fairly happy how this turned out and it should be a nice addition not only to a tank but also as a terrain piece:




12-28-2011, 12:08 AM
Now onto the next big project: The pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Falchion! As you can see there's still quite a bit of work to do but it's off to a good start. As many of you know I like to do more than just glue Space Marine bits onto a Baneblade kit (or a Shadowsword in this case) and call it a Fellblade.





Using a couple of drawing from the 80's as inspiration I completely redid the main chassis weapon mount into more of a pentagon shape that sits a little lower in the hull. Also instead of using the Shadowsword main cannon I took some pieces from the Pegasus Powerplant kit to come up with something more unique. I plan to make the barrel a little longer and thinner but an still pondering what end to use on it. The original art work has a dragon's head at the end of the volcano cannon but I don't think that look matches the rest of the tank. Any ideas?

bloodangel 83
12-28-2011, 04:38 PM
The Thousand Sons tank looks like your off to a get start. I have followed this post for a while and i admire your skill. Keep up the great work. BA83

12-29-2011, 01:22 AM
Work on the Eye of Magnus continues. I cleaned up the hull, added the top, and began filling in the details. The volcano cannon is nearly done. I ended up doing a simpler tip to the cannon as it's what the customer wanted. Also I decided to go with a round side sponson as the lascannons weren't needed (the datasheet the customer is using does not include them). They be capped off with my Light Turrets with TL heavy bolters installed. I made a targetting array for the top of the hull but I'm not sure I like it. The object was to make it look like a cyclopean eye but I'm not sure this captures it.




Also finished were the side skirts complete with archaic runes (I found some angellic script that works quite nicely). The top one says "The Eye of Magnus" and the bottom "The Thousand Sons." Once the green stuff cures I'll carve in some detail to make them look a bit older.


12-30-2011, 12:50 PM
The following items are now available!

The Kingslayer Artillery Cannon set:


The Kingslayer Artillery Cannons with Co-axial Machine Gun:


The Sunfire Heavy Laser Cannon set:


and lastly, the Tank Dynamo:


Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-30-2011, 05:16 PM
The Tank Dynamo, where does that fit on the BaneBlades?? do you have a picture where they sit please??
Am thinking of re-building my Sister of Battle baneblade i converted soon.

12-30-2011, 08:28 PM
The Tank Dynamo, where does that fit on the BaneBlades?? do you have a picture where they sit please??
Am thinking of re-building my Sister of Battle baneblade i converted soon.

I'll have pics up later today but it mounts where the fuel tanks go. Basically they're there to look like giant generators for the laser weapons.

12-31-2011, 03:25 PM
Well it's been a long few days but now it's finished! (My part any way). So here it is in all its pre-Heresy Space Marine-y goodness:





12-31-2011, 03:26 PM

And some close-ups (Yeah I know, the scarabs are missing legs. They'll have to be painted on ):




So now it's off to the customer for paint. Hopefully we can get some painted pics up soon.

01-01-2012, 09:14 AM
Awesome, having just read A Thousand Sons this is a really cool timely new Fellblade.

01-12-2012, 09:09 PM
Well the customer has finished painting up his new Falchion and it looks great!

So behold the Eye of Magnus!





01-13-2012, 08:58 AM
I really like the mottled effect on the red! Any idea how he/she did that?

01-13-2012, 09:16 AM
I really like the mottled effect on the red! Any idea how he/she did that?

Check out his site here: http://mordian7th.blogspot.com/

I believe he explains how he did his red.